Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Day Nine -- Post some words of wisdom that speak to you

The power behind words is often misunderstood or even not noticed. But many incredible things can be relayed via word – written, spoken or even sung. On any given day, we will run across a quote or something that may cause us to pause and cycle the statement over in our minds. Some quotes that we read or hear may even end up staying with us for a lifetime.

One of my most favorite quotes, and one I consider a ‘word of wisdom’, was made by legendary women’s basketball coach, Kay Yow. As she battled cancer for many years, she held true to her faith and never wavered. A statement she made has impacted many around the world and continues to be relayed even after her passing in 2009. It is as follows: “When life kicks you, let it kick you forward.”

Such a simple yet such a profound statement! We are all going to get kicked or have moments when we fall down or feel as if we are at our lowest. We have two choices: get knocked down and stay down and just dwell in the darkness OR get knocked down and pick yourself back up. No, it may not be a complete bounce-back recovery that happens overnight, but gradually, if you start to pick up the pieces, you can climb back. When we get knocked down, don’t give up! Don’t ever lose the fight. Dig deep within and know that you can face whatever you are facing. Let whatever situation it was that caused you to fall into the abyss, allow that situation to be a stepping stone in your life. Take one baby step and keep pushing forward. Let that moment be a changing point in your life. As hard as it may seem, good things can come out of dark trials. Somewhere along the way, someone has either faced what you are facing or there is someone, somewhere who is facing something much worse.

I was always so amazed by Coach Yow. She battled cancer for over 20 years with numerous re occurrences of the dreaded disease. But yet, she didn’t give up. She kept pushing forward. She may have not felt like coaching, but she continued for as long as she physically could. She motivated, and still motivates, countless numbers of individuals from players, coaches, fans and just anyone in general. Her motivation and determination to fight her battle with cancer gave hope to many others who are battling the same disease to not give up and keep fighting forward. That same thing can be applied to our lives, as well. Don’t give up on whatever battle you are facing. Sure, the battle may be tough at times, but just keep pushing forward. It’s okay to have your down moments, but don’t get stuck in the rut or your tires will keep on spinning. Put it in four-wheel drive and push through the mud and head onward.

May Coach Yow’s words of wisdom live on for many, many more years to come!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Day Eight -- Share something you struggle with

As living breathing human beings, in our lifetime we will all face something that we are going to struggle with.  That is just human nature.  Sadly, to break some of your hearts, no one is perfect, so we are all going to have our faults and face periods of times where we struggle.  People may have simple struggles to face while others face larger scale ongoing struggles.  We never know what each other may be facing on a day-to-day basis, but needless to say, we will all face something.

I know for me, I constantly struggle with many things.  For instance, I am one of the biggest worry-warts on the planet.  I will worry over the pettiest things that I really should not even give a second thought to.  It is something I have probably struggled with off and on my entire life. Sure, I give myself pep-talks and try to encourage myself to let things go and not fret over it, but that is much easier said than done.  Worrying is a constant struggle that does more harm than good.  It causes all sorts of additional side-effects that can even be hazardous to our health.  It is something I am constantly trying to reign in, and in hopes of one day overcoming that struggle.  

In the past, I used to struggle with self-esteem and constantly worry over how I looked.  I would have to have a purse, shoes, and jewelry to match whatever outfit I wore.  I could not leave the house without any make-up on or without looking nice.  As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come realize it really doesn’t matter.  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and in reality, it is what’s on the inside that should really matter.  I’m not saying I still don’t try to look nice and occasionally wonder if some of my outfits match or look decent, but I’ve gained more self-confidence in trying to not let that bother me.  If people don’t like what I wear, then that’s their problem and not mine.  So, that’s one struggle that I have managed to work on more successfully, although occasionally, I still do have a few slip-ups here and there. 

No matter what you are struggling with in life, just know that you are not alone in your journey.  We are all facing something and more than likely someone somewhere is facing the same thing that you are.  Find a good friend or someone you trust and open up to them and confide in them with your struggles.  Sometimes talking things through with a trusted confidant can really help you overcome your struggle.  You never know what each other is struggling with, so treat each other with respect and kindness as it may be beneficial for them and you may never know how it may even impact your own life!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Day Seven: List 10 songs that you're loving right now.

Music, music, music – one of the things that I absolutely love and cannot live without!   Nearly anytime of the day, somehow or somewhere, there is music playing near me: in my car as I drive to and from work, in my earbuds as I sit in my office cube working hard daily, in my stereos or speakers throughout the house.  I just love, absolutely love music.  I don’t have one particular favorite genre of music, so looking throughout my playlists offers you a mixed barrage of anything you can imagine.   I say all that to say that when you see my list of songs that I am loving right now, they may be a mixture of all sorts of genres and decades.  Don’t hold it against me, as I said, I just love music!  And, these are in no particular order whatsoever! 

  1.  Hello by Adele – I am a huge Adele fan, so I was thrilled when she released her latest album “25” and of course, the debut single off that album is the incredible song Hello.  Adele has such a powerful and recognizable voice.  There are not many of her songs that I actually don’t like.  Hello is another of her greatest songs and it is definitely one that I am absolutely loving right now! 
  2. Feels Like Home by Chantal Kreviazuk – Some of you are probably saying by WHO?  Yes, I honestly, don’t know much about this artist (aside from the fact that she is from Canada), but the first time I heard this song and her soothing, melancholy voice, I was just entranced and immediately downloaded it on my iTunes!
  3.  Queenie Eye by Paul McCartney – Y’all know any music list wouldn’t be complete if Paul McCartney or The Beatles were not included in some way!  Even though it’s been over a year since I saw him perform this song live in concert, I am still addicted to Queenie Eye off of his 2013 album “New”.  I don’t know what it is about the song – from the beat to the song itself, I just find it a highly energetic song and one that I genuinely adore!
  4. I’m Shipping up to Boston by Dropkick Murphys – To be quite honest, I have no idea what in the world the words are in the song (maybe I need to look that up, ha!) but the Celtic, Irish background music is what I absolutely love the most.  The beat and classic Irish rock is just so fast-moving, it makes me alert and want to keep moving.   Maybe once I learn the words (if they are appropriate, ha!), I will enjoy it a little more.  But for now, I’ll keep jumping around to the Irish beat!
  5. Coat of Many Colors by Dolly Parton – The legendary Dolly Parton has to be one of the greatest entertainers of all time, as her music is so true to her roots and her heart.  Her song Coat of Many Colors is such a touching song as it depicts how something so simple held such value to her and her family.  The TV movie about this that aired December 10, 2015, was just so touching.  What an inspiration she is!  Dream big and you can achieve it!  
  6. If Heartaches Had Wings by Rhonda Vincent – No list would be complete without something from the Queen of Bluegrass Music, Rhonda Vincent.  She is one of a handful of people that I could listen to constantly because she has one of those voices that I just love listening to.  I absolutely love her song If Heartaches Had Wings.  If you listen to the lyrics, it is such a powerful song, and Rhonda is the perfect choice to sing this incredible song with her amazing voice!
  7. 10,000 Reasons by Matt Redman – Wow!  What a wonderful praise song!  We have beyond 10,000 reasons to worship and celebrate our wonderful Lord.  I just absolutely love this song.  I don’t think I could ever get tired of singing it.  It is humbling because it makes you realize how thankful we really should be!  We have so many, many things to rejoice over!  Bless His name!
  8. Informer by Snow – Okay, yes, this may be one of the craziest songs I add to my list because I honestly have no idea what in the world Snow is even saying.  When I first arrived in Canada this summer, this was the first song I heard playing on the bus as we travelled from the airport in to the city.  The beat of Informer literally wants to make you constantly be on the move.
  9.  O, Canada by Daylight for Deadeyes – Yes, this might be another bizarre entry because it is the Canadian national anthem, however the Canadian Rock group, Daylight for Deadeyes, did an amazing rendition (both in English and French) of O, Canada.  Most of the time we hear national anthems performed, they are usually done very slowly or performed by an orchestra or marching band.  Well, Daylight for Deadeyes, did a smashing, upbeat rendition of O, Canada and I could literally listen to it all day long
  10.  It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year by Andy Williams – Yes, I am loving this song and not because it is nearly time for Christmas!  I listen to Christmas music all year long, but this is by far one of my favorite Christmas songs.  I think Andy Williams has one of the greatest voices of all-time and by far it is so perfect on this song.  Do make this the most wonderful time of the year and keep your music going 24/7/365 (well, 366 for 2016!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Day Six -- Write about one of your favorite TV shows & why you started watching it.

If you take one look at my collection of DVDs, you will see that I have a wide variety of TV shows on DVD.  Some are complete collections, while others are just a collection of the seasons that I preferred of the show.  While I have many TV shows on DVD, to be honest, there is not a current TV show that I am really addicted to.  I often find myself watching re-runs of older TV shows on satellite rather than watching some of the newer shows.  Lately, I’ve even started re-watching some of my favorites in complete episode order, and it is amazing some of the things you pick up on that you may have missed before.  Since I am currently in the midst of re-watching one of my all-time favorite shows that is the one I will choose to write on for this entry: 

The X-Files

The X-Files has to be one of the greatest TV shows of all time.  Starring David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson as FBI Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully, The X-Files takes viewers into a world of the unknown.  Intertwining the unknown and possibilities of alternative lifeforms, along with the high probability of governmental conspiracies, Mulder and Scully are the sole two members of the FBI that delve into the unusual and paranormal cases plaguing the nation. 

To be honest, I detested The X-Files when it first aired on FOX back in the early 1990s.  My Mother actually was the one who did not miss an episode, but I myself would turn it off and ignore the show.  At one point, I decided to sit down and watch the show completely through, and I ended up getting hooked.  In some sort of ironic twist of fate, I got hooked on the show and my Mom ended up tuning out.  Most of my friends did not enjoy the show, but that didn’t stop me, as I was determined to prove that “The Truth Is Out There”. 

The X-Files is one of those shows that some people will immediately dismiss as hokey because of the speculative topics of some episodes.  But, to me, I found that the show really opened up my mind to explore the possibilities of governmental conspiracies and many other things.  It in no way impacted my beliefs at all, but it is a thought provoking show that can challenge you to think outside of the box.  While I don’t believe in E.B.E.’s (that’s extraterrestrial biological entities, if you are curious!) or really believe in UFOs, some of the other episodes that delved into other mysteries and abilities of individuals, really made me ponder what all does go on in our world that we may or may not even be aware of. 

The X-Files had a very lengthy nine years exploring the phenomena’s of the world before it went off the air in the early 2000s.  Fortunately, there have been several subsequent movies that keep our minds speculating about the world that surrounds us.  And in an amazing turn of events, in early 2016, The X-Files will return to FOX for a few brand-new episodes.  To say that I am excited, is a complete understatement!  I cannot even wait for the return of Mulder and Scully.  Of course, I have so many unanswered questions that I hope we get some clarification of, but even if we don’t, just to have Mulder and Scully back in our homes on the small screen for a few episodes will be an amazing way to start off the new year! 

No matter whether you are a fan of The X-Files or not, the truth is out there! 

Monday, December 7, 2015

Day Five -- List five places you want to visit

One of my passions in life is travelling.  Most of my travelling has been done within the United States of America, which is just as enjoyable to me as travelling abroad as there are so many sights to see within our beautiful country.  That being said, I’ve had the privilege to visit The Bahamas and Canada to take in some of the sights there, as well.  To me, it doesn’t always matter so much where I am going, as much as what all I might see and be able to learn along the way.  Some of the best places I have visited have not always been planned trips, but random spur-of-the moment or off-the-beaten-path adventures.  So, as much as I like to travel, there are many places that I would like to see that I have not seen presently. Therefore to narrow down to five places that I want to visit exclusively will be a tough decision.  So, I have decided that I will choose the five that pop in to my head at this present moment in time in no particular order!


There is something about the city of London that just beckons me across the pond.  Maybe because so much of my ancestral lineage is from the London and the United Kingdom areas in general, but no matter what the ultimate reason, London has always been one place that I would like to visit.  I’ve always wanted to see Buckingham Palace in person, ride on the Underground or a double-decker bus, see Big Ben & the London Bridge (you know, I’ve got to see if it’s really falling down or not, ha!) and the many other “touristy” sites that the abundant city holds.  While all of those sites are exciting just to think about, I personally think that I would be pacified waltzing up and down the streets listening to the glorious English accents that I just love so dearly. 


The hills are literally alive with “The Sound of Music” and that is the primary reason I want to visit Salzburg, Austria.  As many of you know, I have adored “The Sound of Music” my entire life.  I recently was able to see the Broadway play, in addition to celebrating the 50th anniversary of the movie all year long, and it has awaked the fire deep within to trek to Austria to take in the filming locations of the greatest movie of all time.  To see the gazebo, the church of the amazing wedding, the abbey, and the city where Maria paraded the children all throughout singing “Do-Re-Mi”, yes, I would be ever so tempted to do that myself!  Taking in the official Sound of Music tour, might just set me over the edge.  But it would be an absolute dream come true!


No real particular reason as to why I want to visit the great Irish country.  It is just a place that I have heard some of my relatives talk about from their times spent there, and it made me want to go visit there, as well.  I actually find the idea of being chased by sheep through a green pasture to be quite riveting and exhilarating.  Alongside the English accents, the Irish accents are also quite enamoring.  I could just sit all day and listen to them tell folklore or listen to the melodious Celtic music.  I would love to visit some of the great Irish churches and castles, as well.  It just seems like such a magical and mystical place to explore!

Call me crazy, but I’m on a Canadian kick!  If it didn’t get so flipping cold up in the “North State”, I could easily see myself relocating to Canada.  I was enthralled when visiting Montréal recently, so I definitely want to go back to Canada.  While I would love to visit Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary and many other areas within the massive country, I think the next stop on my journey would be the capital city of Ottawa.  I enjoy river cities and Ottawa sits along the banks of the Ottawa River, but it is also another “older” city.  “Older” cities are appealing to me as I just enjoy gazing at the architectural design that each city encapsulates. Especially exciting would be to see the great Parliament Hall, especially on Canada Day!  Maybe I can finally get to sing “O, Canada” while in the country on its national holiday!  But if not, I’ll settle for a trek to Canada on any day and maybe I can finally see a Mountie, eh?!


Italy has never been a “must” visit place for me, but as I’ve gotten older, the more I realize that Rome would be a location that I wouldn’t mind visiting.  So much of the world’s history evolved from the pronounced Roman Empire and so much of the history itself came from within the city of Rome.  I would love to see so many of the incredibly preserved sites within that city, including the Colosseum.  I can just imagine there sheer beauty of the city in itself, and just thinking of the variety of food options practically has me salivating as I pen this entry!  I think it would be a very unique experience to visit Rome and then take a trek up to Venice to ride a gondola down one of the canals!

Well, there you have it, the five places I would like to visit as this present moment.  More than likely, some other location will pop in to my head shortly after I publish this post and make me wish I had included it.  We have been blessed with an amazing world to live in and enjoy.  Try to take some time and explore the beauty that surrounds, even if it is just a short drive from your own home place. Try not to take what we have for granted and just enjoy the blessings that we have been given!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Day Four -- Write about someone who inspires you.

Mercy me!  I did this 30 day writing challenge opposed to doing a 30 day photo challenge on Instagram, and now I’m having second thoughts on whether I should’ve stuck with the photo challenge as these writing challenges are actually quite tough! 

An inspiring person – oh goodness!  Where do I even begin?  There are so, so many people that I could write about who have inspired me in so many various ways.  So, it is going to be near impossible to try to narrow that down to just one person, as I certainly don’t want to leave anyone out or make anyone have hurt feelings that they didn’t get included.   But, I did some pondering on this overnight and have decided on who I wanted to write this post in dedication to – my Grandma. 

My Grandma, Blannie Baker, was one of the most humble and caring people that God has ever placed on this planet, and I don’t say that just because she was my grandmother!   She was born in rural Harnett County, North Carolina, in the early 1920s.  Her family was not wealthy at all, and to some degree by tracing her ancestry, you might even say that her family tree was very mixed up!   She didn’t obtain much of an education (maybe the 8th grade is a far as she went), but she was one of the smartest women that I ever knew.  There was not much that she could not do. 

She married my Grandpa, Charlie W. Baker, at a very young age, and together they had six children – five boys and one girl, my Mom.   My Grandma had a lot of responsibilities placed upon her.  She had to care for and feed her six children amidst working in the tobacco fields and countless other tasks around the farms which the family relocated to and from quite frequently along with keeping her house in tip-top shape.  But through it all, she always remained calm and dedicated to her family never waving in any tasks that were placed in her path. 

There was not much my Grandma could not do.  She was an amazing cook, she always kept her house very clean, she made quilts for each of her family members, she always sacrificed what little income she had to make sure each of her children, in-laws and grandchildren were given birthday and Christmas presents from her.  She was a devoted wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother.  She loved having all of her family get together for various holidays or just anytime they wanted to come over, she always welcomed them with open arms.  Grandma may not have had much education, but she taught my Grandpa how to read and she had more book-sense than some of the smartest people out there today.  She loved going to church and was so faithful in her relationship with the Lord. 

As the years went by and as the family continued to grow, Grandma was always the glue that held us all together.  When we all would get together for a holiday, it sometimes felt the house might bust its seams as there were so many of us.  Grandma would often be sitting in her recliner just quietly twiddling her thumbs but she was always smiling.  She was so content.  The grandchildren might have been destroying the house or making tons of noise, but she always sat there so patiently and never complained.  She was not a woman of many words, as she was a very quiet, behind-the-scenes type.  But her humble and caring spirit touched many lives.

In the late 1990s, Grandma started to get sick.  She had been sick off and on her entire life, and suffered constant battles with pneumonia or some type of respiratory sickness.  Many trips to doctors revealed that her kidneys were not in good shape (very similar to her own mothers).  She ended up going on dialysis and was in and out of the hospital repeatedly.  Throughout all of her journeys and constant trips to the hospital with prolonged stays in ICU and then in the rehabilitation centers, all to do a cycle and repeat these same steps, she never complained nor really got upset.  She always seemed to be at a completely peace. 

I remember several times visiting her in the hospital when they kept misdiagnosing her with so many diseases.  One time they wanted us to put on a full gown, mask, gloves, etc. because they thought she had tuberculosis.  I didn’t believe it.  There was no way she had that, so I refused to wear the required “attire” to enter her hospital room.  Plus, I didn’t think it was fair that she had to see her family all “protected” to visit her.  While I’ll never know if she even noticed that, I felt good inside that I wasn’t afraid of whatever disease she may or may not have had.  She was my Grandma and I would love her even if I caught the same thing!  Sadly, my Grandma ended up passing away during one of her extended hospital stays.  They ended up discovering that rather than having tuberculosis or pneumonia, she likely had cancer in her kidneys and lungs.  What a devastating blow to the entire family!  

I was a senior in high school when my Grandma passed away.  I ended up losing both of my grandmothers during my senior year in high school.  It was definitely a tough thing to endure at such a young age.  However, even as a teenager, my Grandma’s life greatly touched me.  I wish many times I had been able to spend more time with her or have her here still with me today.  She inspired me that no matter how much pain she was in, no matter how sick she was or how bad she felt, she never complained.  She kept going.  She kept God first and then her family.  She loved and cared for everyone.  Ironically, the day she passed, while she was in a comatose state, it seemed she waited until each family member had come and visited her, and once the last one arrived, she made her exit to her eternal home where she is no longer suffering. 

Her life inspired me that I need to watch my complaining.  Yes, it’s something we all do and will do, it is nature, but I need to keep a check on it.  I need to try to be more humble and caring.  I need to be less selfish and focus more on others. I obviously will never be able to cook like her, but there are many of her ways that I need to implement in my own life.  What a legacy my Grandma left for her entire family!  A legacy that will be hard to ever match.  I miss her daily, but am so glad that I know that I have the opportunity to see her again in Glory!   I love you, Grandma!

Monday, November 30, 2015

Day Three -- What are your top three pet peeves?

Oh! Pet Peeves, how we loathe thee, ha!   It never fails, we all have something that drives us absolutely insane, and more than likely, we would classify that upon our annoying pet peeves list.   But what is an actual “Pet Peeve?”   Well, according to the lovely Google, a pet peeve is defined as: “something that a particular person finds especially annoying”.  Bingo!  That’s what I was stating above.  Google and Webster’s Dictionary both provide us with two examples of people’s Pet Peeves: “one of my biggest pet peeves is poor customer service” and “one of my biggest pet peeves is people driving too slowly on the highway.”   I completely agree with both of those two assessments of pet peeves as poor customer service is a major turn-off and slow drivers just drive me absolutely insane (voila, I got behind one this morning and I was having a hissy-fit!)

While those are two pet peeves that do drive me batty, today’s topic is asking me to list my top three pet peeves.  Well, as with most things in my life, my lists could change on a moment-by-moment’s notice.  So, we will just go with what pops in my head at this present moment.   

  1.  Procrastination – Now, before you start casting stones at me, I am also known for procrastinating myself on SOME things, however there are some items that people just do NOT need to procrastinate upon.  When it comes to packing for trips, I can guarantee you, I will not pack a single thing until the night before my departure or even early morning.  So, yes, I am the worlds’ worst for procrastinating in that area.  However, when it comes to deadlines relating to work and some things that could potentially even affect your health, do NOT procrastinate.  To some degree, I work in customer service.  I handle benefits for an organization with over 20,000 employees.  There are THREE of us in the department.  We have our annual open enrollment that comes along each year (wow! the meaning of ANNUAL enrollment!)  But it NEVER, NEVER fails how employees will drag their feet and wait until the zero-last minute to do their enrollment OR they will “forget” about it and then come asking for us to make all sorts of exceptions.  Now, there are some cases when an exception is legitimate and I am willing to do everything I can to assist, but there are other instances where, well, I just don’t know what to believe.  I have to do my job and assist in any ways I can, but I also am bound by laws and regulations that at times can’t be bent.  So these past few months, have been full of procrastination and it has nearly driven some of us batty!  Please, try to NOT wait until the last minute to do your work.  Sure, sometimes things must wait until the last minute, but if you have a chance to do it early, please save yourself and us the heart-ache and stress and get it done early!   You’ll be glad you did J
  2. Wishy-Washy People – Oh yes, I’m going to have stones cast at me for sure today, but I’m on a roll this week, so I’m just going to get it all out.  Next to procrastinators, my target goes out to wishy-washy people.  I am one who prefers you to shoot straight with me, tell me the truth, do NOT lie to me, and let’s move forward.  It bugs me to no ends when you ask someone a simple question and they can’t give you a straight answer, or they’ll tell you one thing and do something completely the opposite.  If you are going to commit to going to lunch/dinner, shopping, a night out or something, try to keep your plans.  Sure things will come up that will cause us to have to delay or cancel, but don’t be whiny and wishy-washy.  Don’t make promises you can’t keep!   All I can really say to those people is “bless your heart”.    
  3. Cleanliness – This should just be slam common sense, but it amazes me how there are just some plain, flat out nasty people in this world.  I am more and more amazed each day at how little people care about their personal etiquette.  Working in a building with close to one thousand people, I am exposed to a variety of people along my daily path.  It never fails that there are some particular people who go to the extreme when cleaning (OCD overkill) and then there are some who just need to become OCD immediately!   There is one lady in my building, and I honestly have no idea what her name is, but she NEVER, NEVER, EVER washes her hands after using the bathroom.  That just grosses me out to no end!   Of ALL places you should be sure to keep clean is in the bathroom.  Please, do us all a favor and learn to clean yourself so the rest of us don’t catch your cooties!! 
So, there you have it, my top three pet peeves for today.  They may have be categorized more appropriately as “tangents” vs. pet peeves, but nonetheless, that’s how I currently feel.  I’m sure I’ll get some backlash from these, but well, we all have things that set us off on a daily basis, and these three are ones that just popped in to place today because as I’m sitting here pondering, more and more peeves are popping in to my head (Grammar is another biggie!!!!!!!).  Anyways, I am not pin-pointedly targeting anyone in particular (except for the lady who doesn’t wash her hands in the bathroom, gross!), so please don’t take offense that I’m trying to change you or target you.  It’s just merely my observations and how I feel about certain topics.  And, I can guarantee that there are many things that I do that probably annoy other people, as well.   Oh well, it is life, we are stuck with each other.  So turn the other cheek and keep pushing forward in life.   We are only here but for a moment, so make the best of it!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Day Two: Write Something That Someone Told You About Yourself That You Never Forgot.

We are always hearing comments about ourselves from individuals that we encounter throughout our lifetime.  It could be something as simple as “you have beautiful eyes” or “you are always so kind and helpful” to “you have such a caring heart”.   Each thing someone says to us, whether good or bad, will have an effect upon us.  Some things will affect us directly while others may have more of an indirect effect.  But nonetheless, whatever message is conveyed, it can leave a lasting impact upon our lives.

For me personally, I have had a lot of things said about me, both good and bad just like anyone else, and no matter what is said, I always try to absorb the comment and ponder the message behind it.  Sure, some of the “not so positive” things take a toll on us and can sometimes really get us down in the dumps, but we don’t need to dwell on that.  Try to realize that maybe the individual was trying to relay something to you that you may not be aware of or maybe their perception could be misconstrued.  While it is easier said than done, we don’t need to let what people say about us completely bother us, as their opinion is not the one that really matters in the long run.  

But getting back to the topic to choose one thing that someone told me about myself that I never forgot, well that is kind of hard because I have had a lot of things said that I have not and will not forget. Being told by the Governor of your home state that you “look fascinating” is definitely something that I wouldn’t ever forget.  And being told by one of the older ladies at my church that I am like the daughter she never had, that is something that touches deep in your soul.  So it’s difficult to narrow it down to one thing that is very touching and meaningful. But since I must find one, I guess one that has stayed with me maybe have been more of an indirect comment about myself than a full-fledged direct.  

One of my lifelong role models and friend, Nora Lynn Finch, once told me to “feed the passion and it will fuel you”.  Now, that can be taken in many different ways, but in re-reading the context of our conversation, we were talking about a variety of subjects that I was passionate about and devoted to. She has often told me how she can see how devoted I am to certain causes and people can see how that affects myself and others. Her comment to me was basically an encouragement to continue doing what I was doing and it would continue to boost and strengthen me.

That short little statement can not only be applied to the context of the causes that I am devoted to, but it can also be a statement for anything we are passionate about in our daily lives.  If we are advocates for whatever is important in our lives (ie: family, work, friendships, religious beliefs, organizations, etc.), continue to put your force and passion in to those things, and you can allow that to be your ministry and your light can shine through that.  Who knows how many lives can be touched by your devotion to whatever thing you are strongly advocating.  Sure, you will receive some backlash, but that is life.  But as Coach Kay Yow has stated time and time again “when life kicks you, let it kick you forward.”  Don’t let the backlash set you backwards nor let it discourage you. If you are passionate about something but your friends aren’t, that’s okay, too.  No two people are alike (and that’s probably a good thing!)  Stick to your guns and feed your passions, and remember that in the end, we may never know how many lives we may touch!   Try to be an example to others so that they can always find something positive to say about you, and maybe your light can spread to them so others can have equally positive things to say about them in return! 

Monday, November 23, 2015

Day One: List Ten Things That Make You Really Happy.

In the past, I have participated in a variety of 30 Day Photo Challenges, some have been themed ones (ie: The Sound of Music) and some a set list of specific photos to take on certain days of the week. And while I do find those quite enjoyable, they do get cumbersome on occasion to keep up with and keep track of.  Recently, I ran across a 30 Day Writing Challenge where each day you are given a specific topic, question or statement and you are to do some writing about that item.  I found this intriguing as it is a way for people to get to know you better, but it’s also intellectually challenging and stimulating because it makes you think and also helps you get to learn more about yourself (even to discover how crazy we really are!) 

So, I decided why not? Let’s give it a shot!  As a pre-cursor, it might not be 30 consecutive days for me since the holidays are fast approaching, but I figured since I had not blogged in quite a while I would try something different.  It may be interesting to some and others might quite frankly get bored and dismiss it.  But nonetheless, it helps distract my mind and thoughts and it challenges me to think and be more in tune to my surroundings and myself.  And, who knows, it might end up meaning something to someone somewhere!

Well, shall we begin? 

Day 1: List 10 things that make you really happy.

Wow, this is definitely a tough one!  There are so many things that make me happy, and some are dependent upon the day or event, etc.  So, it is always hard for me to precisely pinpoint certain things that make me happy overall, but I will give it my best shot. Actually, I think I will just choose a totally random selection with a brief description of each item – let me point out that these are in NO particular order, they are purely a random selection.  So here goes:

        The North Carolina State Fair – Should that come as a surprise to ANY of you?  One of the happiest times each year is when the State Fair comes to town.  I’ve gone every single year of my life, and it is just something that I love and enjoy.  I was asked recently why I love it so much, and to be honest, I couldn’t come up with a clear, definitive answer.  It’s just something in my blood, something I just do annually (several times during the course of the 11 day stay).  I love the atmosphere, I love the food, the smells, the sights, the sounds – maybe not so much the crowds!  But it just a place where I feel completely free and happy! 

Music – I absolutely love music.  Not a day goes by where I don’t have some type of music playing.  Whether it’s in my car, in my house or in my earbuds in the office, I am always blasting some type of music.  I will listen to nearly anything, so my playlists are completely crazy!  But music is in my veins as I play and sing (occasionally!), too.  But music has the ability to completely change our moods and our moments.  It is definitely something that relaxes me and makes me happy.  Without music, well, I just don’t know what this world would be like.

Diet Coke & Cheez-Its – Does life get any better?  (Yes! Of course it does…) But I just love to have a good Diet Coke and well, when you give me a box of Cheez-Its, it just gets even better.  Throw in some popcorn and fruit-flavored Tootsie Rolls, and I am just in hog-heaven!   I don’t know what it is about the combination, but it is just pure delightful to me.  (Hey, I told you this list was completely random!)

Getting cards/notes in the mail – To me, the best gift anyone can ever give me is a simple card or note (or even a nice e-mail these days).  Nothing cheers me more than to have something so simple but yet so meaningful.  Some of the most powerful gifts can come from words that others share with us.   It always amazes me how on days when I’m not feeling the greatest or am really struggling with something that is when I’ll get a simple “thank-you” e-mail from someone and they add in some kind and unexpected words.  That touches me immensely and can change my entire mindset.  And, let’s not forget to add how when some of your favorite celebrities “like” or even comment on a post you put on social media – I’m not even sure happiness would be the definition for that!  (PS: Lauren Holly, you are still the best for the comment you added on my Instagram picture!)

Making People Laugh – Even at times when I may not personally feel good, I always try to do what I can to make others smile or laugh.  We never know what is going on in others’ lives, so sometimes all someone may need is a simple joke or something to make them smile and laugh.  It may do them good, and seeing them laugh and smile, often can help ourselves, too!  So, I always try to find something funny and cheerful to say just to make people smile and laugh and attempt to lighten the atmosphere, too.

 Going to basketball games – I’ve always been an avid women’s college basketball fan and some of the most fun times I’ve had have been at various games.  I’ve been blessed to meet a variety of people at the games, individuals with whom I’ve been blessed to build cherished friendships with.  We have the best time just catching-up, sharing stories, laughing and just getting in to the games.  I always enjoy going to my basketball games to see my friends and to enjoy the overall atmosphere of the arena and the game itself.

 Christmas – The overall Christmas season brings happiness to me.  I just love all the decorations and lights, I love the smell of fresh pine and cinnamon pine cones.  I love the music as it is played, I love the ringing of the bells of the Salvation Army.  However, the reason for the season is what makes me happiest of all – JESUS!    I am often reminded of a song that my sister-in-Christ, Tabatha sings around Christmas called “Can You Imagine?” as it talks about God being willing to give His Only Son to be born in a lowly manger but who would end up sacrificing His life to be our Savior.  The song talks about wondering what God might have been feeling by seeing His Son endure all that He did during His life here on Earth.  The Christmas season brings up so many emotions for many people, but it is always filled with happiness for me by just spending time with my family and remembering the true reason why we celebrate. 

 Travelling – Simply put, I like to be on the go.  I don’t like to sit still very often.  Some may find that crazy, but even when I’m on vacation, I am still on the go – adventuring and exploring.  I love to travel and explore new sights or even re-visit places of old and find something different that I may have missed the first time.  I’ve not been to many places outside of the United States of America (except for the Bahamas and Canada, which I absolutely LOVE!) but I’ve been fortunate to visit a variety of places within the United States of America that are just amazing.  Nine times out of ten, you will probably catch me brainstorming some type of trip to any variety of locations.  I dream of returning to Canada and exploring more sights there, and one of these days, I will “cross the pond” and visit the European homeland. 

 Apples – Yes, call me crazy, but apples make me happy!  You just ask my co-workers what happens when I go to McDonalds and they leave the apple slices out of my Happy Meal – that equals a NOT happy Meredith!!!   And that is a very accurate assessment!  I do love apples – apple slices, whole apples, candy/caramel apples, the amazing apple chips from Smitty’s at the State Fair (wow!).  The only and maybe weird thing is that I really don’t like them cooked or baked, so that means I don’t really like apple pies or fritters.  I’m like that with a lot of fruits and vegetables – give them to me raw, not cooked, ha!  But yes, another totally random thing that makes me happy is apples!  Hey! An apple a day is supposed to keep the doctor away, too!  Apples should make you happy, too, if that analogy is really accurate!

 River Cities – This is another one of those things similar to the State Fair that I love but cannot explain to you why I love it and why it makes me happy.  But I have always loved and felt happiest in cities that are located along a river.  To me, there is just something peaceful and soothing about walking along a riverwalk or sitting on a bench staring out into the river.  It is interesting that some of my favorite cities are all river cities: Knoxville, Tennessee; Wilmington, North Carolina; Savannah, Georgia; Montreal, Canada; they are all lovely cities that feature incredible riverwalks and places to sit and gaze at the peaceful rivers.  Happy times are spent sitting by the slowly moving waters and listening to the sounds that are made along the river banks and the city streets. 

So, there you have it, my list of the ten most random things that make me happy!  Ask me in twenty minutes and I might have completely changed my mind!  But what makes you happy?  Take some time to think about it.  You will be surprised how many little things that we don’t even often consider can truly spark something deep inside of us that draws up some type of emotion, particularly a happy emotion.  No matter what you are going through in life, try to find one simple thing that you cherish and enjoy, something that makes you smile or happy and hold on to that!  It will carry you through the storm.  Keep Calm and Be Happy!  

Monday, February 9, 2015

Year in Review (2014)

Missing airplanes, the Ebola outbreak, the rise of ISIS, rioting and police shootings – all were news headliners of 2014. With all this depressing news, it makes one ponder did anything good happen in 2014? While at times, 2014 did cast a dark cloud over the planet Earth, it did have some happy moments, as well. I came to the realization recently that I had not posted a blog in quite some time, and while a lot has been going on in my life, I decided that I should do a blog to recap 2014 since I failed to document much of anything that happened. So, here we go ...

January and February

Hello, 2014 and hello, Winter?!?! Ugh, my least favorite season because I don’t like cold. And what greets us in January and February but none other than cold weather AND snow!! Growing up in North Carolina, snow is not something we are used to, so when the snow starts to fall, utter chaos breaks loose – people raid the grocery stores for milk and bread (that still baffles me!), traffic snarls AND people resort to abandoning their vehicles and walking home. The one good thing about having snow is that we get to make a Southern delicacy known as Snow Cream!  Most of my coworkers from the Northern states had no idea what in the world it was, but basically, snow cream is a version of ice cream that is made out of God’s gift of snow to us! Why waste the snow, right? So set out a bowl and collect some snow (or scoop it off a vehicle – nothing off the ground in case any critters turn the snow yellow!), add some condensed milk and eat – you can even add cocoa if you want chocolate flavored! Yummy!!! And when the sleds won’t slide on the snow (yes, I do have a Yankee Clipper even living in the South land), bring out your Dad’s old surfboard and use that to slide on – talk about a wild and fun ride! So even though it was a cold January and February, it was still rather fun to eat the snow cream and sled (though at 31, I think I learned that I can’t handle the sledding quite as well as I used to be able to!)


It wouldn’t be March without some March Madness, would it?  I always kick-start March Madness with a trek over to Greensboro to take in a portion of the Women’s ACC Tournament, and the 2014 tournament proved to be as exciting as it always typically is.  Sadly, I was only able to attend the Saturday games, but they nonetheless proved to be powerhouse match-ups with the typical “battle of the blues” between Duke and UNC, and a second match-up featuring NC State and ACC newcomer Notre Dame.  I was fit to be tied in who I was going to cheer for – I couldn’t go wrong, unless of course UNC won.  So, I decided NOT to wear any North Carolina team gear and go instead for the Irish!  Muffet McGraw led her undefeated Fighting Irish in to the ACC Tournament as the regular season ACC Champions and she also carried the banner of ACC Coach of the Year.  The two games we saw were complete opposites – Notre Dame dominated and obliterated the Wolfpack of NC State, whereas the "blue" game was a very heated match-up that featured an astounding come back from Duke to claim the win.  March Madness held true to its name because even the NCAA Championship game featured a battle of two undefeated teams – UConn and Notre Dame.  In the end, Notre Dame won the ACC Tournament and UConn claimed its ninth NCAA Tournament.  What a fun month of basketball!


We welcomed a warmer April and spring with glee!  And, what better way than to start off the climb of warmer temperatures and the blossoming of the spring buds, than with a trip to St. Somewhere with Jimmy Buffett?  I attended my first ever Jimmy Buffett concert in 2014 in Raleigh.  It was definitely an eventful time.  I don’t know what was more exciting – the actual concert or watching the people make literal fools out of themselves thinking they could actually swim like sharks in the grass?  He definitely puts on a great show, but the people are just so lost because of their extreme alcohol intake, it is almost pitiful.  So, it was a nice evening to spend in the tropics with ‘ole Jimmy and the Coral Reefer girls!   Then to make April even a little sweeter, why not take an actual day trip down to the beach for the day?  A ferry ride from Fort Fisher to Southport, walking the streets of downtown Southport, eating at The Trolley Stop and Paddy’s Hollow, as well as relaxing on the beach and watching a few weddings is a definite way to unwind and relax.  There’s nothing quite like the sound of ocean waves, seagulls and sand in between your toes.  Ahhh… spring has sprung and the fun had just begun!

"Somethin' 'bout a boat
Sittin' on the sea
Out there in the wind
Floatin' on the free
Take you 'round the world
Bring you back home
Gives a man hope
Somethin' 'bout a boat" 


May was a month of variety.  We attended the annual NC Agricultural Festival in Raleigh and took in a tractor parade.  The highlight for me was sampling a variety of North Carolina homegrown products and coming home with a three foot long bag of kettle corn popcorn – yummy!  For the Memorial Day holiday, we took a trek over the hills to Tennessee for the BBQ and Bluegrass festival in the Great Smoky Mountains.  Of course, we ventured over to Dollywood and spent a week roaming around the Pigeon Forge, Sevierville and Townsend areas.  What scenic beauty awaits you in Cades Cove and I absolutely enjoyed my return visit to that area.  One big highlight was travelling to Knoxville to see Dolly Parton in concert in her home state at Thompson-Boling Arena on the campus of the University of Tennessee (Go Vols!)  She put on an incredible concert, as she is by far one of the best music entertainers.  My favorite was when came on stage dressed in Tennessee Orange singing “Rocky Top” with the entire Vol Nation singing along!   Anytime you go over the hills to Tennessee, you are bound to encounter some scenic beauty and a slower pace of a whole different, yet relaxing lifestyle.




Hot fun in the summertime and nights at the ballpark are good ways to enjoy a lovely June.  In early June, we took in a Durham Bulls baseball game for a relaxing evening of fun and fellowship at the ballpark.  Celebrated Dad’s birthday on the 13th and then Father’s Day a few days later, as well.  I don’t think any of us ever envisioned that this would be my Grandpa’s last Father’s Day with us.  It was a year of new things for Father’s Day, as Grandpa even tried out Uncle Louie’s Harley – I don’t think any of us ever thought that we would see that happen.  But those are definitely memories that we will all cherish and hold dear now that he has passed.


Sometimes all you need is a day trip away with your family and even to take a walk down memory lane.  July was filled with fireworks for the holiday, but also a wonderful day trip to the beach with my parents.  We took a walk down memory lane and visited many of the sites I grew up vacationing at as a child.  A big highlight was being able to see the owner of the hotel we used to stay at as a child.  I always adored staying at the Sand Castle Inn in Kure Beach, and to see Mr. Teague once again made me realize how much I miss those days of simplicity of walking up the street by myself to go get hot dogs at the local station and not having a care in the world or worried about someone snatching me.  My, how times have changed.  But what a fun day at Fort Fisher, Wilmington, Britt’s Donuts and so many other places!



2014 was the year of concerts and August was the month of concerts.  One of the best concerts I ever have been to in my life was The Script and OneRepublic.  Our seats were eleven rows from the stage and both bands came down off the stage and throughout the crowd.  It was an unbelievable experience and an amazing concert.  They are two of my favorite groups ever and that concert totally lived up to all my expectations, if not surpassed.  Amazing!   Later in the month, we attended the REO Speedwagon and Chicago concert, which was an overall decent show even though I spent most of it feeling very under the weather.  The rest of August was either spent at the baseball park or at local beach music concerts throughout the area with my family.  August was a musical month, which always pleases me!


In the midst of college football season, we decide to take an early fall trip back to Tennessee to check out the fall décor.  That is one of my favorite times of the year to visit the mountains as so many areas are decorated in fall décor and the mountains are beginning to show their foliage, as well.  This was a much needed vacation due to the stress brought on our family by a two week extensive hospital stay and emergency surgery for my Grandpa.  Sadly, at the age of 95, he passed away on September 12th.  That was such a hard loss for me personally, as it had been so long since I lost a grandparent.  His memory will live on in our hearts forever.


It’s the most wonderful time of the year – and yes, it is only October!  It’s time for the NC State Fair and I love this time of year more than most other things.  I was so fortunate to receive two first place ribbons and one second place ribbon in my scrapbook entries this year.  It was a fun year with way too much food ate, many rides ridden and of course goodies that were bought.  To top of October, Sir Paul McCartney returned to North Carolina and we made haste to Greensboro to see him in concert.  He never disappoints -- always a three hour concert that leaves you feeling on cloud nine.  Long live Sir Paul!


Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!  It was a little difficult not having Thanksgiving at my Grandpa’s, but Mom, Dad and I had a nice Thanksgiving lunch in Raleigh followed by some shopping before returning home to spend time with some of my Mom’s family.  It was a nice, simple day spent with those who care about me the most.  Oh and yes, for what it’s worth, I did have a birthday this month, as well!


Put up the lights, it’s time for Christmas, but most importantly, it’s time to celebrate Jesus’ birth.  We were all decorated and ready for Christmas in November, but we still take time to go ride around and look at lights.  This year, we took a trip mere days before Christmas back to Tennessee (yes, that’s three times in one year for me!), but it was absolutely breathtaking to see all the lights on display there.  Christmas brought a new tradition of enjoying a wonderful meal by Mom at home.  It was the first time in my life that I had not been to my Grandpa’s house for Christmas, but new traditions were made in 2014 and I hope new traditions and adventures will be made in 2015, as well.