Thursday, December 10, 2015

Day Six -- Write about one of your favorite TV shows & why you started watching it.

If you take one look at my collection of DVDs, you will see that I have a wide variety of TV shows on DVD.  Some are complete collections, while others are just a collection of the seasons that I preferred of the show.  While I have many TV shows on DVD, to be honest, there is not a current TV show that I am really addicted to.  I often find myself watching re-runs of older TV shows on satellite rather than watching some of the newer shows.  Lately, I’ve even started re-watching some of my favorites in complete episode order, and it is amazing some of the things you pick up on that you may have missed before.  Since I am currently in the midst of re-watching one of my all-time favorite shows that is the one I will choose to write on for this entry: 

The X-Files

The X-Files has to be one of the greatest TV shows of all time.  Starring David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson as FBI Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully, The X-Files takes viewers into a world of the unknown.  Intertwining the unknown and possibilities of alternative lifeforms, along with the high probability of governmental conspiracies, Mulder and Scully are the sole two members of the FBI that delve into the unusual and paranormal cases plaguing the nation. 

To be honest, I detested The X-Files when it first aired on FOX back in the early 1990s.  My Mother actually was the one who did not miss an episode, but I myself would turn it off and ignore the show.  At one point, I decided to sit down and watch the show completely through, and I ended up getting hooked.  In some sort of ironic twist of fate, I got hooked on the show and my Mom ended up tuning out.  Most of my friends did not enjoy the show, but that didn’t stop me, as I was determined to prove that “The Truth Is Out There”. 

The X-Files is one of those shows that some people will immediately dismiss as hokey because of the speculative topics of some episodes.  But, to me, I found that the show really opened up my mind to explore the possibilities of governmental conspiracies and many other things.  It in no way impacted my beliefs at all, but it is a thought provoking show that can challenge you to think outside of the box.  While I don’t believe in E.B.E.’s (that’s extraterrestrial biological entities, if you are curious!) or really believe in UFOs, some of the other episodes that delved into other mysteries and abilities of individuals, really made me ponder what all does go on in our world that we may or may not even be aware of. 

The X-Files had a very lengthy nine years exploring the phenomena’s of the world before it went off the air in the early 2000s.  Fortunately, there have been several subsequent movies that keep our minds speculating about the world that surrounds us.  And in an amazing turn of events, in early 2016, The X-Files will return to FOX for a few brand-new episodes.  To say that I am excited, is a complete understatement!  I cannot even wait for the return of Mulder and Scully.  Of course, I have so many unanswered questions that I hope we get some clarification of, but even if we don’t, just to have Mulder and Scully back in our homes on the small screen for a few episodes will be an amazing way to start off the new year! 

No matter whether you are a fan of The X-Files or not, the truth is out there! 

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