Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Day Two: Write Something That Someone Told You About Yourself That You Never Forgot.

We are always hearing comments about ourselves from individuals that we encounter throughout our lifetime.  It could be something as simple as “you have beautiful eyes” or “you are always so kind and helpful” to “you have such a caring heart”.   Each thing someone says to us, whether good or bad, will have an effect upon us.  Some things will affect us directly while others may have more of an indirect effect.  But nonetheless, whatever message is conveyed, it can leave a lasting impact upon our lives.

For me personally, I have had a lot of things said about me, both good and bad just like anyone else, and no matter what is said, I always try to absorb the comment and ponder the message behind it.  Sure, some of the “not so positive” things take a toll on us and can sometimes really get us down in the dumps, but we don’t need to dwell on that.  Try to realize that maybe the individual was trying to relay something to you that you may not be aware of or maybe their perception could be misconstrued.  While it is easier said than done, we don’t need to let what people say about us completely bother us, as their opinion is not the one that really matters in the long run.  

But getting back to the topic to choose one thing that someone told me about myself that I never forgot, well that is kind of hard because I have had a lot of things said that I have not and will not forget. Being told by the Governor of your home state that you “look fascinating” is definitely something that I wouldn’t ever forget.  And being told by one of the older ladies at my church that I am like the daughter she never had, that is something that touches deep in your soul.  So it’s difficult to narrow it down to one thing that is very touching and meaningful. But since I must find one, I guess one that has stayed with me maybe have been more of an indirect comment about myself than a full-fledged direct.  

One of my lifelong role models and friend, Nora Lynn Finch, once told me to “feed the passion and it will fuel you”.  Now, that can be taken in many different ways, but in re-reading the context of our conversation, we were talking about a variety of subjects that I was passionate about and devoted to. She has often told me how she can see how devoted I am to certain causes and people can see how that affects myself and others. Her comment to me was basically an encouragement to continue doing what I was doing and it would continue to boost and strengthen me.

That short little statement can not only be applied to the context of the causes that I am devoted to, but it can also be a statement for anything we are passionate about in our daily lives.  If we are advocates for whatever is important in our lives (ie: family, work, friendships, religious beliefs, organizations, etc.), continue to put your force and passion in to those things, and you can allow that to be your ministry and your light can shine through that.  Who knows how many lives can be touched by your devotion to whatever thing you are strongly advocating.  Sure, you will receive some backlash, but that is life.  But as Coach Kay Yow has stated time and time again “when life kicks you, let it kick you forward.”  Don’t let the backlash set you backwards nor let it discourage you. If you are passionate about something but your friends aren’t, that’s okay, too.  No two people are alike (and that’s probably a good thing!)  Stick to your guns and feed your passions, and remember that in the end, we may never know how many lives we may touch!   Try to be an example to others so that they can always find something positive to say about you, and maybe your light can spread to them so others can have equally positive things to say about them in return! 

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