Monday, December 7, 2015

Day Five -- List five places you want to visit

One of my passions in life is travelling.  Most of my travelling has been done within the United States of America, which is just as enjoyable to me as travelling abroad as there are so many sights to see within our beautiful country.  That being said, I’ve had the privilege to visit The Bahamas and Canada to take in some of the sights there, as well.  To me, it doesn’t always matter so much where I am going, as much as what all I might see and be able to learn along the way.  Some of the best places I have visited have not always been planned trips, but random spur-of-the moment or off-the-beaten-path adventures.  So, as much as I like to travel, there are many places that I would like to see that I have not seen presently. Therefore to narrow down to five places that I want to visit exclusively will be a tough decision.  So, I have decided that I will choose the five that pop in to my head at this present moment in time in no particular order!


There is something about the city of London that just beckons me across the pond.  Maybe because so much of my ancestral lineage is from the London and the United Kingdom areas in general, but no matter what the ultimate reason, London has always been one place that I would like to visit.  I’ve always wanted to see Buckingham Palace in person, ride on the Underground or a double-decker bus, see Big Ben & the London Bridge (you know, I’ve got to see if it’s really falling down or not, ha!) and the many other “touristy” sites that the abundant city holds.  While all of those sites are exciting just to think about, I personally think that I would be pacified waltzing up and down the streets listening to the glorious English accents that I just love so dearly. 


The hills are literally alive with “The Sound of Music” and that is the primary reason I want to visit Salzburg, Austria.  As many of you know, I have adored “The Sound of Music” my entire life.  I recently was able to see the Broadway play, in addition to celebrating the 50th anniversary of the movie all year long, and it has awaked the fire deep within to trek to Austria to take in the filming locations of the greatest movie of all time.  To see the gazebo, the church of the amazing wedding, the abbey, and the city where Maria paraded the children all throughout singing “Do-Re-Mi”, yes, I would be ever so tempted to do that myself!  Taking in the official Sound of Music tour, might just set me over the edge.  But it would be an absolute dream come true!


No real particular reason as to why I want to visit the great Irish country.  It is just a place that I have heard some of my relatives talk about from their times spent there, and it made me want to go visit there, as well.  I actually find the idea of being chased by sheep through a green pasture to be quite riveting and exhilarating.  Alongside the English accents, the Irish accents are also quite enamoring.  I could just sit all day and listen to them tell folklore or listen to the melodious Celtic music.  I would love to visit some of the great Irish churches and castles, as well.  It just seems like such a magical and mystical place to explore!

Call me crazy, but I’m on a Canadian kick!  If it didn’t get so flipping cold up in the “North State”, I could easily see myself relocating to Canada.  I was enthralled when visiting Montréal recently, so I definitely want to go back to Canada.  While I would love to visit Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary and many other areas within the massive country, I think the next stop on my journey would be the capital city of Ottawa.  I enjoy river cities and Ottawa sits along the banks of the Ottawa River, but it is also another “older” city.  “Older” cities are appealing to me as I just enjoy gazing at the architectural design that each city encapsulates. Especially exciting would be to see the great Parliament Hall, especially on Canada Day!  Maybe I can finally get to sing “O, Canada” while in the country on its national holiday!  But if not, I’ll settle for a trek to Canada on any day and maybe I can finally see a Mountie, eh?!


Italy has never been a “must” visit place for me, but as I’ve gotten older, the more I realize that Rome would be a location that I wouldn’t mind visiting.  So much of the world’s history evolved from the pronounced Roman Empire and so much of the history itself came from within the city of Rome.  I would love to see so many of the incredibly preserved sites within that city, including the Colosseum.  I can just imagine there sheer beauty of the city in itself, and just thinking of the variety of food options practically has me salivating as I pen this entry!  I think it would be a very unique experience to visit Rome and then take a trek up to Venice to ride a gondola down one of the canals!

Well, there you have it, the five places I would like to visit as this present moment.  More than likely, some other location will pop in to my head shortly after I publish this post and make me wish I had included it.  We have been blessed with an amazing world to live in and enjoy.  Try to take some time and explore the beauty that surrounds, even if it is just a short drive from your own home place. Try not to take what we have for granted and just enjoy the blessings that we have been given!

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