Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Day Eight -- Share something you struggle with

As living breathing human beings, in our lifetime we will all face something that we are going to struggle with.  That is just human nature.  Sadly, to break some of your hearts, no one is perfect, so we are all going to have our faults and face periods of times where we struggle.  People may have simple struggles to face while others face larger scale ongoing struggles.  We never know what each other may be facing on a day-to-day basis, but needless to say, we will all face something.

I know for me, I constantly struggle with many things.  For instance, I am one of the biggest worry-warts on the planet.  I will worry over the pettiest things that I really should not even give a second thought to.  It is something I have probably struggled with off and on my entire life. Sure, I give myself pep-talks and try to encourage myself to let things go and not fret over it, but that is much easier said than done.  Worrying is a constant struggle that does more harm than good.  It causes all sorts of additional side-effects that can even be hazardous to our health.  It is something I am constantly trying to reign in, and in hopes of one day overcoming that struggle.  

In the past, I used to struggle with self-esteem and constantly worry over how I looked.  I would have to have a purse, shoes, and jewelry to match whatever outfit I wore.  I could not leave the house without any make-up on or without looking nice.  As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come realize it really doesn’t matter.  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and in reality, it is what’s on the inside that should really matter.  I’m not saying I still don’t try to look nice and occasionally wonder if some of my outfits match or look decent, but I’ve gained more self-confidence in trying to not let that bother me.  If people don’t like what I wear, then that’s their problem and not mine.  So, that’s one struggle that I have managed to work on more successfully, although occasionally, I still do have a few slip-ups here and there. 

No matter what you are struggling with in life, just know that you are not alone in your journey.  We are all facing something and more than likely someone somewhere is facing the same thing that you are.  Find a good friend or someone you trust and open up to them and confide in them with your struggles.  Sometimes talking things through with a trusted confidant can really help you overcome your struggle.  You never know what each other is struggling with, so treat each other with respect and kindness as it may be beneficial for them and you may never know how it may even impact your own life!

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