Monday, November 30, 2015

Day Three -- What are your top three pet peeves?

Oh! Pet Peeves, how we loathe thee, ha!   It never fails, we all have something that drives us absolutely insane, and more than likely, we would classify that upon our annoying pet peeves list.   But what is an actual “Pet Peeve?”   Well, according to the lovely Google, a pet peeve is defined as: “something that a particular person finds especially annoying”.  Bingo!  That’s what I was stating above.  Google and Webster’s Dictionary both provide us with two examples of people’s Pet Peeves: “one of my biggest pet peeves is poor customer service” and “one of my biggest pet peeves is people driving too slowly on the highway.”   I completely agree with both of those two assessments of pet peeves as poor customer service is a major turn-off and slow drivers just drive me absolutely insane (voila, I got behind one this morning and I was having a hissy-fit!)

While those are two pet peeves that do drive me batty, today’s topic is asking me to list my top three pet peeves.  Well, as with most things in my life, my lists could change on a moment-by-moment’s notice.  So, we will just go with what pops in my head at this present moment.   

  1.  Procrastination – Now, before you start casting stones at me, I am also known for procrastinating myself on SOME things, however there are some items that people just do NOT need to procrastinate upon.  When it comes to packing for trips, I can guarantee you, I will not pack a single thing until the night before my departure or even early morning.  So, yes, I am the worlds’ worst for procrastinating in that area.  However, when it comes to deadlines relating to work and some things that could potentially even affect your health, do NOT procrastinate.  To some degree, I work in customer service.  I handle benefits for an organization with over 20,000 employees.  There are THREE of us in the department.  We have our annual open enrollment that comes along each year (wow! the meaning of ANNUAL enrollment!)  But it NEVER, NEVER fails how employees will drag their feet and wait until the zero-last minute to do their enrollment OR they will “forget” about it and then come asking for us to make all sorts of exceptions.  Now, there are some cases when an exception is legitimate and I am willing to do everything I can to assist, but there are other instances where, well, I just don’t know what to believe.  I have to do my job and assist in any ways I can, but I also am bound by laws and regulations that at times can’t be bent.  So these past few months, have been full of procrastination and it has nearly driven some of us batty!  Please, try to NOT wait until the last minute to do your work.  Sure, sometimes things must wait until the last minute, but if you have a chance to do it early, please save yourself and us the heart-ache and stress and get it done early!   You’ll be glad you did J
  2. Wishy-Washy People – Oh yes, I’m going to have stones cast at me for sure today, but I’m on a roll this week, so I’m just going to get it all out.  Next to procrastinators, my target goes out to wishy-washy people.  I am one who prefers you to shoot straight with me, tell me the truth, do NOT lie to me, and let’s move forward.  It bugs me to no ends when you ask someone a simple question and they can’t give you a straight answer, or they’ll tell you one thing and do something completely the opposite.  If you are going to commit to going to lunch/dinner, shopping, a night out or something, try to keep your plans.  Sure things will come up that will cause us to have to delay or cancel, but don’t be whiny and wishy-washy.  Don’t make promises you can’t keep!   All I can really say to those people is “bless your heart”.    
  3. Cleanliness – This should just be slam common sense, but it amazes me how there are just some plain, flat out nasty people in this world.  I am more and more amazed each day at how little people care about their personal etiquette.  Working in a building with close to one thousand people, I am exposed to a variety of people along my daily path.  It never fails that there are some particular people who go to the extreme when cleaning (OCD overkill) and then there are some who just need to become OCD immediately!   There is one lady in my building, and I honestly have no idea what her name is, but she NEVER, NEVER, EVER washes her hands after using the bathroom.  That just grosses me out to no end!   Of ALL places you should be sure to keep clean is in the bathroom.  Please, do us all a favor and learn to clean yourself so the rest of us don’t catch your cooties!! 
So, there you have it, my top three pet peeves for today.  They may have be categorized more appropriately as “tangents” vs. pet peeves, but nonetheless, that’s how I currently feel.  I’m sure I’ll get some backlash from these, but well, we all have things that set us off on a daily basis, and these three are ones that just popped in to place today because as I’m sitting here pondering, more and more peeves are popping in to my head (Grammar is another biggie!!!!!!!).  Anyways, I am not pin-pointedly targeting anyone in particular (except for the lady who doesn’t wash her hands in the bathroom, gross!), so please don’t take offense that I’m trying to change you or target you.  It’s just merely my observations and how I feel about certain topics.  And, I can guarantee that there are many things that I do that probably annoy other people, as well.   Oh well, it is life, we are stuck with each other.  So turn the other cheek and keep pushing forward in life.   We are only here but for a moment, so make the best of it!


  1. I find it a little ironic that the post about procrastination is for Day 3 (11/30/2015) and Day 2 was 11/25/2015... O:-D

  2. 'Tis true, however, in my original blog, I made the following comment: "As a pre-cursor, it might not be 30 consecutive days for me since the holidays are fast approaching, but I figured since I had not blogged in quite a while I would try something different."

    So, in essence, I didn't actually procrastinate, ha! I actually had it written last week, but decided to hold off on posting.
