Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Day Nine -- Post some words of wisdom that speak to you

The power behind words is often misunderstood or even not noticed. But many incredible things can be relayed via word – written, spoken or even sung. On any given day, we will run across a quote or something that may cause us to pause and cycle the statement over in our minds. Some quotes that we read or hear may even end up staying with us for a lifetime.

One of my most favorite quotes, and one I consider a ‘word of wisdom’, was made by legendary women’s basketball coach, Kay Yow. As she battled cancer for many years, she held true to her faith and never wavered. A statement she made has impacted many around the world and continues to be relayed even after her passing in 2009. It is as follows: “When life kicks you, let it kick you forward.”

Such a simple yet such a profound statement! We are all going to get kicked or have moments when we fall down or feel as if we are at our lowest. We have two choices: get knocked down and stay down and just dwell in the darkness OR get knocked down and pick yourself back up. No, it may not be a complete bounce-back recovery that happens overnight, but gradually, if you start to pick up the pieces, you can climb back. When we get knocked down, don’t give up! Don’t ever lose the fight. Dig deep within and know that you can face whatever you are facing. Let whatever situation it was that caused you to fall into the abyss, allow that situation to be a stepping stone in your life. Take one baby step and keep pushing forward. Let that moment be a changing point in your life. As hard as it may seem, good things can come out of dark trials. Somewhere along the way, someone has either faced what you are facing or there is someone, somewhere who is facing something much worse.

I was always so amazed by Coach Yow. She battled cancer for over 20 years with numerous re occurrences of the dreaded disease. But yet, she didn’t give up. She kept pushing forward. She may have not felt like coaching, but she continued for as long as she physically could. She motivated, and still motivates, countless numbers of individuals from players, coaches, fans and just anyone in general. Her motivation and determination to fight her battle with cancer gave hope to many others who are battling the same disease to not give up and keep fighting forward. That same thing can be applied to our lives, as well. Don’t give up on whatever battle you are facing. Sure, the battle may be tough at times, but just keep pushing forward. It’s okay to have your down moments, but don’t get stuck in the rut or your tires will keep on spinning. Put it in four-wheel drive and push through the mud and head onward.

May Coach Yow’s words of wisdom live on for many, many more years to come!

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