Monday, November 23, 2015

Day One: List Ten Things That Make You Really Happy.

In the past, I have participated in a variety of 30 Day Photo Challenges, some have been themed ones (ie: The Sound of Music) and some a set list of specific photos to take on certain days of the week. And while I do find those quite enjoyable, they do get cumbersome on occasion to keep up with and keep track of.  Recently, I ran across a 30 Day Writing Challenge where each day you are given a specific topic, question or statement and you are to do some writing about that item.  I found this intriguing as it is a way for people to get to know you better, but it’s also intellectually challenging and stimulating because it makes you think and also helps you get to learn more about yourself (even to discover how crazy we really are!) 

So, I decided why not? Let’s give it a shot!  As a pre-cursor, it might not be 30 consecutive days for me since the holidays are fast approaching, but I figured since I had not blogged in quite a while I would try something different.  It may be interesting to some and others might quite frankly get bored and dismiss it.  But nonetheless, it helps distract my mind and thoughts and it challenges me to think and be more in tune to my surroundings and myself.  And, who knows, it might end up meaning something to someone somewhere!

Well, shall we begin? 

Day 1: List 10 things that make you really happy.

Wow, this is definitely a tough one!  There are so many things that make me happy, and some are dependent upon the day or event, etc.  So, it is always hard for me to precisely pinpoint certain things that make me happy overall, but I will give it my best shot. Actually, I think I will just choose a totally random selection with a brief description of each item – let me point out that these are in NO particular order, they are purely a random selection.  So here goes:

        The North Carolina State Fair – Should that come as a surprise to ANY of you?  One of the happiest times each year is when the State Fair comes to town.  I’ve gone every single year of my life, and it is just something that I love and enjoy.  I was asked recently why I love it so much, and to be honest, I couldn’t come up with a clear, definitive answer.  It’s just something in my blood, something I just do annually (several times during the course of the 11 day stay).  I love the atmosphere, I love the food, the smells, the sights, the sounds – maybe not so much the crowds!  But it just a place where I feel completely free and happy! 

Music – I absolutely love music.  Not a day goes by where I don’t have some type of music playing.  Whether it’s in my car, in my house or in my earbuds in the office, I am always blasting some type of music.  I will listen to nearly anything, so my playlists are completely crazy!  But music is in my veins as I play and sing (occasionally!), too.  But music has the ability to completely change our moods and our moments.  It is definitely something that relaxes me and makes me happy.  Without music, well, I just don’t know what this world would be like.

Diet Coke & Cheez-Its – Does life get any better?  (Yes! Of course it does…) But I just love to have a good Diet Coke and well, when you give me a box of Cheez-Its, it just gets even better.  Throw in some popcorn and fruit-flavored Tootsie Rolls, and I am just in hog-heaven!   I don’t know what it is about the combination, but it is just pure delightful to me.  (Hey, I told you this list was completely random!)

Getting cards/notes in the mail – To me, the best gift anyone can ever give me is a simple card or note (or even a nice e-mail these days).  Nothing cheers me more than to have something so simple but yet so meaningful.  Some of the most powerful gifts can come from words that others share with us.   It always amazes me how on days when I’m not feeling the greatest or am really struggling with something that is when I’ll get a simple “thank-you” e-mail from someone and they add in some kind and unexpected words.  That touches me immensely and can change my entire mindset.  And, let’s not forget to add how when some of your favorite celebrities “like” or even comment on a post you put on social media – I’m not even sure happiness would be the definition for that!  (PS: Lauren Holly, you are still the best for the comment you added on my Instagram picture!)

Making People Laugh – Even at times when I may not personally feel good, I always try to do what I can to make others smile or laugh.  We never know what is going on in others’ lives, so sometimes all someone may need is a simple joke or something to make them smile and laugh.  It may do them good, and seeing them laugh and smile, often can help ourselves, too!  So, I always try to find something funny and cheerful to say just to make people smile and laugh and attempt to lighten the atmosphere, too.

 Going to basketball games – I’ve always been an avid women’s college basketball fan and some of the most fun times I’ve had have been at various games.  I’ve been blessed to meet a variety of people at the games, individuals with whom I’ve been blessed to build cherished friendships with.  We have the best time just catching-up, sharing stories, laughing and just getting in to the games.  I always enjoy going to my basketball games to see my friends and to enjoy the overall atmosphere of the arena and the game itself.

 Christmas – The overall Christmas season brings happiness to me.  I just love all the decorations and lights, I love the smell of fresh pine and cinnamon pine cones.  I love the music as it is played, I love the ringing of the bells of the Salvation Army.  However, the reason for the season is what makes me happiest of all – JESUS!    I am often reminded of a song that my sister-in-Christ, Tabatha sings around Christmas called “Can You Imagine?” as it talks about God being willing to give His Only Son to be born in a lowly manger but who would end up sacrificing His life to be our Savior.  The song talks about wondering what God might have been feeling by seeing His Son endure all that He did during His life here on Earth.  The Christmas season brings up so many emotions for many people, but it is always filled with happiness for me by just spending time with my family and remembering the true reason why we celebrate. 

 Travelling – Simply put, I like to be on the go.  I don’t like to sit still very often.  Some may find that crazy, but even when I’m on vacation, I am still on the go – adventuring and exploring.  I love to travel and explore new sights or even re-visit places of old and find something different that I may have missed the first time.  I’ve not been to many places outside of the United States of America (except for the Bahamas and Canada, which I absolutely LOVE!) but I’ve been fortunate to visit a variety of places within the United States of America that are just amazing.  Nine times out of ten, you will probably catch me brainstorming some type of trip to any variety of locations.  I dream of returning to Canada and exploring more sights there, and one of these days, I will “cross the pond” and visit the European homeland. 

 Apples – Yes, call me crazy, but apples make me happy!  You just ask my co-workers what happens when I go to McDonalds and they leave the apple slices out of my Happy Meal – that equals a NOT happy Meredith!!!   And that is a very accurate assessment!  I do love apples – apple slices, whole apples, candy/caramel apples, the amazing apple chips from Smitty’s at the State Fair (wow!).  The only and maybe weird thing is that I really don’t like them cooked or baked, so that means I don’t really like apple pies or fritters.  I’m like that with a lot of fruits and vegetables – give them to me raw, not cooked, ha!  But yes, another totally random thing that makes me happy is apples!  Hey! An apple a day is supposed to keep the doctor away, too!  Apples should make you happy, too, if that analogy is really accurate!

 River Cities – This is another one of those things similar to the State Fair that I love but cannot explain to you why I love it and why it makes me happy.  But I have always loved and felt happiest in cities that are located along a river.  To me, there is just something peaceful and soothing about walking along a riverwalk or sitting on a bench staring out into the river.  It is interesting that some of my favorite cities are all river cities: Knoxville, Tennessee; Wilmington, North Carolina; Savannah, Georgia; Montreal, Canada; they are all lovely cities that feature incredible riverwalks and places to sit and gaze at the peaceful rivers.  Happy times are spent sitting by the slowly moving waters and listening to the sounds that are made along the river banks and the city streets. 

So, there you have it, my list of the ten most random things that make me happy!  Ask me in twenty minutes and I might have completely changed my mind!  But what makes you happy?  Take some time to think about it.  You will be surprised how many little things that we don’t even often consider can truly spark something deep inside of us that draws up some type of emotion, particularly a happy emotion.  No matter what you are going through in life, try to find one simple thing that you cherish and enjoy, something that makes you smile or happy and hold on to that!  It will carry you through the storm.  Keep Calm and Be Happy!  

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