Friday, May 17, 2013

"When I Look To The Sky..."

One thing I like about springtime is that the weather is USUALLY so relaxing and the sun is beaming so that you want to just stay outside and enjoy it. The days are beginning to get longer, so you are able to spend more time outdoors. (Well, except for a few weeks here when we didn't see the sun for over a week and the temperatures remained in the 50s/60s. I stayed indoors bundled up like an Eskimo, ha!). Springtime is when we see all the flowers budding and the grass is returning to green and of course the lovely pollen and allergies pay us a visit, as well. But you just want to get outside and enjoy it! Take some time this Spring to enjoy the beauty that surrounds you. Take time to stop and smell the roses, or my favorites the lilacs! Don't let time rush by, just stop, even for a second, and look around and be absorbed with what awaits you outside!

Day Fifteen -- Outdoors

I nearly had forgotten to take a picture of the great "outdoors." So, while I was sitting on the back deck reading Pat Summitt's autobiography, I decided I would just snap a shot of a portion of our backyard. The grass is growing and everything just looks so peaceful. I enjoy sometimes just sitting on the deck gazing out across the fields and down through the woods. There is always something new that can catch out eyes. Just look!

Day Sixteen -- Sky

Living in North Carolina, we are often blessed with some beautiful "sky days." Recently, I was outside playing basketball and had tossed the ball up into the air and realized "hey, that's pretty cool looking -- the basketball and the beautiful blue sky." So, I devised a plan where I could try to capture that. This is my favorite basketball -- it's not just because it's a Nike Elite Women's Basketball, but it's also the Kay Yow Cancer Fund Basketball. And the ironic thing about this picture, while I am holding the basketball upwards facing the sky, I know Coach Yow is up in Heaven smiling down upon her -- her full name was Sandra Kay Yow, SKY! How cool is that?

Take time to enjoy what's around you. Don't let it pass by. Just glance around you and smile. It does help you feel better!

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