Monday, May 6, 2013

"Today", there is an "empty" bottle of "water" that is "on my desk!"

Well, I am a little bit behind in my May Photo-a-Day Challenge blog posts. So, I guess, those of you who care to read, will be caught up with Days 3, 4, 5 and 6!

Day Three -- Empty

When you think of the word "empty," what's the first thing that comes to mind? A lot of different things probably do -- your car "running on E", an empty drink/water bottle or sadly, even an empty wallet! For day three, I tried to capture a variety of "empty" things that I encountered throughout the day. Maggie's (the cat) empty food bowl -- it might've been eaten by the neighbor's critters or her, who knows!; an empty car that Mom & Dad had just evacuated from; an empty mailbox -- I sure was hoping for a special letter!; an empty rocking chair -- too cool out to be rocking around; an empty park bench along the my serene walking path; the exact mileage until my Explorer runs completely empty!; an empty Diet Coke bottle -- that has to be the saddest sight of all; an empty red box that adorns my London collection on my desk at work; and two empty cups of just plain nothing! In a way, it's rather sad how many "empty" things we encounter during our normal day. But, let's just hope none of us have empty hearts -- make sure they are filled with love for all!

Day Four -- Water

Many days, I wish I lived on the water -- whether it would be the ocean, river, lake, sound, bay, it would not matter. I just think the water has a calming and soothing affect upon you. I remember when we went up to Mystic, Connecticut, and toured the Mystic Seaport. That was such a unique experience and such a peaceful place. Listening to the sounds of the shipyard, the hum of the boats going up and down the Mystic River. I wouldn't mind living in Mystic or even down in Wilmington, North Carolina. Such beautiful abounds on the water. For day four, while I was trekking around the park, I came upon a little hidden trail that butted up along the backside of the mini "lake" that is the center of the park. I tried to snap a photo, but it didn't turn out quite like I had hoped. Either way, it was still such a beautiful walk along the water's edge.

Day Five -- On My Desk

When it comes to things on my desk, many of you know, I do NOT like clutter and junk all over my desk. Each day before I head home from work, I try to have my desk looking almost pristine. I don't like to come in the next morning and be faced with a pile of work. I want to get as much done as I possibly can each day. And much is the same for the computer work desk at home. I prefer it to be clean and empty. I need my space to be able to move the keyboard where I need it to be. The only desk space of mine that might be slightly cluttered would probably be my scrapbooking table. But even then, I try to keep it tidy and only leave out what I am currently working on or absolutely need. Maybe I am a little OCD at times!

Day Six -- Today

I wasn't really sure exactly what the topic "today" entailed, and I obviously, wasn't quite that creative when I came up with my "drawing." Initially, I was going to put all my calenders together and circle/highlight today's date, but even that, still wasn't very creative. So, I ended up just resorting to writing out today's date in a variety of colors. Sorry I couldn't come up with anything better! But here's hoping that everyone has a wonderful day today!

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