Friday, May 10, 2013

Looking for Something about some Sugary Sunglasses?

Something borrowed, something blue...

Something old, something new...

And some things are just a little bit sugary, too!

Okay, ask any of my English teachers in school, and they will quickly tell you I struggled when it came to poetry. One would've thought since my Dad has an English degree that I might be a little more proficient when it came to poetry, but! Honestly, I've never really enjoyed reading poetry, much less writing it. Something about poetry, while at times it can encapturing, just doesn't really do much for me in comparison to a short story where I can get real involved and even develop my own sub-plotlines. (Yes, at times, my imagine tends to get the best of me!)

Oh yeah, back to the topic at hand ... the Photo-a-Day Challenge ... sorry, see how my mind wanders!

Day Eight -- Sugary

Trying to lose weight and get in better shape really stinks, especially when all you are craving is something with some sugar in it. Of course, my most favorite things that is "sugary" are Krispy Kreme doughnuts. But, there is no way on earth, that I can get over to the KK and only get ONE doughnut. That is basically like giving a drunk just one drink. You can't just eat one Krispy Kreme! So, in the process of cutting back, I still managed to find some brownies. "Reduced Fat Brownies" just don't sound very appealling. Mom made them while I was working, and they were decent. I didn't eat very many because they had a unique taste and plenty of sweet sugary-ness. But, boy, oh boy, what I would do for a KK right now. When I lose 10 pounds, I will treat myself to a Krispy Kreme doughnut or two or three or fourteen, just kidding! (I still have two pounds to go!)

Day Nine -- Sunglasses

These past few weeks, there really hasn't been any reason to wear our sunglasses here in North Carolina. There have been times in the past week where I seriously pondered whether I had moved over to Seattle because we were constantly cloudy and rainy. Thankfully, in the past few days, the clouds dissipated and the sun evolved. What a beautiful sight it has been, even if the temperatures are soaring! I love the heat, so I am not going to complain. I have probably 15 pair of sunglasses (yes, they used to have to match each outfit), but I mainly stick with my one pair, which many of my friends often refer to as my "Terminator" shades and I do NOT like being compared to Arnold (I won't even dare get off on that rant) But, I am grateful for my shades because many times I have to wear them even if it's cloudy outside -- my vision is soooooo wonderful (sarcasm galore!) But I am so thankful for the sun shining bright so I have a reason to wear my sunglasses!

Day Ten -- Something New

Don't we all love getting something new? I know I surely do, but I have been trying to monitor my budget a little more closely thanks to having to pay some higher taxes this year. But such is life. Even then, I still want to get something new. Recently, Tracey and I stopped by Bath & Body Works on our lunch break and they had just debuted their new Italian line. Lord help me when it comes to things that are Italian :-) So we tried out a few samples and I ended up getting a few different kinds. My favorites by far are Venice Dolce Berry and Rome Honeysuckle Amore, which I find absolutely heavenly! I particularly like the Rome Amore and the spray I bought has the sparlkes in it -- so I feel like a glistening Italian when I spray it on me :-)

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