Wednesday, May 15, 2013

My Mom, Teddy & Lynda Carter ??

I am getting behind a little in my Photo-a-Day Challenge blogposts, so let me do another two in one to catch up!

Day Twelve -- Mom

May 12th was indeed Mother's Day, so how appropriate the photo of the day was to feature our Mom's! I had already made a photo collage to post on my Mom's Facebook page as her gift, so I had to come up with another to meet the challenge. So, while Mom and I were en route to Grandpa's house for the afternoon, I decided to snap a picture of us. I am so thankful for my Mom. She is so awesome! There is so much more I could say about her, but I have already done so in a prior blog.

I actually did post two photos for the challenge that day. The first was obviously my real, birth mother. The second photo was of an individual who many have questioned whether she might be my mother, Lynda Carter aka Wonder Woman. Many people have often made the statement that "you look just like Wonder Woman!" I have always shook my head and said I just did not see it. Maybe it was because I was thinking of the cartoon/animated Wonder Woman vs. the real one portrayed by the elegant Lynda Carter. So, I finally said to myself "okay, to prove them wrong, I will post a picture of myself and Lynda Carter." Welllllllll...I think I might see why people often say that. There are quite a few noticeable comparisons and similarities. I think the main thing is the dark hair and blue eyes. But either way, I'll adopt Lynda Carter as my other Mom!

Happy Mother's Day to both!

Day Thirteen -- Friend

Friends come in all shapes and sizes. My ultimate friend is my dog, Zoey Katherine. Sometimes I often go out to the pin and let her run throughout the yard just as carefree as she wants. She has matured a lot in her old age, as she stays close by me more than she used to take off on her adventures. I still miss my old pal Marlowe -- he was the best dog I have ever been blessed to have known. I do see why they often say that dogs are man's best friend. That is so true. But, while, I should have posted a picture of maybe me and Zoey or Marlowe, Zoey hates having her picture made so I had to look elsewhere. I was doing a massive Spring cleaning in my room and I ran across Teddy. He has been with me for almost 30 years! And while I no longer sleep with him (as he obviously needs a lot of help in the stuffing department), he is still one I want to keep and cherish, even IF my mother said "let's get rid of him" -- how dare she!!

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