Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Photo-A-Day Challenge

Since I am taking a miniature hiatus from "The Coaches' Collection" series, I figured I would attempt do to the Photo-a-Day Challenge that I did back in December again. Of course, for May, we have different topics that we are supposed to capture on a daily basis. Those of you who know me know that I love to take pictures and many have often told me I am very creative, whereas I beg to differ. So, I will do my best to try to come up with some unique captures for my photos of the day! However, I don't intend to probably post a daily blog either. I will try my hardest to get a picture or so up, but they may be a day late and a dollar short, ha, as most of the photos I may take for that day are often captured after work hours.

But I have already taken a photo for day one and granted, I could have been much, much more creative and chosen to take some pictures of some of the lovely colorful azaleas displayed in my North Carolina home, but I opted for simplicity (and not to mention, I took it while I was driving to work this morning!)

Day One -- Colorful

We live in a brightly colorful world. Everywhere we look, we encounter a beautiful assortment of colors. The word "color" automatically makes me think of the song by Dolly Parton "God's Coloring Book". And in so many ways, this world is almost like a coloring book. It makes you wonder when God created our planet, did he have an assortment of Crayola markers coloring things here and there. Obviously, He did not, but it is an awesome image to think about. Either way, we are so blessed with color. If we lived in a black and white or grey world, that would just be dull and dreer. I am so glad we have been blessed with abundant color. So rather than choose some of this wonderful color to exhibit here today, I chose to take the easy route. I was driving to work and looking at all the colorful azaleas in bloom and spring flowers blossoming. Sure, I could have and actually did ponder stopping to take a picture, but Heaven forbid, I be late to work! So I glanced over in my passenger seat and there sits my bag of many colors, so once I pulled into my parking space at work, I had to take a snap. And there you have it, Day One's entry of "Colorful" -- my bag of many colors. Hey!, at least you can take it with nearly any outfit you wear (ha, reference "The Coaches' Collection!").

Try to bring a little color into someone's life each day -- it could be a compliment about their wardrobe or just a friendly hello. The world lately has been overcast with doom and gloom, so let's brighten it up a little and spread some color amongst our family, friends, neighbors and even those we do not know.

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