Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Photos for Days 17-21

Well, thanks to the workload picking up in the office, I have gotten a little bit behind in my blog posts. So, for today, I will just do a catch-up of the ones I have failed to document.

Day Seventeen -- Favorite Song

For someone like me who absolutely loves all kinds of music, it is nearly impossible to choose a favorite song. Sure, there are songs on my playlist that I do play over and over, but to say that I necessarily have one song that is my absolute favorite is probably hard to define. As I was driving, a few of my favorite songs did come on the satellite radio so I quickly snapped a few. I love Paul McCartney and I love the Beatles so it just so happened that two of their songs came on. And I decided to let them be the feature. That's not to say they are my absolute favorite because as I write this now one of my favorite Mumford & Sons' songs is playing. So, just give me music 24/7 and I will be pacified. If I don't like the song, I will just skip it or change the channel!

Day Eighteen -- Messy

Even though my Mom may often tell me that my room is "messy" (which I never think it is), I do not really like messiness. My desk at work must be clean when I leave at the end of the day. When I'm working on a scrapbook project, even if I have not finished it, everything must be put back up on the shelf in neat, pristine order. Okay, maybe I am a little OCD. So what do I choose for a "messy" themed photo. Well, how about going to a Durham Bulls' baseball game on a beautiful evening and then suddenly the bottom falls out. The gorgeous green field turned into a semi-pond. Water was standing ankle deep in places. But even though it turned out to be a messy evening, it was a still a fun one!

Day Nineteen -- Plastic

These days nearly everywhere you turn, you encounter something plastic -- plastic bottles, plastic containers, plastic utensils -- you name it, plastic exists. But one of my favorite things plastic (aside from a Diet Coke bottle) is plastic bags! Weird, random, yes, I know. BUT usually those plastic bags are filled with goodies because that means you can go shopping! I ventured down to Smithfield, Selma and Clayton (Johnston County, Lord help me, Jesus!) and did a little shopping on the weekend. And I filled my plastic bags with some treasures! Nothing better!

Day Twenty -- In The Morning

When I get up in the morning to get ready to start my day, the last thing on my mind is taking a picture or finding something to document. Alas, I awaited until I go to work and just decided to take an easy picture of myself and my outfit for that morning. Yes, I cheated and didn't make it nearly as fun and adventurous, but oh well!

Day Twenty-One -- Up High

Sadly, I'm not in the mountains so I can't give you a beautiful photo of the mountains that are high in the sky that I love so dearly. Nor did I encounter a plane flying overhead during the day. So, I ended up attempting to take a picture of the moon last night as it was climbing high into the sky.

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