Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Photos for Days 17-21

Well, thanks to the workload picking up in the office, I have gotten a little bit behind in my blog posts. So, for today, I will just do a catch-up of the ones I have failed to document.

Day Seventeen -- Favorite Song

For someone like me who absolutely loves all kinds of music, it is nearly impossible to choose a favorite song. Sure, there are songs on my playlist that I do play over and over, but to say that I necessarily have one song that is my absolute favorite is probably hard to define. As I was driving, a few of my favorite songs did come on the satellite radio so I quickly snapped a few. I love Paul McCartney and I love the Beatles so it just so happened that two of their songs came on. And I decided to let them be the feature. That's not to say they are my absolute favorite because as I write this now one of my favorite Mumford & Sons' songs is playing. So, just give me music 24/7 and I will be pacified. If I don't like the song, I will just skip it or change the channel!

Day Eighteen -- Messy

Even though my Mom may often tell me that my room is "messy" (which I never think it is), I do not really like messiness. My desk at work must be clean when I leave at the end of the day. When I'm working on a scrapbook project, even if I have not finished it, everything must be put back up on the shelf in neat, pristine order. Okay, maybe I am a little OCD. So what do I choose for a "messy" themed photo. Well, how about going to a Durham Bulls' baseball game on a beautiful evening and then suddenly the bottom falls out. The gorgeous green field turned into a semi-pond. Water was standing ankle deep in places. But even though it turned out to be a messy evening, it was a still a fun one!

Day Nineteen -- Plastic

These days nearly everywhere you turn, you encounter something plastic -- plastic bottles, plastic containers, plastic utensils -- you name it, plastic exists. But one of my favorite things plastic (aside from a Diet Coke bottle) is plastic bags! Weird, random, yes, I know. BUT usually those plastic bags are filled with goodies because that means you can go shopping! I ventured down to Smithfield, Selma and Clayton (Johnston County, Lord help me, Jesus!) and did a little shopping on the weekend. And I filled my plastic bags with some treasures! Nothing better!

Day Twenty -- In The Morning

When I get up in the morning to get ready to start my day, the last thing on my mind is taking a picture or finding something to document. Alas, I awaited until I go to work and just decided to take an easy picture of myself and my outfit for that morning. Yes, I cheated and didn't make it nearly as fun and adventurous, but oh well!

Day Twenty-One -- Up High

Sadly, I'm not in the mountains so I can't give you a beautiful photo of the mountains that are high in the sky that I love so dearly. Nor did I encounter a plane flying overhead during the day. So, I ended up attempting to take a picture of the moon last night as it was climbing high into the sky.

Friday, May 17, 2013

"When I Look To The Sky..."

One thing I like about springtime is that the weather is USUALLY so relaxing and the sun is beaming so that you want to just stay outside and enjoy it. The days are beginning to get longer, so you are able to spend more time outdoors. (Well, except for a few weeks here when we didn't see the sun for over a week and the temperatures remained in the 50s/60s. I stayed indoors bundled up like an Eskimo, ha!). Springtime is when we see all the flowers budding and the grass is returning to green and of course the lovely pollen and allergies pay us a visit, as well. But you just want to get outside and enjoy it! Take some time this Spring to enjoy the beauty that surrounds you. Take time to stop and smell the roses, or my favorites the lilacs! Don't let time rush by, just stop, even for a second, and look around and be absorbed with what awaits you outside!

Day Fifteen -- Outdoors

I nearly had forgotten to take a picture of the great "outdoors." So, while I was sitting on the back deck reading Pat Summitt's autobiography, I decided I would just snap a shot of a portion of our backyard. The grass is growing and everything just looks so peaceful. I enjoy sometimes just sitting on the deck gazing out across the fields and down through the woods. There is always something new that can catch out eyes. Just look!

Day Sixteen -- Sky

Living in North Carolina, we are often blessed with some beautiful "sky days." Recently, I was outside playing basketball and had tossed the ball up into the air and realized "hey, that's pretty cool looking -- the basketball and the beautiful blue sky." So, I devised a plan where I could try to capture that. This is my favorite basketball -- it's not just because it's a Nike Elite Women's Basketball, but it's also the Kay Yow Cancer Fund Basketball. And the ironic thing about this picture, while I am holding the basketball upwards facing the sky, I know Coach Yow is up in Heaven smiling down upon her -- her full name was Sandra Kay Yow, SKY! How cool is that?

Take time to enjoy what's around you. Don't let it pass by. Just glance around you and smile. It does help you feel better!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Memories that last a lifetime...

In one way or another, our lives are full of memories. It could be something simple as cherished items we received for our birthdays or maybe something given to us by our ancestors. Those memories we hold near and dear to our hearts, and often times those memories will last a lifetime. Sure, there are good memories and sadly there are bad memories. And try as you might, it's hard to shake the bad ones. But, we have to get to a point in our life where we just move forward and let the good memories wash over ourselves and replace those bad memories. When I realized the photo for Day Fourteen was to be about a "Memory", I became a little conflicted. I have so many amazing memories and could not pick just one to display, nor could I really decide what I wanted to focus on -- did I want to use my memories of game day at Tennessee (football and basketball), basketball games overall, gifts I had recieved, etc. I ended up just going through my phone and capturing a few of my favorite moments that I have had meeting with a variety of people. Below is some information about each person and my encounter! Make your memories last a lifetime!

Day 14 -- Memory

Governor Beverly Perdue, Raleigh, North Carolina (2011) -- For me, 2011 was NOT a good year. I tragically lost my job and that is a memory that still carries a bitter taste in my mouth. But, on the contrary, when I look back at 2011, I also think of two extreme highlights in my life -- meeting Governor Beverly Perdue TWICE! Ever since I was a little girl, I adored Bev Perdue. Many of you hate her and guess what, I don't care. No, I didn't agree with all her political stances, but I viewed her as a female who did not let the word "no" deter her from accomplishing goals in her life. I had always wanted to meet her, yet I never could figure out how to get to see her one-on-one. Until she and her staffer literally walked right in to me in downtown Raleigh while at the Naismith Awards. I was immediately encaptured by her beautiful, sparkling blue eyes. What an amazing moment! She was gracious enough to not only have her photo made with us, but also spend a little time talking about fashion. My favorite part was when she commented on how she liked my 'fascinator' to which she followed up by telling me, genuinely, that I looked "fascinating." To say I was on a cloud the rest of that evening was an understatement. I later met her again in December at the Governor's Mansion. What a fun year! Dreams and wishes do come true -- never give up, they will turn into memories that you cherish and hold dear.

Tony Tata, Garner, North Carolina (2013) -- Meeting Tony Tata was a great highlight for November 2013. I might have turned 30 that month, but it was not all that bad. I had read all three of Tony's military thrillers and had asked him if I could get them signed. He graciously met up with me and signed all three books, as well as had a photo made. What an awesome guy he is. He served our country proudly in the U.S. Army for many years before working in the DC Public Schools, as well as here in Wake County. Sadly, we witnessed a horrible decision when he was forced to leave Wake County, but thankfully, he is still able to serve our state now as the Secretary of Transportation. Such an honorable man! And you definitely need to read his books -- they are incredible!

Rhonda Vincent, Pigeon Forge, Tennessee (2012) -- When it comes to Bluegrass music, no one does it better than Rhonda Vincent. Growing up, I was not an avid fan of Bluegrass. My Dad loved torturing me on long road trips by playing it non-stop, and then Heaven forbid when we got to Tennessee, we had to go to the gazebo each night for Blugrass shows. Over the years, I grew up and my mindset towards Blugrass music began to mellow. While we were at Dollywood last June for Barbecue & Bluegrass Festival, we saw Rhonda Vincent in concert three times. She was incredible. Maybe it was her wearing Tennessee Volunteer Orange and her splendid rendition of "Rocky Top" that changed my opinion, but I immediately became a fan. One thing that I noticed about Rhonda is how humble and down-to-earth she is. She always makes time to meet with her fans after concerts. That to me speaks volumes. In 2012, we saw her in concert more than five times, and have already seen her perform in 2013, as well. She is definitely one that you should go see in concert and follow on Twitter and Facebook. I love Rhonda!

Chris Dailey, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina (2012) -- Well, 2012 was obviously the good year for making lots of good memories. When you get wind that UConn is coming to town to play someone, you go! It doesn't matter who they are playing, it's UConn and that's a big name in women's basketball. We got tickets from Duke for the game. I had NO idea that my seats would literally be at the end of the UConn team bench. I sat right beside their Gatorade coolers. I had a bird's eye view of the team bench, the team huddles during time-outs. I was practically in Heaven. Yet, I looked like a fool with my Duke gear on. Seriously, what was I thinking -- Duke didn't stand a chance at beating UConn, but yet I wore Duke blue. Wow, how times have changed. A few years ago, I would've probably sat there wearing Tennessee orange because my sheer hatred for UConn and Geno Auriemma was so immense. But one person helped to change all that, and that one person I was fortunate enough to meet after the game -- UConn Associate Head Coach, Chris Dailey. Though my hatred for UConn was intense, I had always admired Chris Dailey from afar. She was the epitome of fashion -- absolute perfect in every sense. She has been loyal and faithful to the same program for almost 30 years, even turning down opportunities to be a Head Coach herself. In my opinion, she IS the glue that holds UConn together, yet she often remains in the shadows of Geno Auriemma, even though she does tower about three inches over him! Not many people intimidate me, but for whatever reason, Chris did. Little did I know, that in 2013, I would receive a handwritten note from Chris in the mail; and less than a month later, she was in my hometown, where I ended up spending around 15 minutes one-on-one with her talking basketball, fashion and beyond. She is a very genuine person, very humble and caring. She is a role model for many young women. I am thankful for the time she spent with me, it was a highlight of my life! Next time, I will get a better picture and I will NOT be wearing Duke!

Kim Mulkey, University of Texas, Austin, Texas (2012) -- A week before I met Chris Dailey at Duke, I was out in Austin, Texas, visiting my cousin Amanda. We went to the Texas vs. Baylor women's game. Lo and behold, I was able to meet Kim Mulkey (Head Coach from Baylor University) after the game. She remembered who I was from an e-mail I had sent her regarding her book she had written. It was such an incredible experience to be down on the court with an individual who has won the NCAA Championship as a player, assistant coach and head coach. She is very funny, as well. We joked about how unlike Louisiana and North Carolina, Texas was flat and had no trees! I was so proud when Baylor went on to win the 2012 NCAA National Championship and win it by setting a record of going 40-0!

Nora Lynn Finch, Raleigh, North Carolina (2009) -- Saving the best for last ... that would be Nora Lynn Finch, one of my heroes since I was a child. She has been featured/mentioned in many of my blogs. But the first time I ever truly talked to Nora Lynn was in 2009 at the NCAA Super Regionals hosted at the PNC Arena in Raleigh. I was floored at how kind she was and how much she genuinely cared about people. She climbed OVER the hockey wall to come up into the stands to speak to me and ask me about myself. I was just overwhelmed. Over the past few years, we have gotten to know each other better, and I can honestly tell you, had you told me when I was a little girl that one of my heroes would know me by name and speak to me/call out to me by name at a game, I would have just laughed. But it's the truth, each time I see her, she waves and speaks and says hello to me personally, and often greets you with a warm hug. While she may no longer be working at NC State and even though her title of "Associate Commissioner" of the ACC would leave you to believe she is this high-minded individual, she is quite the opposite. She is a very busy individual who is devoted to her job 100%, yet she still has a heart that cares for others and she does what she can to help them in any way. We need more people in America like her!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

My Mom, Teddy & Lynda Carter ??

I am getting behind a little in my Photo-a-Day Challenge blogposts, so let me do another two in one to catch up!

Day Twelve -- Mom

May 12th was indeed Mother's Day, so how appropriate the photo of the day was to feature our Mom's! I had already made a photo collage to post on my Mom's Facebook page as her gift, so I had to come up with another to meet the challenge. So, while Mom and I were en route to Grandpa's house for the afternoon, I decided to snap a picture of us. I am so thankful for my Mom. She is so awesome! There is so much more I could say about her, but I have already done so in a prior blog.

I actually did post two photos for the challenge that day. The first was obviously my real, birth mother. The second photo was of an individual who many have questioned whether she might be my mother, Lynda Carter aka Wonder Woman. Many people have often made the statement that "you look just like Wonder Woman!" I have always shook my head and said I just did not see it. Maybe it was because I was thinking of the cartoon/animated Wonder Woman vs. the real one portrayed by the elegant Lynda Carter. So, I finally said to myself "okay, to prove them wrong, I will post a picture of myself and Lynda Carter." Welllllllll...I think I might see why people often say that. There are quite a few noticeable comparisons and similarities. I think the main thing is the dark hair and blue eyes. But either way, I'll adopt Lynda Carter as my other Mom!

Happy Mother's Day to both!

Day Thirteen -- Friend

Friends come in all shapes and sizes. My ultimate friend is my dog, Zoey Katherine. Sometimes I often go out to the pin and let her run throughout the yard just as carefree as she wants. She has matured a lot in her old age, as she stays close by me more than she used to take off on her adventures. I still miss my old pal Marlowe -- he was the best dog I have ever been blessed to have known. I do see why they often say that dogs are man's best friend. That is so true. But, while, I should have posted a picture of maybe me and Zoey or Marlowe, Zoey hates having her picture made so I had to look elsewhere. I was doing a massive Spring cleaning in my room and I ran across Teddy. He has been with me for almost 30 years! And while I no longer sleep with him (as he obviously needs a lot of help in the stuffing department), he is still one I want to keep and cherish, even IF my mother said "let's get rid of him" -- how dare she!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Sunsets Galore!

Day Eleven -- Sunset

Isn't it absolutely amazing how beautiful sunrises and sunsets truly can be? Most often, I do not see the sun rise as I am either usually getting dressed for work or asleep, but I do try to catch the sun setting as often as I can. Unlike my Dad, who loves catching both sunrises and sunsets on camera (and he does a splendid job of it, as well), I don't often capture as many as he does nor at the quality he can see them in. The sunsets pictured here are taken in a variety of places and they are all different. From left to right, here is the sunset location and mini-background info:

Mystic Seaport Lighthouse, Mystic, Connecticut -- We had free passes from Coca~Cola to tour the Mystic Seaport and we stayed nearly all day long. As we went back in the evening, I took a quick snap of the sun peering over on the right behind the lighthouse.

Great Smoky Mountains, Pigeon Forge, Tennessee -- Ahh, I just love this picture or maybe it's just because of how much I love the Smokies. But, I happened to be riding down the street and glanced up at beautiful Mount LeConte and there is an amazing sun setting high above the peaks of the Smoky Mountains. What a majestic looking sight!

Meredith's Backyard, Raleigh, North Carolina -- Honestly, I am not 100% certain of the location of this photo, but I do believe it was at home. I just looked up and thought it looked angelic ... almost like Heaven had opened its doors and wanted to speak to us. Just serene!

Flying High over Texas, Just outside of Austin, Texas -- I flew out to see my cousin in Austin, Texas, on a late afternoon flight. I had never been to Texas to realize just how FLAT everything is! But as we were approaching Austin to land, I looked out the window and caught the sun setting along the horizon. It was absolutely breath-taking. There is something to be said about seeing the sun set from above and it was unbelieveable!

Barefoot Landing Harbor, North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina -- Mom and I had been walking in the shops at Barefoot Landing when Dad decided to drift back to the Harbor where many of the large boats and yachts will dock to come to shop and stay over at Barefoot Resort. We happened to walk back just in time to catch the sun setting just over the Intracoastal Waterway. Splendid!

Sunset at Sunset Beach, North Carolina -- How appropriate or maybe how ironic to capture one of my most favorite sunset photos at a places known as Sunset Beach?!? Maybe that is why it received the name Sunset Beach because the sun setting makes it appear as if it sinking down into the heart of the Atlantic Ocean, which is where we usually see it rise up from. Either way, what a pleasant photo!

Mystic River, Mystic, Connecticut -- So, I tried to portray a variety of sunsets in different locations, but Connecticut is awarded with two sunset photos. The town of Mystic is built right along the banks of the Mystic River, and I absolutely fell in love with this place. It is so calm and scenic. I just love listening to the hum of the boats in the river heading out toward the Long Island Sound and soon the great Atlantic. I loved the sounds from the old shipyard as they were working to restore and repair giant Tall Ships. The hustle and bustled along the riverwalk heading toward the tourist section of town. Aside from the cold, snowy winters of Connecticut, this is a place I could easily move. And, of course, they have amazing sunsets. I loved this one. The sun setting over the Mystic River with the reflection bouncing off the river's waters

Friday, May 10, 2013

Looking for Something about some Sugary Sunglasses?

Something borrowed, something blue...

Something old, something new...

And some things are just a little bit sugary, too!

Okay, ask any of my English teachers in school, and they will quickly tell you I struggled when it came to poetry. One would've thought since my Dad has an English degree that I might be a little more proficient when it came to poetry, but! Honestly, I've never really enjoyed reading poetry, much less writing it. Something about poetry, while at times it can encapturing, just doesn't really do much for me in comparison to a short story where I can get real involved and even develop my own sub-plotlines. (Yes, at times, my imagine tends to get the best of me!)

Oh yeah, back to the topic at hand ... the Photo-a-Day Challenge ... sorry, see how my mind wanders!

Day Eight -- Sugary

Trying to lose weight and get in better shape really stinks, especially when all you are craving is something with some sugar in it. Of course, my most favorite things that is "sugary" are Krispy Kreme doughnuts. But, there is no way on earth, that I can get over to the KK and only get ONE doughnut. That is basically like giving a drunk just one drink. You can't just eat one Krispy Kreme! So, in the process of cutting back, I still managed to find some brownies. "Reduced Fat Brownies" just don't sound very appealling. Mom made them while I was working, and they were decent. I didn't eat very many because they had a unique taste and plenty of sweet sugary-ness. But, boy, oh boy, what I would do for a KK right now. When I lose 10 pounds, I will treat myself to a Krispy Kreme doughnut or two or three or fourteen, just kidding! (I still have two pounds to go!)

Day Nine -- Sunglasses

These past few weeks, there really hasn't been any reason to wear our sunglasses here in North Carolina. There have been times in the past week where I seriously pondered whether I had moved over to Seattle because we were constantly cloudy and rainy. Thankfully, in the past few days, the clouds dissipated and the sun evolved. What a beautiful sight it has been, even if the temperatures are soaring! I love the heat, so I am not going to complain. I have probably 15 pair of sunglasses (yes, they used to have to match each outfit), but I mainly stick with my one pair, which many of my friends often refer to as my "Terminator" shades and I do NOT like being compared to Arnold (I won't even dare get off on that rant) But, I am grateful for my shades because many times I have to wear them even if it's cloudy outside -- my vision is soooooo wonderful (sarcasm galore!) But I am so thankful for the sun shining bright so I have a reason to wear my sunglasses!

Day Ten -- Something New

Don't we all love getting something new? I know I surely do, but I have been trying to monitor my budget a little more closely thanks to having to pay some higher taxes this year. But such is life. Even then, I still want to get something new. Recently, Tracey and I stopped by Bath & Body Works on our lunch break and they had just debuted their new Italian line. Lord help me when it comes to things that are Italian :-) So we tried out a few samples and I ended up getting a few different kinds. My favorites by far are Venice Dolce Berry and Rome Honeysuckle Amore, which I find absolutely heavenly! I particularly like the Rome Amore and the spray I bought has the sparlkes in it -- so I feel like a glistening Italian when I spray it on me :-)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

"Flashback" to 1932 & 1936

As most of you have seen, I have been doing a series on basketball and the coaches and their attire during the game. Of course, we all know that my love for basketball abounds. I've always ponderd why I really adored basketball so much, and if you happened to miss my prior blog about "Why Basketball Matters" (, I tried to explain why I felt basketball had made a difference in my life. But even with that, where did my passion come from? Sure, a deep admiration for Coach Kay Yow, but prior to that, as with other things, I believe it was in my blood.

Day Seven -- Flashback

Basketball runs in my family. My Mom's brothers played basketball. But, even long before that, my Grandmother, Louise Sorrell (Foster) and her sister, my Great Aunt, Maydelle Sorrell (Williams) both played basketball on their girls high school team at Garner. My, oh my, how basketball has changed over the years. Who ever would have thought that there was a high school girl's basketball team back in the early to mid 1930s!!! That's almost unrealistic to think about. My Granny always wanted me to play basketball, but as you know from my previous blog entry, I was unable to play due to a shoulder surgery. But even then, their passion lived on throughout me. I only wish now that I could have more time to ask them about them playing. I know how my tough my Maydelle was -- to look at her, she as very stylish but she didn't take any junk from you. You make her mad, and you better run because you didn't push her around. And to think about her and Granny playing, wow, I wish we had video of those good 'ole days. But I will cherish these photos that I have found because that just inspires me to continue to support basketball and keep Maydelle & Louise's dream alive!

Monday, May 6, 2013

"Today", there is an "empty" bottle of "water" that is "on my desk!"

Well, I am a little bit behind in my May Photo-a-Day Challenge blog posts. So, I guess, those of you who care to read, will be caught up with Days 3, 4, 5 and 6!

Day Three -- Empty

When you think of the word "empty," what's the first thing that comes to mind? A lot of different things probably do -- your car "running on E", an empty drink/water bottle or sadly, even an empty wallet! For day three, I tried to capture a variety of "empty" things that I encountered throughout the day. Maggie's (the cat) empty food bowl -- it might've been eaten by the neighbor's critters or her, who knows!; an empty car that Mom & Dad had just evacuated from; an empty mailbox -- I sure was hoping for a special letter!; an empty rocking chair -- too cool out to be rocking around; an empty park bench along the my serene walking path; the exact mileage until my Explorer runs completely empty!; an empty Diet Coke bottle -- that has to be the saddest sight of all; an empty red box that adorns my London collection on my desk at work; and two empty cups of just plain nothing! In a way, it's rather sad how many "empty" things we encounter during our normal day. But, let's just hope none of us have empty hearts -- make sure they are filled with love for all!

Day Four -- Water

Many days, I wish I lived on the water -- whether it would be the ocean, river, lake, sound, bay, it would not matter. I just think the water has a calming and soothing affect upon you. I remember when we went up to Mystic, Connecticut, and toured the Mystic Seaport. That was such a unique experience and such a peaceful place. Listening to the sounds of the shipyard, the hum of the boats going up and down the Mystic River. I wouldn't mind living in Mystic or even down in Wilmington, North Carolina. Such beautiful abounds on the water. For day four, while I was trekking around the park, I came upon a little hidden trail that butted up along the backside of the mini "lake" that is the center of the park. I tried to snap a photo, but it didn't turn out quite like I had hoped. Either way, it was still such a beautiful walk along the water's edge.

Day Five -- On My Desk

When it comes to things on my desk, many of you know, I do NOT like clutter and junk all over my desk. Each day before I head home from work, I try to have my desk looking almost pristine. I don't like to come in the next morning and be faced with a pile of work. I want to get as much done as I possibly can each day. And much is the same for the computer work desk at home. I prefer it to be clean and empty. I need my space to be able to move the keyboard where I need it to be. The only desk space of mine that might be slightly cluttered would probably be my scrapbooking table. But even then, I try to keep it tidy and only leave out what I am currently working on or absolutely need. Maybe I am a little OCD at times!

Day Six -- Today

I wasn't really sure exactly what the topic "today" entailed, and I obviously, wasn't quite that creative when I came up with my "drawing." Initially, I was going to put all my calenders together and circle/highlight today's date, but even that, still wasn't very creative. So, I ended up just resorting to writing out today's date in a variety of colors. Sorry I couldn't come up with anything better! But here's hoping that everyone has a wonderful day today!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Day Two -- Off the Beaten Path

Day Two -- Path

Don't we all have those days where you just want to get out and explore? Lord knows, lately, I have had more of those days than I have cared for. But, many times, it is great to just get out and about and take the path less travelled. We never know where we may end up.

My cousin has made some wonderful paths/trails back in the woods behind the house. Sometimes, I just like to take Zoey and go for a walk through the woods. Not really looking for anything in particular or doing anything, but just to get out and about and enjoy some fresh air.

Often times, when we are on vacation in places that may not be as familiar to us as our hometown, we may take sideroads (or paths) and take an adventure to find something new. The spontaneity that brings can be quite enjoyable as many times when you are taking the path less travelled, you usually come upon something that you least expected. I can't tell you how many times when we have been up in the "hills of Tennessee" we have taken so many little side, tight-winding roads and have always found some unique place that we will go back and venture.

So, live life on the edge a little. Venture down a side road or take a walk down an unknown path (as long as it seems safe!) and see what adventure awaits you! Be open minded and ready for a new experience!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Photo-A-Day Challenge

Since I am taking a miniature hiatus from "The Coaches' Collection" series, I figured I would attempt do to the Photo-a-Day Challenge that I did back in December again. Of course, for May, we have different topics that we are supposed to capture on a daily basis. Those of you who know me know that I love to take pictures and many have often told me I am very creative, whereas I beg to differ. So, I will do my best to try to come up with some unique captures for my photos of the day! However, I don't intend to probably post a daily blog either. I will try my hardest to get a picture or so up, but they may be a day late and a dollar short, ha, as most of the photos I may take for that day are often captured after work hours.

But I have already taken a photo for day one and granted, I could have been much, much more creative and chosen to take some pictures of some of the lovely colorful azaleas displayed in my North Carolina home, but I opted for simplicity (and not to mention, I took it while I was driving to work this morning!)

Day One -- Colorful

We live in a brightly colorful world. Everywhere we look, we encounter a beautiful assortment of colors. The word "color" automatically makes me think of the song by Dolly Parton "God's Coloring Book". And in so many ways, this world is almost like a coloring book. It makes you wonder when God created our planet, did he have an assortment of Crayola markers coloring things here and there. Obviously, He did not, but it is an awesome image to think about. Either way, we are so blessed with color. If we lived in a black and white or grey world, that would just be dull and dreer. I am so glad we have been blessed with abundant color. So rather than choose some of this wonderful color to exhibit here today, I chose to take the easy route. I was driving to work and looking at all the colorful azaleas in bloom and spring flowers blossoming. Sure, I could have and actually did ponder stopping to take a picture, but Heaven forbid, I be late to work! So I glanced over in my passenger seat and there sits my bag of many colors, so once I pulled into my parking space at work, I had to take a snap. And there you have it, Day One's entry of "Colorful" -- my bag of many colors. Hey!, at least you can take it with nearly any outfit you wear (ha, reference "The Coaches' Collection!").

Try to bring a little color into someone's life each day -- it could be a compliment about their wardrobe or just a friendly hello. The world lately has been overcast with doom and gloom, so let's brighten it up a little and spread some color amongst our family, friends, neighbors and even those we do not know.