Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Day Fifteen -- Bullet-Point Your Whole Day

The clock is ticking from the moment we are born – our time on Earth is already lessened at birth.  Each person has a completely different pattern for their daily routine, and even mine will change from day-to-day depending upon what all arises during the day.  However, as you will soon discover, I live a pretty boring life during the work week.  Here is my “bullet-point” list for a whole day.  I am choosing to do yesterday, which was Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016.    

  • 5:48AM – Rise and Shine
  • 5:50AM-6:50AM – Time spent getting ready for work
  • 6:50AM-6:55AM – Grab a quick bite for breakfast (usually a banana!)
  •  6:55AM – Leave for Work
  • 7:17AM – Clock in at the office
  • 7:20AM-12:15PM – Solving the world’s problems in the office
  • 12:18-12:55PM – Lunch break – ended up taking a 1.27 mile walk
  • 12:56PM-4:29PM – Back to solving all the problems plaguing our employees
  • 4:30PM – Jail break – whoops, I mean signing out of work for the day
  • 4:30PM-4:40PM – After hours basketball talk in the parking lot with co-workers
  • 4:40PM-5:00PM – Homeward bound
  • 5:00PM-5:15PM – Arrive home, change clothes & begin the wind-down process
  • 5:15PM-5:45PM – Dinner with the family
  • 5:45PM-6:00PM – Devotional Time
  • 6:00PM-6:30PM – Paying bills (not a pleasant experience)
  • 6:30PM-7:30PM – Watching The X-Files episode that I had DVR’d from missing Monday
  • 7:30PM-10:00PM – Wind-down – watching TV, showering, choosing attire for day ahead
  • 10:03PM – Night, Night, Sleep Tight, Y’all 

So, there you have my exciting Tuesday.  Maybe I should’ve chosen another night when I actually had a basketball game or something more exciting, but in a nutshell, that is almost how a typical day in the life of Meredith goes.  

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