Friday, February 19, 2016

Day Eighteen -- Post 30 Facts About Yourself.

  1. I have a dog named Zoey Katherine, who will turn 13 later this year.
  2. I am an only child.
  3. I have natural dark brown hair with light blue eyes, which is an unusual but not uncommon combination.
  4. I can say and sing my United States in alphabetical order.
  5. I have played the piano since I was in Third Grade.
  6. I am often mistaken for being a Canadian (I still haven't figured out why!). 
  7. I am intrigued by conspiracy theories and have some of my own.
  8. I have a slight obsession with Diet Coke.
  9. I was honored to be on both the Dean's and President's Lists in college.
  10. As a child, I always wanted to be an airline pilot or flight attendant.
  11. I love the smell of coffee, but don't like to drink it.
  12. I love strawberries but hate anything strawberry flavored (including ice cream); I love cherry flavored items but hate cherries (go figure!)
  13. I have lived in the same house my entire life.
  14. I am a Notary and a licensed Life and Health Insurance Agent for the State of North Carolina.
  15. I have worn glasses since before I turned two years old. 
  16. I believe in having a servant's heart and trying to help people in the best way I can.
  17. I am a huge fan of women's college basketball and love sports in general.
  18. I always wanted to be a gymnast; then I realized I was too tall!
  19. I cannot stand air conditioning blowing on me.
  20. I love making and eating snow cream.
  21. I missed being able to vote in the historical 2000 Presidential Election as I turned 18 only days after Election Day (ugh!).
  22. I have celebrated two countries national holidays in the same year, month and week -- Canada Day (July 1st) and Independence Day (July 4th).
  23. I have no fear in heights.
  24. Attention-seekers absolutely annoy me.
  25. I love to drive -- anywhere, anytime.
  26. Music helps me through the day and keeps me in focus.
  27. I always feel bad for the Christmas trees and pumpkins that no one buys and are left on the lots all by themselves.
  28. I enjoy learning new things, alas one reason why I probably enjoy writing research papers!
  29. My CDs are all in alphabetical order by genre.
  30. I saw the 1996 Olympic Torch Run through my hometown.

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