Thursday, January 28, 2016

Day Fourteen -- Post your favorite movies that you never get tired of watching.

Well, after being stuck in the house recently due to the ice storm that hit central North Carolina, it should’ve given me plenty of time to re-watch some of my favorite movies.  But, alas, due to power outages and debris clean-up, I really didn’t have time to watch any.  But it is times like that when you do typically find yourself with a little more spare time to watch some of your favorite movies.  Today’s topic to post some movies that I never get tired of watching is challenging.  I am one who typically will be more prone to watching TV shows or sports over movies.  I honestly don’t go to the theater but maybe once or twice a year (if that), but I will watch some movies on TV.  So, my selection of movies that I never tire of watching will be a mixed bag and some are ones I have watched non-stop my entire life.  I’ll choose five to keep it short and sweet, ha!

The Sound of Music

I would be remiss if I did not add this to my list, not to mention it should be exactly where it is placed on the list – at number one!   I have watched this movie my entire life and NEVER get tired of watching it.  Last year was the 50th Anniversary of the movie, and I was so excited when they decided to show it in the movie theaters.  Having never seen The Sound of Music on the ‘big screen’, it was an overwhelming experience, and yes, I did cry a few times.  I also saw it at an outdoor showing under the stars.  Last year alone, I probably watched The Sound of Music more than I ever did in my entire life.  I make sure to watch it always at Christmastime and occasionally at other times throughout the year.  Julie Andrews is just flat-out phenomenal in the movie.  Her chemistry with Christopher Plummer is exquisite.  The Sound of Music is such a family-friendly movie filled with spectacular music and sights.  It is something I will continue to watch and enjoy for many more years to come! 

Mary Poppins

As you can tell, Julie Andrews is definitely one of my favorite actresses/singers.  From The Sound of Music to Mary Poppins, she is absolutely refreshing in both.  Mary Poppins always fascinated me as a child, and I often found myself trying to leap off the deck stairs with my umbrella with high aspirations of soaring in to the sky just like she did.  Needless to say, that always ended up in an utter fail for me!  Mary Poppins is another movie that when I need to have my spirits lifted, I can easily pop it in to the DVD player and be transported into another realm of the happy universe. 

9 to 5 

Isn’t this movie sometimes realistic?  Don’t we often all have moments when we feel the way that Violet, Judy and DoraLee do about their job and their boss?  9 to 5 is not only an amazing movie, but it is an amazing song written by the incredibly talented Dolly Parton.  Say what you want about the movie and the actors, but the combination of Lily Tomlin, Jane Fonda and Dolly Parton is delightful.  I love the way the three of their characters bond and work together to transform their office.  This movie often had me rolling in laughter.  If you need to get some laughs out, grab a copy of this hit, sing along to the great hit song and enjoy the antics these three play on their boss. 

Gone With The Wind

You knew I couldn’t not add this movie to my list.  I don’t watch it as often as I used to, but it is always a good fallback.  The history within the movie may not be completely accurate (as one of my history professors in college pointed out rather bluntly), but the movie itself is still one of Hollywood’s best.  Vivien Leigh is absolutely stunning and her portrayal of Southern belle, Scarlett O’Hara, was splendid.  And who just couldn’t love Clark Gable as the dashing Rhett Butler?  I still stay Scarlett was stupid for chasing after Ashley (blah, blah, boring!) when she should’ve stayed with Rhett the entire time.  But nonetheless, I still enjoy the movie. However, please don’t waste your time watching the sequel, Scarlett, that’s six hours of my life that I wish I could get back!

The American President
My last choice was tough because it was a toss-up of two Presidential themed movies: The American President and Dave.  I adore both movies, but decided to stick with the one I chose.  The American President is a movie with a star-studded cast including Annette Bening, Michael Douglas and Martin Sheen to name a few.  It is one of those movies that I probably memorized most of the lines and repeated them often.  Maybe my former enjoyment of the political realm is what caused me to love this movie so much, I am not sure.  But nonetheless, it remains one movie that I do enjoy watching. 

So there you have it, my short list of movies that I never tire of watching.  I am sure I could list countless others, but I’ll stop for now.  Next time you are stuck indoors, grab you a good movie and watch!  Oh, but don’t forget the most important thing – the popcorn!!

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