Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Day Seventeen -- Post about your Zodiac sign, and whether or not it fits you.

Hmm…to be honest, I’m not sure how I feel about this topic.  In reality, I don’t really believe in astrology nor follow my horoscopes or the signs of the zodiac.  In the past, I might would have glanced at my horoscope on occasion, but I don’t feel that it is reliable information.  That being said, when you look at your zodiac sign and just peruse some of the traits of a person with that zodiac sign, aren’t you likely going to find something in the list that is applicable to yourself?  I would think so.   But, for kicks and giggles, I’ll go ahead and post some of the traits for my sign and see whether or not they are applicable.

You have to be born between October 23 – November 21 to be classified as a Scorpio, so by nature, I am a Scorpio. But what all does one view as the personality characteristics of someone born under that sign?   I did a simple Google search (ahhh, the power of Google) and discovered the following:

Scorpio Strengths
Scorpio Weaknesses

Addition comments on Scorpios are as follows:
  •      Scorpios are fiercely independent.
  •           They can accomplish anything they put their minds to.
  •           They are not social butterflies.
  •           They are perfectly suited being on their own.
  •           Always be honest with a Scorpio, if you want their honesty in return.
  •           They are known for making money and hiding it.
  •           They are often interested in the paranormal and conspiracy theories.
  •           They are very emotional.

I could go on and on and on about listing the random facts and characteristics of a Scorpio, but I think I have covered enough ground with what is listed above.   That being said, do I find that these fit me or not?  Well, sure, there are a lot of the characteristics that I do find appropriate … well, except for the making money and hiding it.  I must’ve hidden it real good because I can’t even find it myself!   But how does one know that these characteristics can’t necessarily be applied to a Sagittarius or a Leo or Cancer or Aries? 

For me personally, while I find it intriguing to see how they come up with such suggestions, deep down, I believe the truth of an individual and his/her characteristic traits come from who they are as a person, their upbringing, their faith, a whole host of a combination of facts.  I don’t think your zodiac “label” is your sole defining characteristic because if that were true, I know quite a few other Scorpios in which NONE of these traits apply whatsoever.

So, take it all with a grain of salt.  It might be fun or interesting to read and discover things about your zodiac sign, but ultimately, don’t let those labels be your basis for defining someone individually.  In the end, it’s not going to matter whether you are a Scorpio or a Gemini, we are who we are because that is how we were made!

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