Friday, April 22, 2016

Day Thirty -- Your highs and lows for the month/year

For it being mid-April, there have been a variety of highs and lows so far for the 2016 year.  Fortunately, for the moment, the highs are somewhat outweighing the lows, which is a complete blessing! 

For this blog, I actually am not going to really focus on the lows, as I don’t want to seem super negative, and in reality, the low moments have mostly been associated with the ways of the world and how it seems more and more evil is overtaking the good.  We have to stand strong and continue to try to find the positive in a negative situation.  Trying hard to make the best out of situations that aren’t always so particularly pleasant.  Stand strong in your faith and be true to yourself.  Don’t let the situations of the world and the jealousy of others bring you down.  Be true to yourself, be who you are and don’t let others try to persuade you otherwise.  Focus on God and allow Him to control you.  He will help turns those low moments into high moments!

For me, putting aside the petty low moments that have plagued me off and on all year, I have been blessed to have some absolutely incredible moments thus far in to 2016. 

I have been absolutely blessed to spend a good portion of the first three months of this year at various women’s collegiate basketball games with dear friends.  We have gone to countless games both locally in the Raleigh area, as well as travelled to games at UNC, Duke, Wake Forest and the amazing ACC Tournament in Greensboro.  I am so grateful for the friends that God has brought in to my life through the realm of basketball.  We go and have the best of times just cheering on our teams (or against the teams we don’t like), laughing at crazy Barbie dolls on sticks in the stands (don’t even ask!) or just anything in particular.  In those moments is where I have felt absolutely free and relaxed this year.  I can scream and holler and act crazy and am accepted for who I am.  April has arrived and basketball season has ended, but I can guarantee the memories we made from the games this year, adding new people in to our cheering squad, etc. will be memories that last for a lifetime.  Now the countdown is on to the fall of 2016 when the next basketball season takes place!

Additionally, coinciding with basketball and my friends, is how our little cheering section has adopted one of our NC State players in to our family.  Our favorite Canadian, Jennifer Mathurin, has become our favorite player.  To show how crazy we can be, we proudly wave our Canada shirts and flags at games for her.  We even reserved a seat at the ACC Tournament to display our Canada sweatshirt and flags.  Needless to say the fellow fans around us think we are absolutely insane and are constantly asking us why we are waving Canadian flags. Even one of the security guards stopped us at one game asking why we had Canada flags. They just don't obviously appreciate the sport and players like we do, or maybe we truly are crazy! Either way, we are dedicated to our players and our sport.  I just hope and pray we haven't embarrassed (or even scared!) Jenn!   

I think one of the highest of highs for 2016 was finally meeting and being able to spend a little time with the amazing Coach Sue Semrau from Florida State University.  Patti and I attended many of the Seminoles North Carolina games and we met many of their players and were greeted warmly with hugs as if they had known us their entire lives.  I think they get most of their personality from Coach Sue, who is an absolute inspiration in so many people’s lives, including mine.  Coach Sue is a ball of energy.  She is one you just love watching on the sidelines because she genuinely cares for her players and is constantly coaching and mentoring them. She is passionate about the game of basketball, and it shows each time she steps foot on the sidelines.  If I ever have a daughter, I would want her to play for Coach Sue because she is a teacher as much as she is a coach and she truly impacts the lives of her players.  Meeting her in Raleigh was just so awesome because she is such a compassionate person. That has been one of the highlights of my year.  Thank you, Coach Sue, for all you’ve done (and will continue to do) for women’s basketball and thank you for being such a positive role model in my life! 

While I could go on and on about highs of 2016, I just want to capture those two moments as much of 2016 has revolved exclusively around basketball.  I am so humbled by the opportunities that have been presented to me in many ways.  God truly has blessed my life in ways that I often overlook and don’t thank Him enough for.  Even those low moments, He can use them for our good and help make us stronger individuals.  Keep looking ahead and do what you can to accept the low moments and build upon them.  Turn those low moments in to positive moments.  Continue to strive to make each day a great day and enjoy what all that surrounds.  Do what you can to make your 2016 full of more highs than lows!  You still have over half the year left, so I know you can do it!  

And many thanks to those of you who have followed me along this 30 day writing challenge.  Yes, it has spread for more than 30 days, but I stated initially that it would do that.  It has actually been another of the high moments for me as it helps me just get some thoughts out and eases my mind from the daily stresses along the way.  I can’t promise what may come next in the blog as I’m about to embark on a hiatus for a trip to the West Coast, but stay tuned, I’m sure I’ll come up with something!   

Monday, April 18, 2016

Day Twenty-Nine: What are your goals for the next 30 days?

Goals are simply something that we are trying to achieve in our life or in a set amount of time.  And, don’t we all have so many goals that we put in place for ourselves?  I think the most common “goal” that each of us always set is the mountainous “losing weight” goal.  For me personally that was one of the goals that I set at the end of last year for 2016 – to try to get in better shape and lose a few pounds.  As of to date, I have lost close to 15 pounds since January 1st, but still have a ways to go.  Goals are certainly easy to set and lay out for ourselves, but the challenge comes in actually taking the first step towards achieving that goal and keeping the momentum to finish the task.  My weight loss goal has been a huge challenge.  One in particular because I love to eat and then second due to a recent knee injury, it has slowed down my exercising, but I am still determined to lose a few pounds and achieve that goal. 

A lot of times when it comes to setting goals and starting out on the track of accomplishing them, it is often good to have a buddy or cheerleader of sorts who motivates and encourages you along the journey.  Sometimes something as simple as someone boosting you and telling you that “you can do it” might be all the motivation you need to accomplish that goal and cross the finish line marking one more item off your list. 

As far as my “goals” for the next 30 days, well that list could be endless, but the primary ones I am thinking is continuing to finish my exercise/weight loss goal, but also setting a big goal for myself regarding my upcoming vacation.  In less than two weeks (10 days, 21 hours, 10 minutes as I am currently penning this), I am departing the East Coast of the United States and taking a trek to the West Coast and up in to Canada.  I have never been to the West Coast of the United States, so it is something I am greatly looking forward to.  So, my goal for this trip is pretty simple yet complex – have a relaxing and enjoyable time and NOT checking my work e-mail or get stressed about being away from work!   I am the worlds worse at going on vacation and still staying glued to my phone, responding to work related e-mails, etc.  This time, I am absolutely setting a goal to try to not let it bother me.  The work will be here when I get back and I’ll get to it as I can.  So, that will be a HUGE goal for me, if I can accomplish that, it might just be a miracle! 

I’ve also realized lately that I need to set a goal that I never should have to set at being a better Christian example and witness.  God has really been dealing with me lately regarding my attitude and other issues plaguing my daily life.  I want to try to be a better example for Him, which means guarding more what I say and how I respond to things.  It might mean that I just end up staying quieter and keeping to myself rather than voicing what I really want to say. I truly feel this world that we live in is full of evil.  Satan is attacking from all angles and he is disguising himself in so many ways, it is hard to keep things straight these days.  But our God is mightier than Satan.  Our God can fight off any attacks that Satan throws at Him.  I need to be willing to take a stand and fight the good fight and spread the Word to so many lost souls who are being pulled in the opposite direction. 

Big goals have been set for myself over the next 30 days and maybe even for a lifetime. What about you? What goals are you going to set for yourself to attempt to accomplish? Don’t be afraid to set goals for yourself as it challenges you to come out of your shelter a little and may even make you a better person.  Remember, things are just “temporal” – it doesn’t matter if you live in the biggest house, drive the fanciest car, have the nicest clothes, etc. because all of that “stuff” won’t last.  The real things we need to be focusing on are the treasures that we can be storing up in our eternal home in Heaven.  Set your goals high, high as in eternity, and strive to reach for them. God will help us all along the way as long as we ask Him.  Blessings to all of you, and remember, you aren’t alone in your journey.  You can accomplish things!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Day Twenty-Eight: Post Five Things That Make You Laugh Out Loud

I love to laugh and I also enjoy trying to make others laugh.  That’s always been one of my daily goals – no matter how I may be feeling, I try to do what I can to say something or do something just to make someone laugh or smile.  Not only does it lighten the mood, but it just may be what someone else needs to lift their spirits.  I know for me personally that has been the case when someone has said something to make me laugh or shared a funny picture with me – it can truly have an impact upon your day.  Hey, even the doctor’s supposedly say that laughter is some of the best medicine!  So, why not try to laugh it off!

For me, I just never know what may personally make me laugh.  I can find humor in some of the most random things; things that other people sit and stare at and then I get the “what in the world is wrong with her” look.  So, for today’s post, rather than trying to sit here and come up with various stories, quotes, movies, etc. that make me really laugh, I decided to find some random pictures online with sayings or quotes that gave me a good chuckle.  You may look at them and think “I don’t get it” and that’s completely fine, but if you share a laugh, that’s terrific.  Sit back and enjoy some of the most random bits of humor that I decided to share. 

Church Sign Humor -- Aren't you sometimes just amazed at the things some church signs say?  I'll be honest that in my drives around town or in other areas, I've seen a few that give me a little chuckle, but most of them actually are usually more thought provoking.  But, there are a few that we see online or in various places that do prove to be quite amusing.  This one above gave me a good laugh because who really likes mosquitoes?  I know I certainly do not, but I know that mosquitoes love me more than most anyone else on this Earth.  So, I thought this one was rather amusing to me personally due to my feelings towards those little pesky insects!

Animal Humor -- Some of the funniest videos that I've seen online are often those of animals being scared or chased or something that just is plain silly.  I saw this online and it just made me immediately laugh.  Not only that, I couldn't help but think of my own dog Zoey and think of her having this same exact reaction to our cat, Maggie.  So, I had to share because it just looks like these two dogs are having a blast at whatever they are doing and it not only makes me chuckle, but it also brings a smile to my face (and sometimes, that is just as important as laughing!)

Sports Humor -- This one might get me the most grief, but I am NOT a Florida Gators fan.  Blame that on either being a Tennessee Volunteers fan or even a Florida State Seminoles fan, I just don't like the Gators (although, the Gators are definitely not my most hated team!).   But sports humor can always be fun as we all have teams we love and teams we don't like at all.  So, it's always humorous to see the jokes and sayings that people come up with to use against their rival teams.  I more than likely should've posted some TarHeels humor, but I am not ready to get in to an all-out war with some of my local readers just yet (ha!).  So, for you Gators fans, nothing against you personally, but just had to share this one because it did give me a good laugh!

Music/Entertainment Humor -- I love music and I love movies, too.  So what better way than to combine the two together to come up with a little humor -- combining the great classical composer Johann Sebastian Bach with the Terminator just about did me in this morning!  Sadly, in reality, it almost does sound more like "Bach" than "Back" when Arnold says it.  (And well, speaking of Arnold, I could easily have a huge blog about him, but we'll refrain from that now!)  But I thought this was just hilarious putting his face on Bach's body, as well.  HaHaHa

Madea/Truth Humor -- And, when all else fails, you have to have some Madea humor!  While Madea herself obviously did not say what is listed above on the picture, I can absolutely picture her saying this.  And the sad part is, what the caption says, while it is so hilarious, it is absolutely truthful, as well.  We love editing our pictures to make our teeth whiter, make our skin flawless, change our hair and eye color, etc., but what if we do go missing?  Remember those things!  I'm sure we don't want Madea out searching for us because if she finds us, she's going to give us a big 'ole lecture!  Praise da Lort!  

So, there you have it.  Five simple little photos that I found quite amusing this morning.  I hope they lightened up your mood a little, as well.  Always be on the lookout for something funny in our daily lives.  We need to take that break and just release a little stress and sometimes that is the best method! 

Monday, April 4, 2016

Day Twenty-Seven: Post a Picture of Anything & Write your Thoughts/Feelings about that Picture.

Isn’t it amazing how something as simple as a photograph can hold so much power, contain so many thoughts, so many memories?  Each individual who looks at a photograph will more than likely see something different than the next person.  You may interpret the photo differently and you may subsequently have a whole different perspective and set of feelings than the next individual who views the photograph.  But to a degree, that makes it exciting – interpretation of varying kinds!

I love taking pictures and I love looking at pictures.  My computer monitors at work have a rotating background with a variety of pictures that change every few seconds.   I find that pictures help distract me and cause me to take a second to pause in the midst of a busy day to reflect upon my thoughts for that moment.  For me personally, I always take my digital camera, as well as my cell phone camera, with me most anywhere I go.  You never know what type of moment you might be able to capture on camera, so I always try to be prepared. 

Today, I chose to share a picture that I took last fall during one of our family vacations to the Great Smoky Mountains in Tennessee.  As many of you know, that whole region of the country is one where I find such peace and relaxation. This photograph captures one of my most favorite views in the Pigeon Forge area – the Pigeon River with the massive Mt. LeConte looming in the distance highlighted by the golden colors of the autumnal season. 

When I sit and stare at this photograph, it makes me wish I was camped out in a rocking chair just listening to the peaceful mountain water as it trickles downstream while inhaling the fresh mountain scent, as the air just seems to be so crisp and clear.  It always seems life is at a slower pace in the mountains and nature surrounds you.  You can easily walk along the paths by the river or you can just sit back on a park bench and listen to the rushing water, the birds chirping all around and absorb all that surrounds you.  With Mt. LeConte looming high above the river and overlooking the small towns down below (there is actually a lodge on top of the mountain that you can hike to and stay at, if you so choose – I haven’t attempted that feat yet!), you feel that you are surrounded in the beautiful nature that God has blessed us with on this wonderful Earth. 

Recently, I was very honored and humbled when former California First Lady and news personality, Maria Shriver chose to share this picture not only on her Instagram and Facebook pages but also in her weekly newsletter/blog.  She has a feature that she calls #SoulSpace where she encourages followers to share photographs that hold special meaning to them or photographs of places where one can escape to and find their peace of mind.  Needless to say, when I shared my #SoulSpace photograph, I had no idea that Maria Shriver herself would even see it, much less share it for others to see!  I was beyond amazed at that, and I offer a thank you to Maria for sharing a little piece of my world with the rest of her world!   Maybe one day, she will come over and visit this area in the Great Smoky Mountains and she, like you readers, can realize how truly peaceful this area of the country is.  It is about a seven hour drive from my home in Raleigh, North Carolina, to get over those Appalachian hills to my peaceful area in the Great Smokies, but when you can sit and listen to those sounds, breathe in the fresh air and feel as if you are million miles away from the stresses of this world, it is well worth the seven hour journey!

I encourage each of you to find your #SoulSpace areas in life and capture them in photographs, so in times when you are stressed at home or work, you can easily pull up a photograph and reflect back on places or times where you feel most free.  And while you’re at it, share your photos with Maria, too, she’ll definitely read them and hey, who knows, she might even share your journey with her readers, too!   As I’ve always said we never know who is reading our posts or viewing our photographs and we just never know how it might touch someone else’s soul, so always be willing to share!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Day Twenty-Six: Write about an area in your life that you'd like to improve.

Living in a non-perfect world, we are going to be faced with all sorts of challenges that will, at times, weigh heavily upon us.  Since we ourselves are also non-perfect beings, we are going to find many areas in our own personal lives with which we struggle.  Who doesn’t have an area within their life that they would like to improve?  Even the most content person probably has one small thing that they would like to build upon and grow from.  Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just walk in to a Home Depot like store and pick up a catalog and basically buy or order the improvements that we need for our day-to-day lives?  That would be super nice and easy, but the improvements we seek to make in our lives are ones that require us to do some actual work, things that often cannot be purchased.  

Sadly, in today’s society, when you hear the phrase about improving something about yourself, everyone’s initial thoughts are typically drawn to their physical appearance.  Every way we turn in life, we are surrounded by glitz and glamour – from television and movies to the magazine stands to social media.  We can’t seem to escape the desires to improve your looks or overall lifestyle.  Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m sure there are some areas of my physical body that I would love to improve (cough, cough – lose more weight), but that is not the most important thing to me.  I’m not necessarily a materialistic person.  I am me – I was made the way I was made and it is who I am.  If you don’t like it, well too bad, I’m not changing it!  (Not to mention, I don’t have the money to have any drastic surgeries nor do I want to end up looking like an ancient, plastic, disfigured Barbie who can’t hardly open her face – ANYWAYS….giant rabbit trail there …)

Contrary to the improvements of glitz and glamour, when I think of areas in my life that I would like to improve, I often look internally at matters that often plague my overall self.  Two big areas in which I often find myself struggling with and desiring to improve are: stress/anxiety and worrying.  I guess they can all be combined in to one big area, but nonetheless, it is something that I strongly desire to change in my life.  But improving upon that is a gigantic feat and one that is not going to disappear and ease with a surgical operation (unless brain transplants ever do become realistic!)

We so often hear how stress will kill people or cause serious health conditions, and I firmly believe that to be highly accurate.  I often am highly stressed, whether it is at work or elsewhere, I often find myself “caught in a pickle” (so to speak).  Sometimes I can hide my stress level pretty well, while other times I cannot.  It is definitely an area in my life where I need to just try to take a step back, breathe and let it go (ha, “letting it go” – well therein lies another area to add to the list – see it can be an endless list of items that we desire to improve about ourselves!) It is easy for us to tell others not to get stressed or caught up in the moment, but when you try to teach your own self that lesson, it is definitely not as easy.  Sometimes we need a buddy to be our reminder to just let things go.  Let God have control of the situation and get it out of your hands.  He is the ultimate authority, so why even let it bother us when things here are just temporal.  One day, He will wipe it all away and we will start over fresh and stress-free in eternity.  What a joyful day to look forward to! 

Worrying is another area that I would like to improve upon.  I’ve already featured another blog on the topic of worrying and how it is something I deeply struggle with, so I am not going to rehash that out here.   I just have to keep realizing that when things start to worry or bother me, I just need to immediately stop and pray and give it over to God.  

When it comes to improving things in your life, there are all sorts of methods you can take to correct your actions or improve your situation.  The choice is obviously yours for which method you want to utilize.  For me, sometimes the easiest thing to do is completely distract your thoughts -- get lost in an alternate universe (yes, I just went there), just daydream about something completely random, or better yet, pick up an adult-coloring book and start coloring – you will be amazed at how distracting and fun that is!  Always remember, you aren’t alone in your journey.  Grab a buddy and just ask them to be your motivator and cheerleader in this voyage.  You can improve upon the area in your life that you want, but you have to take the initiative to do it.  Just saying you want to make the change is one thing, but actually taking that first step is the key to success.  Don’t be afraid.  You can do this!  Let’s take the challenge together.  I’m going to strongly start working on improving my stress-level and work on less-worry.  I don’t want to let that be the cause of my demise.  We can overcome those obstacles.  Choose what you want to and let’s do this together!  Keep pressing on, and we will move forward together!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Day Twenty-Five: Think of any word. Search it on Google Images. Write something inspired by the 11th image.


When it comes to the word “faith” many people can choose to interpret it in so many differing ways.  Some may refer to having “faith that my car will make it down the road” or that you have “faith that you’ll pass the test”.  To some degree, faith can be aligned with succeeding in something or making the best of a certain situation. Faith can also be personal in that you yourself must at times have faith or confidence in yourself. Maria Shriver best defines this type of faith by saying to “Have faith that your best days are ahead of you.  That your next frontier will be your most fulfilling time.  And that you deserve to be seen as good enough just the way you are.”  I totally love that statement as it is so motivational and encouraging for us to keep on believing.  (And yes, for what it’s worth, I adore Maria Shriver, too!) Additionally, faith is being devoted or dedicated to a cause or something and having the belief to back what you are devoted to.  Believing that no matter what, you’ve made the right decision and believing that the cause you have dedicated to will be successful.

But overall, when I think of the word “faith”, ultimately my thoughts are always drawn exclusively to my true faith – my religion, my belief in God.    

Upon my requirement, I “Googled” the word “Faith” and this image was the 11th image that appeared. Appropriately enough, it is a portrayal of the “faith” that I ultimately think of when I hear the word – my belief in the Almighty. 

With us drawing closer to the Easter season, it is almost symbolic, as much as it is fitting, to discuss my faith and what this image symbolizes to me personally.  Upon first glancing at this photo, you are drawn to the image with the cross and the beauty of the clouds, but stare at it for a while longer and ponder on it.  The dark cross is symbolic of Christ dying on the old wooden cross.  He willingly sacrificed Himself to die for us.  His death on the cross allows us to be washed white as snow from the darkness of the sin that encapsulates our lives.  By trusting and believing in Him and confessing our sins to Him, the simplest step is to ask Him to enter our hearts and wash us as white as snow.  Symbolically, while Christ might have died on the old wooden cross, three days later, He rose from the dead.  How appropriate that this picture shows the cross as being “dark” and then the Heavens declaring the glory from above.  Picture the cross as darkness because Christ died on that cross.  He shed His innocent blood and the cross was not only stained with His physical blood, but it also was stained with all our dark, evil sins.  But when He arose from the dead and ascended in to Heaven, glory shown down from above.  We await His glorious return when we will be able to join Him in the Heavens.  His light shines from above down upon us.  His light and His glorious presence overshadows the darkness that was displayed on the cross. 

Christ suffered a brutal death – He was beaten repeatedly, He was mocked and scorned, He was forced to have a crown of thorns placed upon His head, He was nailed to a cross, His side was pierced, He died a martyr’s death.  He was an innocent man.  He was a perfect man.  He is God’s Son.  Yet for us, He was willing to endure all of this, so that we could be set free.  Yes, we will still face persecution and rejection for following Him and believing in Him, but what we will face and endure is minute compared to the suffering that He willingly did for us.  What a true sacrifice Christ made for us!   He willingly laid down His life for ours.  How many people would do that for you these days?  I can guarantee you not very many, if any! 

I challenge you this Easter season to take time to reflect on all that Christ has done for you.  None of us are here on this Earth by an accident.  God loves us and He wants us to spend eternity with Him.   If you haven’t accepted Him as your Lord and Savior, it is a very simple process:
  1. Recognize that you are a sinner – Sorry to bust your bubbles but no one is perfect.  We are all born sinners and sin is what separates us from eternity in Heaven.   Romans 3:23 puts it simply “For ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”
  2. There is a punishment for sin -- Christ loves you no matter what you may have done.  He loves you more than anyone else on this planet, and nothing will stop Him from loving you – not even you yourself!  So that we don’t have to deal with the punishment directly, Christ willingly came to Earth to die on the cross to save us from our sins:  Romans 5:8 states “But God commendeth (demonstrated) his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” And Romans 6:23 also states: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.”
  3. Your works won’t save you – We must realize that just by being a “good person” or doing good deeds, it will not get us to Heaven.  God’s grace is what allows us to be united with Him in eternity. His grace is a free gift to us. Ephesians 2:8-9 states: “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: It is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.”
  4. Simply Confess (repent and turn away from sin) – Confess and admit that you are a sinner and accept the gift that Jesus has given you – freedom from sin and to spend eternity in Heaven with Him.  Romans 10:9-10 states: “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.  For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” Additional Scriptures include: I John 1:9 (If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.) and Acts 16:31 (Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.)
  5.  Eternal life – Believe in Christ and you’ll be with Him forever in glory.  John 3:16 states “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

This can be done as easily as a simple prayer like this: “Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and I do not deserve eternal life.  But, I believe You died and rose from the grave to make a way for me to spend eternity in your presence. Jesus, come in to my life, take control of my life, forgive me of my sins and save me.  I am placing my trust in You alone for my salvation and I accept your free gift of eternal life.”

What a wonderful gift that we have been given – not only to have the opportunity to believe and be cleansed of our sins but the opportunity to spend our eternity in Heaven, which I can guarantee you will be better than the alternative! 

Where does your faith lie?  I certainly hope you place your faith in the Lord above and not on the things of this world.  Earthly things are temporal but our faith in God is eternal.  Which would you prefer?  

As Coach Sue Semrau at Florida State University often says “Keep the faith”. I challenge you to place and keep your faith in the Lord above and you won’t have to worry about anything.  He is our first and our last, the Alpha and the Omega.  Believe in Him and be blessed!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Day Twenty-Four: Write about a lesson you've learned the hard way.

Life is all about learning lessons whether it is a lesson taught to you in school by your teacher or whether it is an actual life lesson that you learn on your own through experiences you have faced.  No matter what, we will all learn some lessons – some will be learned the easy way and others, unfortunately, are learned the hard way.  I know I have learned my lesson countless times over whether it is something simple as “I should’ve just kept my mouth shut” or something a little more complex.  Each time, I have always learned something from it and have tried to grow from the experience.

The purpose of this blog is to discuss one lesson that you have learned the hard way.  To be honest, I’ve been dealt this card too many times over, but the topic I’ve chosen to briefly discuss is probably one that we’ve all faced at some point in our lives – learning who your true friends are.

In a world with a population of over seven billion people, you are going to encounter a variety of individuals in your lifetime.  Some of those people you’ll see only once in passing, others are your family who you are stuck with for a lifetime and then others will become your friends – some for a passing moment and others that will always stick by you.  And sadly, sometimes we learn that those people we once considered to be our true friends, really aren’t your friends to begin with. 

I have learned that some people, who claim they are your friends, in reality weren’t who I thought they were.  Sometimes they merely want you to be there for them for a season – a time when they need you.  And when they are done with you, out with the trash you go.  If it were only that simple, right?  Typically, when you are the victim of a tumultuous friendship, you would preferred to just be tossed to the side, so you can pick up yourself and move along. But oftentimes, you are left with deep scars that leave a lasting impression upon you while the other individual waltzes around acting like they are scotch-free.  I won’t go in to all the details of my lesson that I learned nearly five or six years ago, but I can tell you, when people treat you one way and then decide to start and spread rumors about you that are absolutely false, it is a very, very painful situation.  

If you are in a friendship and you feel you are being used or you feel it is a one-sided friendship, you should immediately start to reconsider your options.  Don’t fall victim to the trap that these individuals so often entrap you in.  Believe me, I was sucked in a web for several years.  I was blinded by the fact that I was being used, that I was really nothing more than a pawn. Also, be aware that your emotions may not be perceived by others the way you intend.  A small simple gesture that is harmless to you, could easily be twisted in to some false reality by someone else.  It is a sad society that we live in when you try to express yourself in small, meaningful ways, yet others come up with their own “theories” or think there is always some sort of purpose behind the way you act (ie: what’s your hidden agenda).  I’ve often wanted to say “No, quite honestly, I am just by nature a caring person with a big heart and may be it would do some good to some people to also learn to accept people for face value!”

While you can, if you are in what is perceived to be a toxic friendship, get out!  Don’t be like me and get sucked in to that web and be left with deep battle scars.  Yes, I am single (for right now!) but if it is God’s will, I would love to find a nice guy and settle down and get married and have a family.  If that is not His will, then I am quite content with that. But just because I am single and have a lot of friends (both males and females), just because I believe in showing my care for others (ie: by giving small gifts, leaving notes or saying kind things), just because I try to make people laugh and enjoy having a good time, that is just ME!  I am not in any way some “other” person.  I am ME!  I am who I am because that is how God made me.  Keep your heart open, be true to yourself and do NOT let others change you.  Only let God change you for the better.  Stay true to Him.  But always be aware that others are out there seeking to destroy you.  Keep the faith and protect yourself!   We’ll always learn lessons, I just pray the rest of my lessons are a little bit “easier” than hard.  But don’t let those lessens discourage you.  Sure, it’ll set you back for a moment, but use the lessons as a stepping stone for you to build upon and grow from.  Let it make you stronger!  In the end, you are the better person!  Don’t lose hope!

Friday, March 11, 2016

Day Twenty-Three: A Letter to Someone, Anyone

Dear Blog Readers -- all two or three of you,

This blog is for you!  

I want to briefly thank each and every one of you who have taken five seconds out of your day to fleetingly glance at my blog posts to see what crazy antics are ongoing in the mind of Meredith.  By now, you probably have come to the conclusion that you never know what you may encounter in my ever changing posts.  Obviously, I am addicted to sports, particularly women’s college basketball, I love to travel, I enjoy fashion and music is my passion.  I was raised to say “please” and “thank you” and exhibit all the proper manners that any true Southerner would appreciate (thank you, Mom for your training!).  I love to laugh and try to do what I can to make others smile, even when I may not feel like smiling myself. 

In reality, that is what this blog is truly about.  I hope to try to encourage people, but at the same time, by posting some of my extraordinarily random topics, I hope that maybe it will serve as a distraction to your mind and keep your mind preoccupied from the thoughts and worries that so often plague us on a daily basis. Some blogs that I post are part of a “theme” or a “series” that I am undertaking (ie: like the current Writing Challenge blog series), while others are merely ideas that I come up with or just a random topic that may cross my mind.  

Occasionally, I will receive a message through other forms of social media from someone who read one of my posts and had some comments.  I always find that inspiring, but it is not my whole reason for writing.  I find that writing is a good outlet – it helps you get your mind moving, get your thoughts out, and gets your mind distanced, as well. 

To those of you who read my blogs, I say thank you!  Thank you for taking the time to read and endure!  To those of you who have been touched in some way, shape or form, that is wonderful!  I do hope that each of you will be blessed by something you see or maybe get a chuckle or two out of some random things I share.  

Be brave and share your thoughts with others as it could just be what they need to make it through their day.  

Be an influence on others.  

Be proud.  

Be free.  

Be all that you can and choose to be! 

May God bless each and every one of you!



Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Day Twenty-Two -- Put Your Music on Shuffle & Post the First Ten Songs

This should be interesting since my taste is music covers a wide variety of genres and musicians.  So, here goes nothing:

"Montreal" by Raine Maida

"Take a Walk" by Passion Pit

"Fine by Me" by Andy Grammer

"Moon River" by Andy Williams

"Soldier" by Gavin DeGraw

"Next to Me" by Emeli Sande

"I'll be Waiting" by Adele

"Shake" by Mercy Me

"I am a Man of Constant Sorrow" by The Soggy Bottom Boys

"My House" by Flo Rida

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Day Twenty-One: List ten people (dead or alive) that you would invite to a dinner.

I have always dreaded a question like this because there are so many people (dead and alive) that I would love to meet (or loved to have met).  To spend a little time getting to know a variety of individuals to see how they really are versus what we envision them to be like is something that I always thought would be a neat experience.  But how do I narrow a list of hundreds of people, famous and non-famous, down to ten?  It is virtually impossible.  

I decided for my “dinner” that I would invite ten random ladies (dead and alive) and we would just have a big “girls night out” celebration.  I opted not to include the guys, primarily because three of them are listed in a prior post on celebrity crushes, and while I would invite them and many other guys to dinner, I would probably get too distracted to carry on much of a conversation.  So, here’s my list of ladies to invite to my “girls night out” celebration along with why I would include/invite them:

Gillian Anderson - She is so funny, smart, talented and gorgeous. I have been a big fan of Gillian’s since the start of The X-Files back in the early 1990s. Because of Agent Dana Scully, I almost decided to become an FBI Agent (some days, I wish I had followed that route!). But one thing I love about Gillian is how she loves to laugh! I adore seeing her get tickled during an interview or in an outtake on a show she’s working on.  I think she would be so much fun to spend time hanging out with.  Plus, I need her to give me some tips on how to make my eyes look as amazing as hers!  She would be an awesome addition to my list of dinner invitees as I would thoroughly enjoy getting to know a little more about her!
Julie Andrews – I am honestly on the bubble as to whether I would invite Dame Julie Andrews or not.  I wholeheartedly LOVE Julie Andrews, but I have this childhood idea of how I believe she is, and I am deathly afraid that if she were not how I imagined her to be that it would impact so many things.  Nonetheless, I have to put that fear aside and realize should the opportunity arise to invite the legendary Julie Andrews to dinner, then I would need to jump on it.  Additionally, I would love to hear more of her stories of her life and just be filled with her wisdom over the years as a singer and actress.  What a jewel of a person she is and to be able to be in her presence and learn from her would be an amazing experience!

Sue Semrau – One of my most favorite basketball coaches is Sue Semrau.  She is absolutely passionate about what she does.  She is spunky and so energetic.  By title, she is a coach, but in reality, she is much more.  She is a mentor, a teacher, a leader, a role model, a Christian.  If I ever had a child who played basketball, I would want her to play for Coach Sue as I feel my daughter would be in excellent care and learn so much about basketball and about life.  In many ways, Coach Sue reminds me of Coach Kay Yow.  Their personalities may differ but their overall goal and influence is the same. When I was younger, I never could pronounce Coach Sue’s name, so I always called her “Semmi” and I always remember just being in awe by her ability to not only coach her team but teach her team how to excel in the game. I imagine she would be our little fireball at the “girls’ night out” celebration – I think she would be the life of the party! 

Jacqueline Kennedy – I may not have been a big fan of President Kennedy’s politics, but I always found Mrs. Kennedy to be one of the most elegant ladies this nation has ever been blessed to have as First Lady.  She endured so much in her life, things that I cannot even begin to fathom how she coped with.  She was such a lady of courage, strength and beauty.  I would definitely include her on my list to invite to dinner as I would love to gleam some of her tips for enduring so much and yet continuing to be a source of light in the world.  

Kay Yow – One of the biggest influences in my life and in so many other individuals’ lives was basketball Coach Kay Yow.  She was more than a basketball coach, she was a believer in Christ and was not afraid to share her love for her Savior.  To this day, I still stand in awe of her video testimony at her funeral of her belief in Christ and how she encouraged many others to trust in Him, as well.  She bravely fought a public battle of breast cancer for nearly two decades.  The pain and trauma her body was ridiculed with, I don’t know how she kept pushing forward to continue to coach the games she did and set such an example for others.  I wish in so many ways that I had been able to spend time with her, but growing up down the road from NC State’s main campus, I always felt I knew her.  So, she would definitely be on my list to spend time with in addition to inviting for dinner.  Keep pushing forward and as Coach Yow would say “When life kicks you, let it kick you forward.” 

Lauren Holly – Another of my favorite actresses is the stunning, Lauren Holly.  I’ve always adored Lauren and have always wanted to meet her.  Not only is Lauren a talented actress, but she is a phenomenal designer.  I absolutely love her clothing line, and her sense of fashion is terrific.  I would spend time talking to her about her fashion tastes and see if we could come up with some ideas together.  She would be a terrific dinner guest for her knowledge of fashion, acting and being a Mom.  In reality, she seems like she is just a normal person like the rest of us!  

Laura Bush – Probably my favorite First Lady is Laura Bush.  She epitomizes class and humility.  She is remarkably smart and is such a wonderful role model for so many women.  She is a devoted wife and mom and someone that we should all revere.  She was one of the best First Ladies that this nation has had in the recent years.  She stood faithful beside her husband and gave him advice that only she could give during times that this nation has never experienced before.  I would love to spend dinner getting to know her better, getting to know just Laura!

Rhonda Vincent – I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Rhonda Vincent on several occasions and every time that I meet her, I am always amazed at how caring and devoted she is to her fans.  She takes time to have pictures made or talk to each one of them.  Most artists don’t even acknowledge their fans, but she spends time mingling with them.  I’ll never forget when she took a picture of the two of us on her cell phone and shared it on her social media.  That made my day!  She is a wonderfully talented artist and has a voice that I could listen to non-stop.  I would love to invite her to dinner to spend more time with her and let her sing a few songs and entertain us, as well.  Not to mention, I still owe her some Krispy Kreme doughnuts, so we would have to go have dessert afterward!

Sharon Osbourne – A unique twist to my list along with the need to add more British, we’ve gotta add a little Shazz.  I’ve always been intrigued by Sharon Osbourne.  She speaks her mind and isn’t afraid to back down from her stance.  I may not always agree with everything she says, but being willing to stand up for what you believe in is key in this society.  She also is a cancer survivor and that is admirable, as well.  She is a talented businesswoman and has excelled in many areas of life.  I always enjoyed seeing her in a judging role on The X-Factor or America’s Got Talent.  We need more people willing to stand up for how they feel, and I think adding Sharon to my dinner invite list would totally create some interesting topics of conversation at the table.

Dolly Parton – One of the greatest entertainers of all time is Dolly Parton.  She is such a talented singer, songwriter, actress, businesswoman, you name it she can do it.  I’ve always been touched by her childhood story of her upbringing in the Great Smoky Mountains of Tennessee. She is also the founder of the infamous Dollywood, which is one of my most favorite theme parks.  It possesses such a family-oriented atmosphere and you can see how Dolly added her touch all throughout the park.  She is definitely an inspiration to many!  I would most definitely invite her to dinner as she could bring all sorts of excitement and entertainment to the table.  

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Day Twenty -- Post about three celebrity crushes.

Over the years, I have had numerous celebrity crushes.  Some are just downright not normal and others are ones that definitely had potential (or so I thought!).  Most of my crushes seem to come and go depending upon what fad is in or what movie/TV show I am addicted to at that time.  I guess that still even holds true to today, as well.  So, to choose just three to write about, well, that’ll be tough because that list could be endless.  So, I’ll just pick the first three that come to my mind and in no particular order.  These are a combination of current and past celebrity crushes. 

Mark Harmon

Is there ever any doubt why he was voted one of People’s Sexiest Men Alive?  I think not!  Mark Harmon just gets better looking the older he gets.  I always knew who Mark Harmon was from various movies to Chicago Hope, but I ultimately fell in love with him when he played Secret Service Agent Simon Donovan on The West Wing. He was just absolutely adorable in that role and his chemistry with Allison Janney was just spot on!  When his character was killed off the show, I cried like a baby.  Fortunately for me, he reappeared not long after to star as the infamous Leroy Jethro Gibbs on NCIS. I have adored watching him play Gibbs on NCIS over the years.  I think my favorite episodes with him were in seasons three through five where he starred alongside his former Chicago Hope costar, Lauren Holly.  So, yes, Mark Harmon has been one of my ultimate celebrity crushes for a long, long time.  Sure, he’s probably old enough to be my father, but it’s Mark Harmon, so I really don’t care, ha!  He has the most gorgeous blue eyes and a very captivating smile.  I just adore him!

Matthew McConaughey 

 And then there’s Matthew McConaughey … Wow! That’s about all I can say.  One of my celebrity crushes that I have always practically drooled over.  I have loved so many of his movies.  But, his adorable smile just about melts me.  I love to hear him talk with his infamous Southern drawl.  He is just one of those fellows that seems like such a decent and fun person to hang out with.  When I went to Austin to visit my cousin, she and I spent a little while driving around the food truck area, where he is known to frequent, in hopes of us finding him.  Unfortunately for us, that didn’t pan out like we had hoped.  I will say, I’ve never liked it when he lets his hair get too long or when he’s grown that long, shaggy beard – don’t cover the gorgeous face.  I prefer him looking like he did during A Time to Kill, which was an all-star cast, terrific movie!  But nonetheless, Matthew will always be one of my ultimate hunks!

David Duchovny

This choice will likely get me the most grief, but there’s just something about David Duchovny that I’ve always found cute.  I have loved Special Agent Fox Mulder from The X-Files since the first time we met him back in the early 1990s. The way Mulder cares for his FBI partner, Dana Scully, is just so heartwarming.  I love the relationship that David and co-star Gillian Anderson have.  There is so much chemistry between them.  They are so much fun and you can tell they just know each other so well.  To me, David seems to care for Gillian in many of the same ways that Mulder cared for Scully. He just has this boyish smile to him that makes you want to just like him.   And that is one reason that I add David Duchovny to my celebrity crush list.

So, there you have it, my random list of three celebrity crushes.  I could add so many others to that list, but we will go with those three.  I might have new ones before I finish writing this list!  . It is nice to take a break and daydream about your crushes and how life might be different if you were married to Matthew McConaughey, but sadly, we know that’ll never happen.  So, don’t spend too much time daydreaming about your own crushes that you get distracted from reality.