Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Day Twenty-Eight: Post Five Things That Make You Laugh Out Loud

I love to laugh and I also enjoy trying to make others laugh.  That’s always been one of my daily goals – no matter how I may be feeling, I try to do what I can to say something or do something just to make someone laugh or smile.  Not only does it lighten the mood, but it just may be what someone else needs to lift their spirits.  I know for me personally that has been the case when someone has said something to make me laugh or shared a funny picture with me – it can truly have an impact upon your day.  Hey, even the doctor’s supposedly say that laughter is some of the best medicine!  So, why not try to laugh it off!

For me, I just never know what may personally make me laugh.  I can find humor in some of the most random things; things that other people sit and stare at and then I get the “what in the world is wrong with her” look.  So, for today’s post, rather than trying to sit here and come up with various stories, quotes, movies, etc. that make me really laugh, I decided to find some random pictures online with sayings or quotes that gave me a good chuckle.  You may look at them and think “I don’t get it” and that’s completely fine, but if you share a laugh, that’s terrific.  Sit back and enjoy some of the most random bits of humor that I decided to share. 

Church Sign Humor -- Aren't you sometimes just amazed at the things some church signs say?  I'll be honest that in my drives around town or in other areas, I've seen a few that give me a little chuckle, but most of them actually are usually more thought provoking.  But, there are a few that we see online or in various places that do prove to be quite amusing.  This one above gave me a good laugh because who really likes mosquitoes?  I know I certainly do not, but I know that mosquitoes love me more than most anyone else on this Earth.  So, I thought this one was rather amusing to me personally due to my feelings towards those little pesky insects!

Animal Humor -- Some of the funniest videos that I've seen online are often those of animals being scared or chased or something that just is plain silly.  I saw this online and it just made me immediately laugh.  Not only that, I couldn't help but think of my own dog Zoey and think of her having this same exact reaction to our cat, Maggie.  So, I had to share because it just looks like these two dogs are having a blast at whatever they are doing and it not only makes me chuckle, but it also brings a smile to my face (and sometimes, that is just as important as laughing!)

Sports Humor -- This one might get me the most grief, but I am NOT a Florida Gators fan.  Blame that on either being a Tennessee Volunteers fan or even a Florida State Seminoles fan, I just don't like the Gators (although, the Gators are definitely not my most hated team!).   But sports humor can always be fun as we all have teams we love and teams we don't like at all.  So, it's always humorous to see the jokes and sayings that people come up with to use against their rival teams.  I more than likely should've posted some TarHeels humor, but I am not ready to get in to an all-out war with some of my local readers just yet (ha!).  So, for you Gators fans, nothing against you personally, but just had to share this one because it did give me a good laugh!

Music/Entertainment Humor -- I love music and I love movies, too.  So what better way than to combine the two together to come up with a little humor -- combining the great classical composer Johann Sebastian Bach with the Terminator just about did me in this morning!  Sadly, in reality, it almost does sound more like "Bach" than "Back" when Arnold says it.  (And well, speaking of Arnold, I could easily have a huge blog about him, but we'll refrain from that now!)  But I thought this was just hilarious putting his face on Bach's body, as well.  HaHaHa

Madea/Truth Humor -- And, when all else fails, you have to have some Madea humor!  While Madea herself obviously did not say what is listed above on the picture, I can absolutely picture her saying this.  And the sad part is, what the caption says, while it is so hilarious, it is absolutely truthful, as well.  We love editing our pictures to make our teeth whiter, make our skin flawless, change our hair and eye color, etc., but what if we do go missing?  Remember those things!  I'm sure we don't want Madea out searching for us because if she finds us, she's going to give us a big 'ole lecture!  Praise da Lort!  

So, there you have it.  Five simple little photos that I found quite amusing this morning.  I hope they lightened up your mood a little, as well.  Always be on the lookout for something funny in our daily lives.  We need to take that break and just release a little stress and sometimes that is the best method! 

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