Friday, March 11, 2016

Day Twenty-Three: A Letter to Someone, Anyone

Dear Blog Readers -- all two or three of you,

This blog is for you!  

I want to briefly thank each and every one of you who have taken five seconds out of your day to fleetingly glance at my blog posts to see what crazy antics are ongoing in the mind of Meredith.  By now, you probably have come to the conclusion that you never know what you may encounter in my ever changing posts.  Obviously, I am addicted to sports, particularly women’s college basketball, I love to travel, I enjoy fashion and music is my passion.  I was raised to say “please” and “thank you” and exhibit all the proper manners that any true Southerner would appreciate (thank you, Mom for your training!).  I love to laugh and try to do what I can to make others smile, even when I may not feel like smiling myself. 

In reality, that is what this blog is truly about.  I hope to try to encourage people, but at the same time, by posting some of my extraordinarily random topics, I hope that maybe it will serve as a distraction to your mind and keep your mind preoccupied from the thoughts and worries that so often plague us on a daily basis. Some blogs that I post are part of a “theme” or a “series” that I am undertaking (ie: like the current Writing Challenge blog series), while others are merely ideas that I come up with or just a random topic that may cross my mind.  

Occasionally, I will receive a message through other forms of social media from someone who read one of my posts and had some comments.  I always find that inspiring, but it is not my whole reason for writing.  I find that writing is a good outlet – it helps you get your mind moving, get your thoughts out, and gets your mind distanced, as well. 

To those of you who read my blogs, I say thank you!  Thank you for taking the time to read and endure!  To those of you who have been touched in some way, shape or form, that is wonderful!  I do hope that each of you will be blessed by something you see or maybe get a chuckle or two out of some random things I share.  

Be brave and share your thoughts with others as it could just be what they need to make it through their day.  

Be an influence on others.  

Be proud.  

Be free.  

Be all that you can and choose to be! 

May God bless each and every one of you!



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