Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Day Twenty-Six: Write about an area in your life that you'd like to improve.

Living in a non-perfect world, we are going to be faced with all sorts of challenges that will, at times, weigh heavily upon us.  Since we ourselves are also non-perfect beings, we are going to find many areas in our own personal lives with which we struggle.  Who doesn’t have an area within their life that they would like to improve?  Even the most content person probably has one small thing that they would like to build upon and grow from.  Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just walk in to a Home Depot like store and pick up a catalog and basically buy or order the improvements that we need for our day-to-day lives?  That would be super nice and easy, but the improvements we seek to make in our lives are ones that require us to do some actual work, things that often cannot be purchased.  

Sadly, in today’s society, when you hear the phrase about improving something about yourself, everyone’s initial thoughts are typically drawn to their physical appearance.  Every way we turn in life, we are surrounded by glitz and glamour – from television and movies to the magazine stands to social media.  We can’t seem to escape the desires to improve your looks or overall lifestyle.  Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m sure there are some areas of my physical body that I would love to improve (cough, cough – lose more weight), but that is not the most important thing to me.  I’m not necessarily a materialistic person.  I am me – I was made the way I was made and it is who I am.  If you don’t like it, well too bad, I’m not changing it!  (Not to mention, I don’t have the money to have any drastic surgeries nor do I want to end up looking like an ancient, plastic, disfigured Barbie who can’t hardly open her face – ANYWAYS….giant rabbit trail there …)

Contrary to the improvements of glitz and glamour, when I think of areas in my life that I would like to improve, I often look internally at matters that often plague my overall self.  Two big areas in which I often find myself struggling with and desiring to improve are: stress/anxiety and worrying.  I guess they can all be combined in to one big area, but nonetheless, it is something that I strongly desire to change in my life.  But improving upon that is a gigantic feat and one that is not going to disappear and ease with a surgical operation (unless brain transplants ever do become realistic!)

We so often hear how stress will kill people or cause serious health conditions, and I firmly believe that to be highly accurate.  I often am highly stressed, whether it is at work or elsewhere, I often find myself “caught in a pickle” (so to speak).  Sometimes I can hide my stress level pretty well, while other times I cannot.  It is definitely an area in my life where I need to just try to take a step back, breathe and let it go (ha, “letting it go” – well therein lies another area to add to the list – see it can be an endless list of items that we desire to improve about ourselves!) It is easy for us to tell others not to get stressed or caught up in the moment, but when you try to teach your own self that lesson, it is definitely not as easy.  Sometimes we need a buddy to be our reminder to just let things go.  Let God have control of the situation and get it out of your hands.  He is the ultimate authority, so why even let it bother us when things here are just temporal.  One day, He will wipe it all away and we will start over fresh and stress-free in eternity.  What a joyful day to look forward to! 

Worrying is another area that I would like to improve upon.  I’ve already featured another blog on the topic of worrying and how it is something I deeply struggle with, so I am not going to rehash that out here.   I just have to keep realizing that when things start to worry or bother me, I just need to immediately stop and pray and give it over to God.  

When it comes to improving things in your life, there are all sorts of methods you can take to correct your actions or improve your situation.  The choice is obviously yours for which method you want to utilize.  For me, sometimes the easiest thing to do is completely distract your thoughts -- get lost in an alternate universe (yes, I just went there), just daydream about something completely random, or better yet, pick up an adult-coloring book and start coloring – you will be amazed at how distracting and fun that is!  Always remember, you aren’t alone in your journey.  Grab a buddy and just ask them to be your motivator and cheerleader in this voyage.  You can improve upon the area in your life that you want, but you have to take the initiative to do it.  Just saying you want to make the change is one thing, but actually taking that first step is the key to success.  Don’t be afraid.  You can do this!  Let’s take the challenge together.  I’m going to strongly start working on improving my stress-level and work on less-worry.  I don’t want to let that be the cause of my demise.  We can overcome those obstacles.  Choose what you want to and let’s do this together!  Keep pressing on, and we will move forward together!

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