Monday, April 4, 2016

Day Twenty-Seven: Post a Picture of Anything & Write your Thoughts/Feelings about that Picture.

Isn’t it amazing how something as simple as a photograph can hold so much power, contain so many thoughts, so many memories?  Each individual who looks at a photograph will more than likely see something different than the next person.  You may interpret the photo differently and you may subsequently have a whole different perspective and set of feelings than the next individual who views the photograph.  But to a degree, that makes it exciting – interpretation of varying kinds!

I love taking pictures and I love looking at pictures.  My computer monitors at work have a rotating background with a variety of pictures that change every few seconds.   I find that pictures help distract me and cause me to take a second to pause in the midst of a busy day to reflect upon my thoughts for that moment.  For me personally, I always take my digital camera, as well as my cell phone camera, with me most anywhere I go.  You never know what type of moment you might be able to capture on camera, so I always try to be prepared. 

Today, I chose to share a picture that I took last fall during one of our family vacations to the Great Smoky Mountains in Tennessee.  As many of you know, that whole region of the country is one where I find such peace and relaxation. This photograph captures one of my most favorite views in the Pigeon Forge area – the Pigeon River with the massive Mt. LeConte looming in the distance highlighted by the golden colors of the autumnal season. 

When I sit and stare at this photograph, it makes me wish I was camped out in a rocking chair just listening to the peaceful mountain water as it trickles downstream while inhaling the fresh mountain scent, as the air just seems to be so crisp and clear.  It always seems life is at a slower pace in the mountains and nature surrounds you.  You can easily walk along the paths by the river or you can just sit back on a park bench and listen to the rushing water, the birds chirping all around and absorb all that surrounds you.  With Mt. LeConte looming high above the river and overlooking the small towns down below (there is actually a lodge on top of the mountain that you can hike to and stay at, if you so choose – I haven’t attempted that feat yet!), you feel that you are surrounded in the beautiful nature that God has blessed us with on this wonderful Earth. 

Recently, I was very honored and humbled when former California First Lady and news personality, Maria Shriver chose to share this picture not only on her Instagram and Facebook pages but also in her weekly newsletter/blog.  She has a feature that she calls #SoulSpace where she encourages followers to share photographs that hold special meaning to them or photographs of places where one can escape to and find their peace of mind.  Needless to say, when I shared my #SoulSpace photograph, I had no idea that Maria Shriver herself would even see it, much less share it for others to see!  I was beyond amazed at that, and I offer a thank you to Maria for sharing a little piece of my world with the rest of her world!   Maybe one day, she will come over and visit this area in the Great Smoky Mountains and she, like you readers, can realize how truly peaceful this area of the country is.  It is about a seven hour drive from my home in Raleigh, North Carolina, to get over those Appalachian hills to my peaceful area in the Great Smokies, but when you can sit and listen to those sounds, breathe in the fresh air and feel as if you are million miles away from the stresses of this world, it is well worth the seven hour journey!

I encourage each of you to find your #SoulSpace areas in life and capture them in photographs, so in times when you are stressed at home or work, you can easily pull up a photograph and reflect back on places or times where you feel most free.  And while you’re at it, share your photos with Maria, too, she’ll definitely read them and hey, who knows, she might even share your journey with her readers, too!   As I’ve always said we never know who is reading our posts or viewing our photographs and we just never know how it might touch someone else’s soul, so always be willing to share!

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