Monday, April 18, 2016

Day Twenty-Nine: What are your goals for the next 30 days?

Goals are simply something that we are trying to achieve in our life or in a set amount of time.  And, don’t we all have so many goals that we put in place for ourselves?  I think the most common “goal” that each of us always set is the mountainous “losing weight” goal.  For me personally that was one of the goals that I set at the end of last year for 2016 – to try to get in better shape and lose a few pounds.  As of to date, I have lost close to 15 pounds since January 1st, but still have a ways to go.  Goals are certainly easy to set and lay out for ourselves, but the challenge comes in actually taking the first step towards achieving that goal and keeping the momentum to finish the task.  My weight loss goal has been a huge challenge.  One in particular because I love to eat and then second due to a recent knee injury, it has slowed down my exercising, but I am still determined to lose a few pounds and achieve that goal. 

A lot of times when it comes to setting goals and starting out on the track of accomplishing them, it is often good to have a buddy or cheerleader of sorts who motivates and encourages you along the journey.  Sometimes something as simple as someone boosting you and telling you that “you can do it” might be all the motivation you need to accomplish that goal and cross the finish line marking one more item off your list. 

As far as my “goals” for the next 30 days, well that list could be endless, but the primary ones I am thinking is continuing to finish my exercise/weight loss goal, but also setting a big goal for myself regarding my upcoming vacation.  In less than two weeks (10 days, 21 hours, 10 minutes as I am currently penning this), I am departing the East Coast of the United States and taking a trek to the West Coast and up in to Canada.  I have never been to the West Coast of the United States, so it is something I am greatly looking forward to.  So, my goal for this trip is pretty simple yet complex – have a relaxing and enjoyable time and NOT checking my work e-mail or get stressed about being away from work!   I am the worlds worse at going on vacation and still staying glued to my phone, responding to work related e-mails, etc.  This time, I am absolutely setting a goal to try to not let it bother me.  The work will be here when I get back and I’ll get to it as I can.  So, that will be a HUGE goal for me, if I can accomplish that, it might just be a miracle! 

I’ve also realized lately that I need to set a goal that I never should have to set at being a better Christian example and witness.  God has really been dealing with me lately regarding my attitude and other issues plaguing my daily life.  I want to try to be a better example for Him, which means guarding more what I say and how I respond to things.  It might mean that I just end up staying quieter and keeping to myself rather than voicing what I really want to say. I truly feel this world that we live in is full of evil.  Satan is attacking from all angles and he is disguising himself in so many ways, it is hard to keep things straight these days.  But our God is mightier than Satan.  Our God can fight off any attacks that Satan throws at Him.  I need to be willing to take a stand and fight the good fight and spread the Word to so many lost souls who are being pulled in the opposite direction. 

Big goals have been set for myself over the next 30 days and maybe even for a lifetime. What about you? What goals are you going to set for yourself to attempt to accomplish? Don’t be afraid to set goals for yourself as it challenges you to come out of your shelter a little and may even make you a better person.  Remember, things are just “temporal” – it doesn’t matter if you live in the biggest house, drive the fanciest car, have the nicest clothes, etc. because all of that “stuff” won’t last.  The real things we need to be focusing on are the treasures that we can be storing up in our eternal home in Heaven.  Set your goals high, high as in eternity, and strive to reach for them. God will help us all along the way as long as we ask Him.  Blessings to all of you, and remember, you aren’t alone in your journey.  You can accomplish things!

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