Friday, October 15, 2010

Nothing could be finer....

Well, it is that time of year again when I start singing "Nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina at the State Fair" ... so hard to believe it is already time for the North Carolina State Fair to be in town, but I LOVE IT.

Many people have given me the nickname the "State Fair Queen" or tour guide or whatever due to the fact that I tend to go to the Fair on numerous occasions. I've already been two, well I guess three times, and it just opened on Thursday the 14th.

Our office went over on Wednesday for lunch; then yesterday was "Preview Day" and last Friday, I dropped my first official State Fair entries off. I have always wanted to enter something in the Fair and have dreams of winning a ribbon. Well, this year, I finally entered two scrapbook entries and can proudly say I won a ribbon. I honestly did not expect to win a ribbon or anything. I didn't win first place, but that doesn't matter, it's a ribbon and that is exciting to me!!

My first day at the Fair was a blast -- the Fair with your sister and bestie equals a great combination, and it surely was an adventure. We even participated in the State Fair Scavenger Hunt and we completed that and both got ribbons, hurrah!!

So the highlight of Day One (aka Preview Day) was seeing my entry and realizing I now have a ribbon that I can display. The Scavenger Hunt is great because you get to learn a lot about the Fair and North Carolina.

To wind the night down, I rode two rides (including the brand new one, which wasn't that great); we ate some Deep Fried Reese Peanut Butter Cups, a Cinnamon-Sugar Pretzels and a RED Foot Long (woo!!) ... the night ended with a bang with an amazing fireworks demonstration!

Go out and enjoy our North Carolina State Fair. It's in town (in Raleigh) from October 14th thru the 24th. There's something for everyone and this year we made history (again) being the nation's # 1 Fair with the most rides!! Way to go, NC!!

I'll be skipping going back today but more to come later. Enjoy some sights.

1 comment:

  1. We'll be going today! Can't wait! Congratulations on your ribbon!!!!!
