Wednesday, October 20, 2010

It's all about the food ...

What's better than going to the State Fair than eating and particularly trying something new?

Last night (Tuesday the 19th for those of you keeping track!), I went with my good friend Beth. We rode the bus from downtown Raleigh, which was cool, and got over to the Fair around 6pm.

We strolled the fairgrounds and looked at some exhibit halls and all the variety of food options. I don't think I ever truly paid attention until recently just how much food and how many different types of things you can eat! I stayed pretty simple last night and just got two ham biscuits, a Diet Coke & eventually a frozen
cheesecake dipped in chocolate (sidenote: the cheesecake was from the Cheesecake Factory!!). Beth tried some tempura veggies, the Texas Frito Pie (which turned out to not be what either of us thought!) and the Deep Fried Reese Cups.

I told someone today at work that I wished the Fair was here every day. It is so nice for me to leave work and go walk at the Fair and just relax and get my mind off things. Now I probably don't need to eat all that food daily but I am walking so that should count for something, right??

I had a great time last night -- not too many people either so that was good. Great times are had. The midway lights were beautiful last night, as well. Enjoy some pictures.

And for those of you keeping track, so far I've eaten: 2 footlongs, 1 hotdog, 1 fry, 1 deep fried reese cup, 4 small ham biscuits (ha!), 1/2 Krispy Kreme burger, 1/2 roast corn, 1 popcorn, 1 cheesecake on a stick and a TON of DIET COKE (haha!)

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