Monday, October 18, 2010

Day Two ... So I tried it ...

Saturday the 16th was my "official" day two to visit the State Fair, and it was interesting. The weather was glorious & it couldn't have been a better day. Rather than there being two of us going, we helped to increase attendance at the Fair and doubled up and it became four (Phyllis, Dwayne, Steven & me!).

Needless to say the weekends are always slam-packed with people ... we couldn't even find a parking place! But we finally arrived and our immediate need was FOOOOOOD!! The guys decided they didn't want to be adventurous; they just wanted a hamburger. Well Phyllis & I wanted to try something new and did we ever ... So yes, I tried it -- what's it? The BIG talk around the State ... the Krispy Kreme Hamburger! Yes, that's right -- two Krispy Kreme donuts used for buns with a hamburger pattie in the middle and you can customize however you like. AND (hold on tight), it was GREAT!!!

After eating, we walked around and looked at some of the exhibits before finally heading down into the Midways. I'm so grateful to have had Steven along again for the journey at the Fair because I know he'll be adventurous and ride some rides with me. We rode quite a few and really enjoyed them.

After finishing our riding, we strolled around a bit more to find some more "snacks" to eat. Eventually the Fair day had to wind down, we left the guys at the Tractor Pull and we went to get dinner before heading home.

But even with all the crowd of people, it was a beautiful day at the North Carolina State Fair to Celebrate What's Great with some awesome people. The highlight of this day was obviously riding the rides (especially when we got Dwayne on the Freak Out!) but it was just fun spending time with you second family & friends!!


  1. Looks like bunches of fun! We were there too among alllll those people. :) Saw your scrapbook page!

  2. Awesome ... yeah I was happy with my ribbon. Now to just figure how to get an actual "placement" haha! Y'all win so much; maybe I need to get some assistance :)
