Friday, October 22, 2010

Mooooo......I am NOT 42

Well, I took a day off from going to the Fair but made a return trip on Thursday the 21st, along with everyone else in the State of North Carolina. It was slam-packed with people last night, but good for the Fair -- maybe we'll break an attendance record (I always like to say I was part of that!)

Last night, Tiffany & I went over after work to walk around. We'd both already been several times so it was primarily a night to eat, play games & see some sights. I was very happy to be able to see the cows. During the middle of the week, they rotate the "cow barn" and switch them from beef cattle to dairy cattle. Personally, I like the dairy cows better. So I was glad to go in and see them (not really the smell!)

I didn't eat very much -- a small bite of Tiffany's KK burger and then I had another pretzel (yummy!). We played quite a few games ... I won on the first try at Whack-a-Mole (love that game!) and got a really soft little giraffe whom I named Geoffrey (after the Toys-R-Us giraffe!). We tried the Kentucky Derby game and the I got it games but didn't win any prizes. Later Tiffany had the age-guesser try to guess her age ... she won because he guessed 15 (and she's 24). So that inspired me to give it a shot ... i knew they'd guess me older but not 14 years older than what I am ... he guessed me as 42 (No, I am only 28 -- or will be in a few weeks!). My heavens!!

But we had fun with our animals - Geoffrey, Opie & Madeline (aka Maddie). We enjoyed a nice fireworks display amongst some 125,000 fellow fairgoers! And of course, because I am such a nice person and a loving niece, I visited the Red Man booth and got my uncle some tobacco products -- hurrah, my NC driver's license have now been scanned that I have gotten tobacco products. Lord help me, I'm becoming "red"

Here's to more days at the Fair -- it's coming to a close soon and I'm beginning to get sad.

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