Friday, January 8, 2016

Day Eleven -- Something you always think "What if..." about.

In this ever-changing society, we often find ourselves in varying predicaments where we are always pondering “what if” such and such may or may not happen.  Sometimes, I think we may even come close to wearing out the “what-if” phrase.  People are often asked “what if” you had a specific amount of time left to live what would you do and all sorts of questions like that.  Sure, I’ve pondered that question myself, but in reality, that’s not something I really worry about.  If it’s my time to go, then it’s my time to go.  There’s nothing I can really do to stop that.  To be honest, I don’t know of one particular thing that I am constantly thinking “what if” about.  There are a lot of varying scenarios that run throughout my head on any given basis that are possible “what if” situations, so I’ll share a few of these, but again, they are not things that I dwell on.

“What if someone comes in to this building shooting, what will I do?” – Sure, that’s a rather morbid “what if” but sadly, these days, it is something we all ponder.  Working for a very large school system, it is something that is a very plausible scenario.  I pray it never happens, but with more and more shootings breaking out each and every day, it is something that we all do ponder whether it could happen.  All the “what if” scenarios fly through your head when thinking of something like that.  You start pondering where to hide, how to escape and all sorts of things.  We never know what may happen, but just don’t let that become the sole thing you think about it.  Sure, it very well could happen at my job, your job or anyone else’s job, and if it happens, is there much we can do to stop it?  We just have to pray it doesn’t happen and keep going forward with our lives. 

“What if Jesus comes back today?” – Maybe it shouldn’t be a real “what if” question, but it is another one of those that could happen at any moment.  If He does return today, hallelujah!  We won’t have to live on this Earth anymore with all the wickedness and sinfulness that’s ongoing.  The real question that must be address is if Jesus comes back today, are you ready?  Are you ready to go to Heaven? Will you be going to Heaven? I hope and pray you who read this will be ready.  It’s an easy process.  You just simply have to confess your sins, ask Him to come in to your heart and forgive you for those sins and accept Him as your Lord and Savior.  He died a brutal death to take the punishment for our sins!  And I can guarantee that none of us really want to spend our eternity in the alternative location of Heaven.  Be ready!  We don’t know when He may return, but I hope you’ll be joining me in Heaven!

“What if my pants fall down in front of my coworkers?” – Okay, I seriously have never pondered that until I just typed it.  I was merely trying to think of a funny or abnormal one compared to my other two more serious “what ifs”.  We are all likely to encounter some type of embarrassing situation out in the public.  Just try to laugh it off and go on.  Hey! Everyone needs a good laugh for the day, so what may be an embarrassment to you, might be just what someone else needed to let loose for the day.

Yes, we’ll all encounter “what ifs” in our lives, even on a daily basis, but how we respond to those moments is what is key.  Sure, it’s okay to ponder the “what if” situation, but just ponder it and move on.  That situation may not ever even come to fruition, and if it doesn’t, then you’ve basically wasted time even pondering it.  That’s why it’s so important to not get your mind wrapped up in the “what if” spider web because you can get so easily sucked in to spinning and spinning and spinning until that’s all you are consumed with.  Try to enjoy life as much as you can, and always try to find something to laugh about as it does lift your spirits!

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