Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Day Twelve -- Write about five blessings in your life.

While it may not always seem that way, we are truly blessed in many more ways than we can even comprehend.  Each day, we can easily find something to be thankful for, even if it is something simple.  I was actually challenged at a ladies retreat to start a “thankful” journal, where you make a list of things you are thankful for and you continue to build upon it.  I started doing that alongside of my regular daily devotions, and it is truly amazing the things we often overlook that we should be thankful for.  So, today, for my writing challenge, I must choose five blessings in my life to write about.  As I mentioned, there’s so many things I’ve been blessed with, so my selections will be purely random and I will just choose the top five that pop in to my head.

My Parents – How often do we fail to realize how much of a blessing our parents are to us?  It always upsets me to hear people say how they hate their parents or treat them so poorly.  Sure, I’ll get in spats with my parents where we’ll fuss over things, but that doesn’t mean I don’t still love them and appreciate all they’ve given to me.  As I’ve gotten older, I realize how truly important they are in my life.  As a child, I think we take them for granted because we just want them to give us food and toys, but as we get older, we come to realize their true value, the loyalty, support and love that they show to us.  My parents are the best, and I truly don’t know what I would do without them.  They provide for me, they support me, and in many ways they do too much for me.  Sometimes, I often find myself thinking that I surely hope I don’t disappoint them in any way.  I’m so blessed to have good Christian parents who have instilled in my life the true core values that are foundational to our true humanity.  Thank you, Mom and Dad for all that you’ve done for me and will continue to do for me.  I love you both!

The Bible – We are truly blessed to be able to have the freedom to read God’s Holy Word.  It is such a blessing to my life because it is amazing how in doing my daily devotions that often times the devotion is on a subject matter that I am currently being plagued with.  God’s Word can serve as a true source of hope and encouragement to all of us.  I keep a daily journal to coincide with my devotions to make note of things I’ve learned or how certain Scriptures speak to me.  Read and study the Word, meditate on it and memorize as many verses as you can.  God gave us His Word as a tool and a resource, but we should be blessed to have such a cherished book.

ACC Women’s Basketball – I’ve previously written numerous blogs on the impact that basketball has had on my life.  From meeting coaches to attending many games in countless arenas, basketball is an avenue where I just let my hair down, relax and enjoy the game!  I’ve been very blessed to get to know two people through being a season ticket holder at NC State, two ladies who have become close friends to me.  I’m so grateful that God allowed me to meet Kim and Linda.  They are diehard basketball fans, and it is just so wonderful to have found kindred spirits who are as crazy over basketball as I am.  They make me laugh and keep me going.  They help cheer me up when I am not having a good day and encourage me in many other avenues of life.  So, while both the game of basketball and meeting so many great coaches and players has been a blessing, so has the people you meet by going to so many games.  Memories that will last a lifetime!

Good Health – In a time of ever increasing health problems that seem to be growing at a super-fast pace, I have been blessed to have relatively good health.  Yes, I do have some health conditions, but in comparison to what so many others face, I have nothing to complain about.  It is a true blessing that I am able to walk, talk, laugh and enjoy life even battling a few ailments.  I look at people who are dying of cancer or some other horrible disease, and while I feel so sad for them and their families for the struggle that they are facing, I also realize how blessed I am as that could easily be me.  We don’t know what we may face as we continue to age here on this Earth, but whatever comes your way, we have to embrace it and be strong.  Rely on God to give you the strength to get through the hardship, and He will.  God is good, and I’m so thankful that as of to date, I am still a fairly healthy person. 

Travelling – You may think, travelling, huh?!, how is that a blessing?  Well, I have been fortunate to be able to travel to a number of states within the United States and to two countries.  I’ve practically covered every inch of North Carolina (well, not quite but almost), and have been able to go to many festivals, games, concerts, etc., all over.  Many times, I think I take for granted how blessed I am to be able to travel and go places.  Some people are not able to travel for various reasons or just choose not to explore the great beyond.  It is amazing to see all that awaits us, so I feel travelling has been a blessing because it opens you up to see how others live and how other societies differ totally from yours (even within your own home state!).

So, there is my short list of things that I feel have been a blessing in my life.  Continue to look for things in your own life to see what all you’ve been blessed with – big or small.  I think you’ll be surprised at the many things we don’t even consider as blessings in our lives.  Enjoy life and be blessed!

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