Wednesday, April 30, 2014

H is for ...


When you think of the sport of hockey, it isn’t very likely that the warm South comes to mind. When I think of hockey, I think of Canada or some northern state that is often very cold. Cold ice and warm humid temperatures don’t mix in my mind. Those were some of my initial reactions when we were told we were getting an NHL hockey team in North Carolina. Hockey, eh?!?

I am a huge sports fan, but I will admit (and don’t hate me for this), I am not a huge hockey fan. Maybe it’s because it is indoors on ice and I am not very tolerate of colder temperatures. Maybe it is because I just can’t follow it that well, but I will admit though that I do enjoy the fighting, ha! I don’t often go to many hockey games, but when I do, I usually have a pretty decent time bundled up like a little Eskimo.

I was in middle school when it was announced that the Hartford Whalers would be leaving Connecticut and relocating to my hometown of Raleigh, North Carolina. It surely seemed appropriate since so many other people from the New England area continued to relocate to our Southern locale. I remember a local radio station making a comment that fans should submit their name suggestions for the team and the mascot. As dorky middle schoolers, we were all standing around in the cafeteria debating what we should name the team. Many wanted the Carolina Cougars or Bobcats (this was prior to the NBA renaming the Hornets the Bobcats and now back to Hornets –duh, just leave it how it was to start with) – I kept asking “Why Cougars?” “Why Bobcats?” – why all the animal names? Their only answer was since our NFL team was the Carolina Panthers, we needed another similar animal. Well, that partially made sense. But, then there was me – the over-analyzer and over-thinker, trying to think of something creative yet different to name a team that is not located in Charlotte, away from the Panthers. I remember standing there reflecting briefly on things from North Carolina history and it hit me! I piped up to my classmates and boldly proclaimed, “I’ve got it! Let’s name them the Carolina Hurricanes!!!!” And they all looked at me dumbstruck and replied “Why would we name our team the Hurricanes?” And I said, “Why not? We’ve just been hit recently by Hurricanes Bertha and Fran. We tend to attract hurricanes, so why not name our team the Carolina Hurricanes!?!”

Needless to say, at that time, my classmates thought I was crazy, but little did any of us know that indeed our NHL team would become the Carolina Hurricanes. And sadly, I did NOT get credit for that idea, dang it! (I will gladly take any credit if anyone wants to pass that along now – any monetary donations will be gladly accepted or even season passes, ha!)

Surprisingly, hockey has picked up a good following here. It probably is still not as popular as good ‘ole college football or basketball, but it has surprised me how much of a fan-base that has developed for our Carolina Hurricanes. We are very proud of their accomplishments of winning the Stanley Cup back in 2006 and were proud representatives to host the All-Star game. It has been quite interesting to see the array of players we have had parade in and out of the Raleigh area over the past several years that the Hurricanes have been here -- players such as the great Ron Francis (now General Manager of the team), Rod Brind’Amour, Eric and Jordan Staal, and so many others that I cannot list them all.

My first hockey game, I was rather spoiled, as I was able to sit in an exclusive suite and enjoy all the amenities provided. I’ve seen a hockey game from all levels at the PNC Arena. And, yes, while it is cool to sit down low and feel as if you are a part of the game with the players attacking the glass, I actually prefer to sit way up high so I can take in the entire arena floor and watch everything that goes on. (And probably because they are the cheapest seats available – tickets damage your wallet for professional sporting events, wow!) But, my ultimate favorite thing at a hockey game, in addition to the fighting, is what I affectionately call the “hockey horn”. I just love to hear that thing cranked down on when the ‘Canes score a goal … it just seems like it booms so loud that you could hear it in Charlotte.

And appropriately, the hockey horn also reminds me of a ship out in the storm, in the eye of a hurricane, who is looking for shore; hoping for a lighthouse to guide him home to safety. Maybe the ship will blow its horn as it nears port to announce its arrival alerting all to its victory over the storm. With that being the case, I do think our Carolina Hurricanes were appropriately name, and maybe in the next few years, they can climb back to the top and proudly hoist the Stanley Cup high in the air over Raleigh! Go check out a Hurricanes game or whatever hockey team is near you, but make sure you take a jacket because it can get a little chilly! And don’t forget to shout, GO CANES!!

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