Monday, April 21, 2014

E is for ...


As I was on my lunch break stroll around the block, I couldn’t help but notice the dogwood trees as they are in full bloom on this lovely North Carolina spring day. The dogwoods made me reflect on the day we celebrated yesterday, Easter, and the symbolism that surrounds that day.

Similarly to Christmas, many people get so wrapped up in the commercialization of the holiday, that they truly forget the true meaning of the season. Don’t get me wrong, there is absolutely nothing wrong with going to get a new Easter dress (I did myself) nor is there anything wrong with having a little Easter egg hunt, family gathering, having your picture made with the Easter bunny or any of the commercialization that coincides with the day so long as you are taking time to reflect upon the real meaning of Easter – Jesus Christ.

Growing up, I was always quite dolled-up for Easter in my frillies, and sure thing I loved getting some Easter candy (I still do – Reese Peanut Butter Eggs and fruit-flavored Tootsie Rolls, in case anyone wants to drop any hints for the Easter bunny or anyone wants to deliver some goodies to me!!), but I also was keenly aware that my presence was to be in the church on Easter morning to celebrate the risen Savior.

This Easter, my pastor stated something that I honestly had not really considered before and it was truly spot on. He said that while Christmas is an important time of the year to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Easter is the most important and meaningful holiday. We serve a RISEN Savior. Our Savior was born in a lowly manger in Bethlehem, but He was ultimately born to die. Can you imagine knowing you are born to ultimately sacrifice your life for the sake of millions? Can you imagine what God must have felt giving His only Son to die for us? I am reminded of the song that Tabatha sang in church during the Christmas holiday appropriately entitled “Can you Imagine?” – I have reflected on that song many, many times over and even this Easter, I paused to listen to it online again to just soak in the words and allow myself to ponder and attempt to place myself there in the situation. However, the more I contemplated it, I realized that I honestly cannot imagine being in God’s shoes and the thoughts that must have gone through His head, much less the thoughts that must have gone through Christ’s. But while Jesus was born to die, He also ROSE again! He is NOT dead. He was bruised and beaten and hung on an old wooden cross to die for our sins, but praise the good Lord, the grave couldn’t conceal Him for long. Three short, but I am sure it seemed long, days later, He AROSE from the grave and ascended in to Heaven. He is still alive and waiting for us to join Him. Now, isn’t THAT something to imagine and look forward to?

Easter is the day to truly be grateful – it is the day we have set aside to serve our RISEN Savior, and know that because of Him, we can be washed cleaned of all our sins and be able to live a life of glory with Him in Heaven! What a glorious thought that our Jesus rules and reigns and lives forever! How many other religions can say that their “god” is alive and living? Hmmm…I can’t think of any…nope, nada, zilch, NONE!!

So, when you try on your Easter bonnet and dress, when you sample your Easter goodies and spend time with your family, please, please, don’t forget to spend most of your time reflecting upon why we honor Easter. And furthermore, while Easter is the one day we actually set aside to reflect, we need to be doing this year-round. Don’t just let Easter be the one time of the year that you go to church and are grateful that Jesus is alive. Do that daily! Enjoy everything that God has blessed you with and given to you, and when you pass a dogwood, always reflect on the crown of thorns placed upon His head, the “markers” (as little Colton Burpo calls them in “Heaven is for Real”) that are on His hands and feet where He shed His innocent blood for us but most importantly, that blood can wash us white as snow. Just believe and accept Him. I serve a risen Savior and I pray you do, too!

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