Thursday, April 10, 2014

B is for ...


Take me out to the ballgame, take me out to the park… Aren’t those some lovely words? Well, for sports fans like myself, yes, they likely are; for the rest of you, well, I’ll just pray for you! To say the least, I am a sports junkie, as I attend numerous sporting events each year. And, while the thrill of being at a basketball game where I can scream, holler and act like a fool is amazing, there are days when I just prefer the slow-paced, somewhat serene and solitude bliss that comes only from a baseball game. Baseball allows you to involve all of your senses in a different level than with other events – you can utilize your senses in smelling the fresh cut grass, seeing the rich clay of the infield, hearing the crack of the baseball bat as it makes contact with the baseball, keeping a constant awareness of where the ball is going to go (and praying it’s not on top of your head), smelling all the wonderful aromas of the variety of foods provided at the stadium and tasting them for that matter, too! My favorite games to go to are either the midday games or the early evening games – I love the feel of the sun beating down on me while taking in a game or feel the change of the temperature as the sun begins its slow descent over the ballpark.

While I do typically find myself attending more college baseball games, fortunately for me, I am also able to venture a few miles away and take in a game at one of the finest Minor League stadiums that exists – the Durham Bulls Athletic Park. The DBAP is home to the reigning Governor’s Cup Champions team the Durham Bulls. However, the DBAP also plays hosts to many ACC games, particularly for the Duke Blue Devils, but also for the ACC Baseball Tournament. I may not know many of the players on the Bulls’ roster, but it is still a fun and relaxing venue to take your family or friends and partake in some local entertainment. It’s the perfect place to grab a seat, watch some baseball and catch up on whatever else is going on in your lives. And of course, eat an abundance of ballpark snacks (that’s probably the best part)

It is always my luck with I go to the DBAP something always happens. I have been there when massive rain and lightning storms hit (you want to talk about running fast and setting world-Olympic record paces, that’s me when lightning strikes around a baseball stadium with metal coverage – I am GONE!!). Then the opposite has occurred where I have had terrific seats and it is blazing hot outside. After those games, I don’t come home drenched with rainwater, but rather come home smelling like burnt chicken or something from the sunburnt skin. But, one of my favorite times at the Bulls’ park was last season during the ACC Baseball Tournament when the hometown rivalry of NC State and UNC not only set an attendance record at the park, but it also went for 18 innings!!!! Needless to say, you probably could’ve gotten a sunburn and a good nap in and the game STILL be going on. And for the record, while I was there, I did NOT last all 18 innings.

Besides all of the amazing foods and baseball at a Durham Bulls game, the best entertainment by far is everyone’s favorite Wool.E.Bull. “Wool-E” has to be, hands-down, one of the best mascots that exists. He is so spunky and engages the fan base so well. Plus, what other mascot has an actual go-kart that he drives around the stadium in between innings tossing out t-shirts to endearing fans. No game is complete without a sighting from “Wool-E”. So, if you are having a really bad day and just need a place to calm down and unwind, why not venture over to the DBAP or your local hometown baseball stadium and take in a nice evening game. And while you’re there, “buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks...” You won’t regret it!

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