Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Night with the Stars

A couple months ago, Tiffany & I saw that the James A. Naismith Awards for Sportsmanship were going to be awarded to ACC Coaches Dean Smith, Mike Krzyzewski, and Kay Yow. The ceremony was to take place at the Progress Energy Center in Raleigh (that's Raleigh Memorial Auditorium for us true-blood Wake Countians!). Initially, it was an invite only event for coaches, players, and honored guests, but I was determined to be in attendance! I contacted my friend, Nora Lynn Finch at the ACC and with her & her office's help, we were able to get tickets. (Later, by the way, it was eventually opened up to the public.) Last night was the big event & to say the least, we were star-struck in so many ways!

Going into this event, we knew to anticipate some "bigwigs" to be in attendance -- particularly coaches & former players, but to say the least, we also got several surprises! Prior to the awards ceremony, there was a reception with a wide variety of foods & a silent auction -- a time to mix, mingle & observe whose presence we were around. Upon entrance into the grand lobby, we immediately spotted so many of our beloved NC State Women's Basketball "family" members, including former Assistant Coach Stephanie Glance & Kay Yow's youngest sister, Susan.

We made our way towards the silent auction area where it seemed many had gathered. Each school (that would be UNC, Duke & NC State, for those of you who forgot who was being honored) had donated several items for auction, their cheerleaders & mascots were even there. We couldn't resist having our picture made with Mr. & Mrs. Wuf (who by the way LOVED my shoes, ha!) And well, yes, I was even nice and gave a polite little wave to Rameses.

While walking around the silent auction area, we saw several other people we recognized including, Debbie Antonelli, Debbie Yow, Tommy Burleson, Sylvia Hatchell, David Thompson and of course, Nora Lynn Finch just to name a few. One person that I saw, and was very excited to see, was Duke Women's Basketball Coach Joanne P. McCallie (known as Coach "P"). I eventually made my way over to speak to her and even had my photo taken with her. She is such a kind person and really has brought the Duke Women's team a long way (here's hoping for another ACC Championship!)

Prior to speaking with Coach P, Tiffany & I went back to the NC State table to speak with our friend Felicia Mangum, who works in the NC State Women's Basketball office, and is such a kind & caring person. While speaking with Felicia, I heard this voice that sounded somewhat familiar heading in our general direction, so naturally I glance around to see what all the commotion is about. (At this point, I must apologize to Felicia because I literally cannot remember one thing she said from this moment onward ...) Upon first glance to my left, I see someone probably within 10 feet of me that I immediately recognized & I think at that point, not only did I hit Tiffany to get her attention but I let out an audible gasp. It was none other than Governor Bev Perdue waltzing around with one of her staffers. She ended up passing in between myself and Felicia and just mingling about as if she's any other person (her staffer, by the way, ended up running slam into me and apologized -- which led to a great segway moments later!).

Tiffany & I end up walking back around to see the items again, all the while, I'm just jibbering non-stop about Governor Perdue and how she was within inches of me. (Side note: for those of you that aren't Perdue fans, please do NOT assault me for my next comments. Governor Perdue has earned quite a few "brownie" points with me by sending me a Christmas present, literally on Christmas Eve. You might be Bev haters, but get over it! She ended up signing an inaugural program & personalized a message to me & sent back to me -- so that gained her some favorable points) Anyways, I had always wanted to meet Governor Perdue & have my picture made with her. But obviously, it is VERY, VERY hard to get that close with the most powerful person in the state. Well, this event was non-political & I felt it was the opportune time for me to intervene. I ended up going back to the staffer (the one that bumped into me), tapped him on the shoulder and asked if there was any way possible to get our picture made with the Governor. His response "ABSOLUTELY!" Needless to say, I think I drifted above Cloud Nine at that point and was probably hovering somewhere in the mesosphere.

We patiently moved to the side while the Governor was speaking to some other people. The staffer got her attention and brought her to us. She warmly greeted both Tiffany & myself, and I was immediately captured by her exquisitely blue eyes (they are gorgeous!) I also noticed that her accent isn't nearly as heavy & thick as it typically sounds & I realized the camera makes her appear much older. Governor Perdue had on a very cute black dress with white flowers along the sleeves; she actually looked very pretty. When she came over to stand between Tiffany & myself, she wrapped her arms around us and commented "yay, I have fans!" I complimented her on her dress and she replied by saying "I just wanted to be like a girl tonight" (because she usually always has to wear pant or skirt suits and never the cutesy dresses). She looked at both Tiffany & myself and at our outfits and while standing between us and commented "look, we all match & coordinate and I'm the Mom in the middle!" (How cute was that?) By this time, I had moved on up into the thermosphere!

After the staffer took our picture, we thanked him & Governor Perdue for their time. As she started to walk away, she turned & came back to me standing directly in front of me and holding my eye contact (which was a slight bit intimidating), she told me she "liked that" and pointed to my hairpiece. Then off-hand she was like "you know there is a name for that? What's it called? What did Kate (Princess Kate) call that thing?" I couldn't think of it to save my life, but praise the Lord for Tiffany for blurting out "I think it was a fascinator". Sure enough it was and the Governor was like "yes, that's right, a fascinator. I like your fascinator." And she goes to walk off and turns back and adds, "and you look fascinating!" Needless to say, at that moment, I had soared slam out of the exosphere. Wow, I was blown away by how down to earth she was & how cute she can be. It's not very often you get to talk to the Governor about fashion & she give you a compliment or two! (No comment from you Bev haters -- I don't want to hear it, just be happy for me!)

Anyways, wait a minute, where were we at? Oh yes, an awards ceremony. Just like last night, I was so pumped with adrenalin at that moment, I momentarily forgot where I was and who I was there to see - my hero & friend, Nora Lynn Finch!! (Well, yeah I was also there to see the awards ceremony, too!)

The ceremony itself was very special. A video tribute was played for each coach, someone spoke on memories of each coach, former players & coaches lined the stage, and then the individual or a representative accepted the award for the coaches. Sportscaster Bob Holiday emceed the event & did a very good job. Bobby Cremmins, former Head Coach at Georgia Tech, delivered the keynote address. He was absolutely hilarious. He loved picking on Coach K and told quite a few humorous stories about himself, Coach K and Jimmy V. Ian Naismith was there to speak on behalf of the Naismith family and present the awards to all the recipients. Nora Lynn Finch delivered a very, very moving speech on her friend, Coach Kay Yow. She eloquently intertwined humor, sports, passion and spirituality into a very touching speech, which was probably my most favorite of the evening (and not because it was Nora Lynn). Debbie Yow accepted the award in Coach Yow's memory. Dean Smith appeared on stage with the help of Coach Roy Williams. Charles Scott shared memories of Coach Smith and Coach Williams accepted the award on his behalf. Steve Wojciechowski delivered the memorybook of Coach K, and Coach K graciously accepted his award and spoke on memories of all three coaches. And ACC Commissioner John Swofford closed the ceremony.

The ceremony was very touching. Each coach was memorialized for their achievements but also for their sportsmanship. What a neat experience to be in the presence of so many awesome coaches. North Carolina truly is the state to be when it comes to basketball. Yet even with all the jubliation & fanfare, the evening was not yet complete -- I had not had my chance to see Nora Lynn. Now granted, I did see her from a distance in the lobby prior to the ceremony, but the Governor distracted me from getting to talk to her. So after the ceremony ended, we made our way down to the front of the auditorium. Nora Lynn was on stage greeting people but saw us and stated how glad she was we were able to make it & such. Of course, as typical of the two of us, we had to have our picture made! Nora Lynn in her glittering, Broadway style outfit (I particularly liked it!) and myself in my fascinator!

The evening with the stars was now officially complete!

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