Thursday, June 9, 2011


Who doesn't love a good surprise?
I am sure, at some point in our lives, everyone loves to be surprised by something or someone. If you don't, then please explain why!

I've always been somewhat intrigued by surprises. As a kid, I used to crawl under the Christmas tree and shake the presents or feel their shapes and try to figure out what my gift was. I guess in some way maybe that takes away from the surprise, especially if you can figure out what it is. But if you can't determine what the present is, then you're all the more excited to find out what it is.

I'm also one who you can rarely pull a surprise over. It's hard to have a surprise party or something for me and I, either, not already know about it or else not be able to figure something is up (I must have a good sixth sense or something!) The office once threw me a surprise birthday party -- well, I knew we were having a birthday party (as we always do that), but I didn't anticipate when I walked into the conference room that two of my friends would be there, too. So I was royally surprised at that moment!

It's also fun to give surprise parties, too. I remember when my Mom was turning 50, that my aunts & cousins and I were having to scheme to figure out how to plan this shindig without Mom finding out. That was hard because Mom knows EVERYTHING, and she has a large family (FIVE brothers!!!). So trying to get in touch with all of them, giving them instructions, etc. without her knowing it was all going on was difficult. But in the end, even though she protested & didn't want to eat at the place where the family was gathered (that was about to be a big mess!), I think we truly surprised her. That was a fun night!!

But it's not always about parties and gifts, it could be just a simple phone call, card, e-mail or something simple. I had a great surprise recently from a friend of mine. She called me during the day (a day in which had not been going so good at work). Initially, I was confused as to why she was calling me and then I figured it was to chat (which was fine by me!), but then she asked if she could take me to lunch!! Talk about a surprise ... on a day when I needed an escape, I not only get a surprise lunch but I get to see my friend! That was an awesome surprise.

Little spur of the moment things are what brings lasting memories. Plotting and planning elaborate parties or whatever is fun, but to me, I like the small things -- I like getting cards, I like getting e-mails, I like getting unexpected phone calls, I like getting visits from friends. Those small things will leave a lasting impression and you never know when that person may be needing some cheering up! So a big thanks to my friend for her kindness and her perfect timing (as always!), what a neat treat, what a surprise & what a good/fun lunch!!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE surprises and I agree with you.... the "small" ones are the biggest to me. Those little moments of surprise stick with you for a long time. Glad you recently had one to cherish!
