Thursday, July 14, 2011

90 Days and counting ....

The past three or four days it has been unbelievably HOT here in Wake County. Now I'm not one to complain about hot weather because I HATE, HATE, HATE cold weather. I'm known to ride around town, even when it's 90 degrees, with my windows down and the roof open on the car. But this week the heat has been oppressive (but yes, I've STILL ridden without the AC on!). Today, all that has changed. I went outside to leave for work and noticed it was nice and cool. At lunch, I took a drive to Cook-Out and between the smell of the grill at Cook-Out, temperatures in the 80s but the breeze making it feel like 70s, it hit me that this day reminded me of something, this day had a "feel" to it -- This day, July 14th, 2011, had the feeling of a NC State Fair Day!!

Do you ever have those feelings when you can just feel the weather and say this feels like a "beach day" or a "snowy day"? Well, as you all know, Lil Miss Fair Queen herself knew today instantly felt like a "Fair day". It's hard to describe that feeling and the smell. But when I sense it, I know it!

I got back to work and was doing some research. Come to find out the Fair starts exactly three months from today (October 13th! -- and that's one month to the date before my birthday!). It's so hard to believe it's already time to discuss the Fair. Will I try the Krispy Kreme burger again this year? Will my Fair entries (that I'm already working on) win any sort of ribbons this year? Who will be performing (that's to be announced tomorrow!)? What new rides will we have and will I ride them? And most importantly how many days will I go this year?

Oh so many questions, so little time to decide. But in the mean time, you go outside and enjoy this "Fair day" or "whatever" day it is where ever you are. I'm so excited for the Fair and can't wait to share that joy with my friends & family! Gotta get busy, now, must fill out my entry forms!!

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