Tuesday, March 1, 2011

An Adventure 28 years in the making...

So as many of you know I am a HUGE sports fan! I'll watch most any sport, but definitely do have my favorites & non-favorites.

Growing up in North Carolina, you have to enjoy basketball. Sure I do, but maybe am not as crazy about it as other sports. But I do enjoy going to Women's Basketball games. I've been to quite a few this season already -- okay so I've seen 9 of the 12 ACC teams already play, that should count for something, right?

But Women's Basketball is one of my favorites. I guess if you ask me for fan loyalty which team is my favorite, that's a tough choice because I like so many. My ultimate favorite are the Tennessee Volunteers, coached by legendary Pat Summitt. But in the ACC, wow, that's a tough call, but I guess I'll say NC State (though I do like Duke, too, and Maryland, and Florida State ... ugghhh!!)

NC State is my favorite primarily for two people - Kay Yow & Nora Lynn Finch. They started, developed and led that program for over 30 years. Coach Yow was such an inspiration to many. Unfortunately, I never had the opportunity to meet her. I used to sit at home and watch her games on TV and dream of playing for her one day. I'd listen to her & Nora Lynn's radio show and watch Nora Lynn do commentating of the games after she moved to Associate Athletic Director. Those were the good 'ole days.

Nora Lynn left NC State in 2008 to move to the ACC, where she is now an Associate Commissioner, but she ALWAYS comes back home to State!! And sadly, we lost Coach Yow two years ago. I did attend her funeral and experienced an amazing service. What a powerful testimony she delivered. She truly impacted thousands around the world.

Ironically with my love for Women's Basketball and in particular the ACC, I've never been to the ACC Tournament. I was able to attend the NCAA Super Regional (Sweet Sixteen) in Raleigh a few years ago, where I met, guess who, Nora Lynn Finch! I've kept in touch with her throughout the past two years, and thanks in part to her help, 28 years later, I am going to attend my first ACC Tournament!!

Needless to say, I am overly excited. I may be more excited about the fact that Nora Lynn & I have been communicating via e-mail lately than actually going to the tournament. But either way, I'm so excited. We are going to ALL ELEVEN tournament games, as well as several luncheons that are held during the tournament. This has been a dream of mine for years and who ever would have thought that one of my role models & someone I've admired since I was a child would play a tremendous role in helping me to get there. Thanks, Nora Lynn, you're the best!!

So be sure to watch the Women's ACC Tournament this week March 3 thru March 6. I'll be pulling for all of the teams but one -- you ought to be able to figure that out!!

Heading to Greensboro to the Tournament & to see Nora Lynn!!!!

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