Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Oh to be ...

Isn't is always my luck that the days we start having, what seem like, torrential downpours, and when the weather is cool outside, rather than being able to stay at home in bed and asleep, I'm stuck at the office! Oh well, such is life, I suppose!

I always find it interesting that rainy days are depressing...well, sometimes. Sometimes, we need to enjoy the rain and praise God for it because we obviously need it. But other times, rainy days just help add to our gloominess that may have already settled in from other things.

I am reminded of a quote that I saw re-tweeted on Twitter the other day by Georgia Tech Women's Basketball Coach MaChelle Joseph. It states, "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain." What an awesome quote that is ... thanks, MaChelle for posting!!

Now granted, you won't see me running outside to dance in the rain today (since it's pretty cold here in North Carolina), but while we do weather personal storms, almost on a daily basis, we don't need to let those storms consume us. We get hit, we fall down. We need to learn to bounce back, get back up & not let it destroy us.

With God anything is possible! He allows us to go thru the storms to teach us a lesson. We may not understand why we are going thru some things, nor may we ever get the explanation for them. But we have to trust that God is in control and He is allowing us to go thru this to make us a better person, teach us a lesson, make us stronger and most importantly, bring us closer to Him.

So enjoy the rain, sleep a little and maybe this summer, get out and dance a little :)


  1. Love GT women's basketball and Coach Jo. She is always re-tweeting great quotes that somehow seem to apply to my day. :-)

    Sometimes dancing in the cold rain is just what is needed!! Great blog!

  2. I agree, Melissa. Coach Jo is always posting such applicable quotes! Thanks for the comments!
