Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sensational Springtime...

Hallelujah, winter is finally gone!!

I absolutely detest cold weather and all that comes along with it (well except for Christmas & basketball!) - but snow, ice, all that mess, it needs to stay away from me and North Carolina. I'm so grateful that spring has arrived and the temperatures can begin their climb.

Spring is the season where we can let our senses go wild! We SEE all the beautiful sights of nature; we SMELL the fragrances of the flowers blooming or even the freshly cut grass; we HEAR the sounds of the birds returning to their homes after their winter retreat; we FEEL the warmth of the air and the sunshine in all its glory; and well, I'm not sure what we TASTE, but I include good 'ole ice cream back into spring as it's too cold to eat it in the wintertime!

Spring brings the time change, which I am not a fan of losing an hour of sleep, but I am quite fine with gaining an extra hour of daylight for when I get home from work, I can now walk, play basketball or do something outside.

I am so thankful for this beautiful planet that God has created. What an awesome God we serve.

So take time this first week of Spring amd let your senses go wild and experience all that spring has for us.

Here are a few "springy" pictures that I've captured over the past few years:

**This is the view from the side of my house looking down thru our back yard**

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