Thursday, June 10, 2010

Just to see you smile ...

Doesn't it mean the world to you to make someone's day by doing something for them and seeing a smile creep across their face or hear the joy of laughter in their voices? I know that small thing can mean the world to me, and a lot of times just to make someone smile or laugh can help improve my day tremendously.

One of my daily goals is to make someone laugh or smile. No matter who it is nor what I have to do, I always strive each day to make someone laugh and smile. No matter how bad I may personally feel on the inside, there is no point in making others gloomy or seeing them gloomy, too. Sometimes by cheering them up, it can also help boost your own self-esteem and turn your day around. What is that saying about taking lemons and turning them into lemonade? Well it's something sort of like that, though I prefer the saying taking lemons and turning it into chocolate, haha!

Anyways, I have had several times this week where I have seen joy come from all sorts of people and that has really helped me to stay positive and have an okay week. I started this week off by stopping by to drop off some Silly Bandz for the kids at my church's summer, track-out camp. It was so cool to see the excitement in the kids' eyes over something as small and simple as a Silly Bandz. My favorite was a sweet little girl who came up to me and asked oh so politely if she could have a Silly Band. She went on to say how she had never had one before and her family couldn't get them for her (I'm assuming because of finances). It nearly broke my heart; I was ready to give her all the bandz I had on my arm. But needless to say, she picked a sunshine as her choice. So making that little girl's day by giving her a small Silly Bandz truly helped me realize that small things do make a difference in our daily lives.

We never know who may be hurting around us and whether it is something as simple as a small hello, a short email, a hug, or just a small word or deed, it could possibly impact their life and turn their sour day into a sweet one. Always remember, everyone needs to smile. I love seeing the smiles on my parents' faces, small kids, my best friend, older people ... you name it, seeing them smile and hearing them laugh, is not only good medicine for them, but it is for me and it helps me realize that I've accomplished my goal for the day.

Tell people you love them, hug those you are close to and spend as much time as you can with your friends and family. We don't know when our last day might be and we need to hold on tight to all our memories and live every day to the fullest. If you let yourself get too tied down with work or other activities that replaces the time you should be spending with your family & friends, just think when those people are gone years from now, you'll have missed out on spending time with them.

Anyways ... have a blessed day and let the sunshine in. I'll steal my friend Phyllis' motto: Live, Laugh and Love!


  1. So true... spread a little sunshine along life's way and show them the love of Jesus as you brighten their day. :)

  2. love the cupcake

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