Thursday, June 3, 2010

Opening your mouth ...

So it's been awhile since I've made a post and I have been so many places and have so much to update on but I'll do that later.

I just have a couple things to say, haha!

Don't you find it ironic how everyone has an opinion about everything and anything? There is absolutely nothing wrong with that HOWEVER when opinions turn into false accusations, it is better that you keep your mouth shut.

We all say things we regret and as they say, one day what you say you'll come to regret it, if it weren't true.

It seems lately to me that I've been the target of many false accusations (I won't get into all the little, itty bitty details). But while I am trying to brush those accusations off my shoulder, as I know they are not true, deep down it still affects you.

That's why whatever we say or whatever we might think about people, if it gets back to them, whether it is true or not, it will impact them. So we should be careful the assumptions we make about people because false assumptions & accusations not only hurt that person but can also impact others around them.

Just a little something to think about for those of you that read this little creation.

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