Friday, March 26, 2010

Groceries Galore

So, this week I have been working non-stop both at my full-time job and then after work assisting my friend, Phyllis, in preparations for a wedding reception she is directing on Saturday. Needless to say, I am mentally and physically exhausted AND to top it all off, I am battling bronchitis (talk about dedication!)

Last night, we had the task of going to buy the food. Wow, is about all I can say. We headed to Sam's Club and started the task of picking out foods. THREE Hours and THREE flat bed carts later, we were loading the van. I have never in my life spent so much money and time in one store. Our carts were loaded down so heavily, I had to get a running start to push them. You can only imagine what the van looked like, too!

Afterwards, we delivered it all back to the church manually lifting each box and toting it to the kitchen. Soon thereafter, we had to venture to Harris Teeter to pick up MORE supplies. We had so many people asking us whether we owned a restaurant or what all was going on.

It was a ton of hard work, and I am surprised I have been able to keep up with having bronchitis but it has been a lot of fun to help Phyllis. We are always up for an adventure. Am still running on very little sleep and probably will be thru the rest of the weekend, but guess what, now I'm off to BJ's to buy more stuff!!

Whoever would have thought all this preparation could be such hard work yet so much fun!!

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