Thursday, March 23, 2017


Each and every way we turn, we are slammed with all sorts of advertisements portraying the latest fashion trends that are hitting the catwalks around the world.  Some of the styles are quite trendy, whereas others can be quite ghastly and out of this world unusual.  In many ways, what is displayed on the catwalks can almost be compared to an art show.  With an art show, you likely go to a gallery to see the latest ideas of a local or renowned artist.  Fashion in some ways is very similar. People attend the fashion shows to get up to speed on what the upcoming trends and predictions will be.  I particularly like the quote “Fashion is art and you are the canvas.” What better way to tie the two together.  We as individuals are the blank canvas, and how we choose to paint ourselves with clothes and accessories brings the canvas to life.

Just as artists have their own designs and preferred items to paint, we as individuals also have our own styles and fashion ideas.  But ultimately, to me, fashion is all about being comfortable in your own shoes.  If you’re an individual who wants to spend every day in sweats and a t-shirt, then that’s your form of fashion and what fits you personally.  If you’re one who wants to feel fancy and wear formal wear, then that’s what tickles your fancy, and you should roll with it.

No matter what you prefer, that is your choice.  I know for myself, I like to create my own style and just wear whatever I feel most comfortable in.  A lot of people always chide me for dressing too fancy, but to me, what they consider fancy, is not at all what I consider fancy.  It is all in who we are as individuals. It is all personal preference. We need to be true to ourselves and dress how we want.  If others don’t appreciate you for that or if they think your fashion trends are “too out there,” then that’s their opinion.  Don’t allow their opinion to sway you from dressing in the way that you feel most comfortable. 

As Coco Chanel says, “Fashion is in the sky, in the street. Fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.”  Fashion is everywhere, and it is all encompassing.  Embrace it and become your own individual fashionista.  If you want to mix prints, go ahead.  Do whatever you feel most suits you and your personality!  I have my own lists of personal do’s and don’ts, but they apply only to me, as I don’t try to force my ideas on anyone.  But if one asks my advice, sure I’ll be glad to give you input.  But the overall most important lesson is, let your own fashion ideas be a representation of you and your inner-self.  Don’t be afraid to let your own light shine!

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