Tuesday, March 7, 2017


Époustoutflant is a French adjective that can be interpreted in a variety of ways – staggering, mind-boggling or stunning.  But the definition that I choose to explore is ‘breathtaking’.

Don’t we often all see something that we can only describe as breathtaking or have a moment that takes our breath away?  It could be something grand or even a small, simple gesture that leaves us complete awestruck.

I am always reminded of this simple yet powerful quote which says:

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the places and moments that take our breath away.” 

What a powerful statement that is, and how spot-on accurate.  

God knows precisely how many breaths we take per day (although mine currently are likely limited thanks to a joyous cold/flu bug, ha!), but there’s no way we could possibly sit and count how many times we take a breath on a daily basis.  (Well, I’m sure you could count them if you wanted to, but you would have to be pretty bored if that was something you wanted to do.)  

Notre Dame Basilica
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
While we likely don't ever get a calculation on how many physical breaths we take, I can guarantee you that we will more than likely remember the moments that have taken our breath away – notes from those who care about us, a picture, a scene from nature...the list could be endless.

There are two moments (of many) in which I remember being completely awestruck or having moments of seeing something that I found completely breathtaking, and I will share those just briefly.  

The first occurred during my first trip to Canada in July of 2015.  I had seen pictures online of the Notre Dame Basilica in Montreal and knew that it was one place I wanted to be sure to visit.  The pictures online made it look exquisite, but they do not do it justice.  When I first walked in through the main doors and saw the ornate décor and the sights before me, I had an audible gasp.  The colors were immaculate and it just brought just a peaceful calm to such a holy sanctuary.  To top it off, a chorale group was walking down the aisle singing.  I had no idea what they were singing, as it was in French, but nonetheless, I took a seat on a pew and took in the beauty that surrounded as their voices lifted up melodious choruses in such a pristine place.  It was an incredible moment to say the least.

Haystack Rock
Cannon Beach, Oregon
The second memorable moment for me was when I went on a trip to the West Coast in May of 2016.  One of our stops was to see the Pacific Ocean.  Growing up on the East Coast with the Atlantic Ocean just a little over an hour away from my home, we often take for granted that there are other oceans out there or even take for granted that some people may never get to see a coastline in their lives.  So, naturally, when I headed westward, I was excited to see how the Pacific Coast looked in comparison to my own.  When we first walked out on to the beach at Cannon Beach in Oregon near the infamous Haystack Rock, I was totally awestruck.  The ultra-soft sand, the enormously wide beaches, the large rocky coastline, the sound of the waves crashing along the shore.  It was utterly peaceful and serene.  What made it all the more magical was that if you looked one way, there was the ocean and when you turned the opposite direction, there were mountains.  In my state, while we have both the mountains and the ocean, as well, they are separated by four to five hours, not just a mere glance from left to right.  It was one of the most amazing sights I had ever witnessed. 

Over the course of the next few days, I encourage you to open your eyes and your mind and absorb what surrounds you.  It could be a lovely sunset (or sunrise), a cascading waterfall, a letter from the one you love, a photograph of someone you cherish or some random small act of kindness.  Turn your senses in to those more breathtaking moments and learn to make them magical!  

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