Monday, August 4, 2014

Y is for ...


Do you ever ponder what life was like back in the “olden” days? As I have gotten older, I have realized that there are days (it seems more and more frequently as of late), that I often wish we could go back to those days of old where life seemed to be more carefree and full of hard-workers. I often look at my 95 year old Grandpa, who still has the desire to actually go out and work yet no one will hire a 95 year old! So, he has resorted to staying home and building bird boxes, canes and stools. Isn’t it somewhat sad that a 95 year old has more of a heart of working than most people who are actually “working” in today’s age? The days of yesteryear are sadly fading fast – there is less concern and compassion for those around you, much less there is even an actual desire to want to work and be productive. Technology and new innovations are constantly erasing what sadly remains of the days of doing things by hand and actual using your mental, brain power to help do the work! However, not all inventions have necessarily been a bad invention!

I will be the first to admit that I am not sure I could survive living in such rustic and secluded areas that I have seen while out touring some of the mountain farmlands that have been preserved for us to take a trek back in to the land of old. Can you imagine living in a log cabin out in the middle of the mountains and woods with no running water nor electricity and good ‘ole Smokey the Bear comes peeking in your window? Umm…, I find that might be a bit unnerving. But in hindsight, I can imagine their life was probably a lot less stressful than ours is today. I even think back to one of my earlier blogs on the Amish people. While they are full of mystery, they are still dedicated to their heritage and many continue the trends of yesteryear of growing their own foods, living without electricity and not having vehicles. Sometimes their work ethic and heritage is something that we should highly revere.

I love visiting historic sights, whether in the mountains or at the beach or anywhere in between. It just takes you back to a place in time where you can reflect and let your senses get lost in the past and leave this crazy, hectic present day world for a little bit of time. If only, there were days we could bring the carefree past back in to the present. We have truly become a spoiled nation, who sadly takes so much and even each other for granted. When was the last time you sat on an old, hard wooden pew, in a non-air conditioned building for your church service? Likely not in many years, as we are now spoiled with padded pews, air conditioning and all sorts of technology that surrounds our every move, but wouldn’t it be nice to have a church service occasionally in an old, frame church listening to the sounds of the old-style piano play uniquely sounding chords as we lift our voices in praise? I think that would be a nice trek to take on occasion.

And can you honestly imagine cruising along the interstate on your daily commute to and from work in your styling wagon? Oh, how far we have come from a horse drawn wagon taking family to town or church or various places in their communities. Now, we are all trying to keep up with the Jones’ for who can have the newest, biggest and shiniest car. Will that really matter in the long run – whether you drive a BMW or a Prius or a Ford 150 or a Beetle Bug? NO! I just recently made the comment that with the high cost of auto insurance that I would like to ride a horse to work and tie him up outside my window and let him prune the grass. Hey! just think, travelling in a horse-drawn wagon was a lot less cheaper method of transportation than our fancy rides of today! Hmm…I think I hear a horse in my future!!

Next time you are out and about and see a festival or some sort of historical sight, take an extra few minutes to stop by and check out what is going on. You never know what you might learn. Even if you go to the NC State Fair, take a stroll through the Village of Yesteryear and check out some of the crafts that are being made. And if you decide to go out and venture in to the woods of a rustic, mountain cabin and take a hike over to a waterfall, be on the lookout for ole’ Smokey and give him a wave as you keep passing right on by.

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