Wednesday, July 2, 2014

W is for ...


We all have favorite cities or places that we like to visit. I have a whole host of favorites. But ever since I was a little girl, the city of Wilmington, North Carolina, has always had a special place in my heart, so much so that I used to call it “my city”. For those of you who have never been to Wilmington, it is a very historic city yet one that is also very modern. Downtown Wilmington sits right along the Cape Fear River, and the outer lying fingers of the city limits is just mere minutes from the local beaches and the Atlantic Ocean. What a perfect place to reside, right?

I have always loved the historic downtown area with its many unique shops and the relaxing river walk. One of my favorite places to visit is the Cotton Exchange. This is a collection of buildings that once was used as a cotton mill, but has since been converted into many shops and restaurants that are still housed within the original building. If you ever visit the Cotton Exchange, please make sure to stop by Top Toad, and you absolutely MUST eat at Paddy’s Hollow. Oh! This makes me wish I was there right now! After visiting the Cotton Exchange, I usually either take a stroll down Front Street or go for a stroll along the peaceful river walk and watch some of the many boats and ships that come in to the Port of Wilmington. You can even climb the stairs of the courthouse much like Andy Griffith used to do in Matlock!

Another of highlight along the Cape Fear River is the USS North Carolina Battleship. The USS North Carolina is docked within the Cape Fear River across from Downtown Wilmington. It is such a neat sight to see when you are walking down the river walk and look across to see this giant World War II battleship on display. I have toured the battleship when I was younger and was absolutely amazed at its size. This is another must see in the Wilmington area. It makes you truly proud of all the servicemen who served our great nation and seeing that all they had to endure.

But in all honesty, my most favorite sight and landmark of Wilmington is probably something that most people would think rather odd. No, it’s not the battleship or any shop in particular, it’s not one of the beautiful historic homes or churches or any of the flower gardens, but ironically, it is the drawbridge. The drawbridge in Wilmington is one of the most unique pieces of architecture I have seen. I have always been enthralled by it. Crossing it as a child used to absolutely amaze me as I could not believe we were driving across something that you could practically see through! When you see most drawbridges open to allow the ships to pass thru the waterway underneath them, most will typically split in half and open up vertically and others may spin to the side to open, but the drawbridge in Wilmington is a bit different. The entire middle section will actually rise apart from the rest of the bridge and lift heavenward to adjust to the size of the ship coming thru below. When the U.S. Coast Guard’s Eagle came in to Wilmington for an annual nautical parade, the drawbridge had to be raised to its highest point and even then the Eagle barely squeaked by below. No matter when I go to Wilmington, I always have to take a picture of the bridge. Sure it never changes, but it is just a signature element within the Wilmington landscape. It is affectionately also known as “Meredith’s bridge” – okay, in reality it is not, that’s just a name we gave it.

Fortunately for me, whenever I am feeling some Wilmington blues, I just have to jump on I-40 and head eastbound and can usually get there in a little over an hour from my home. It is a city that I often go to for day trips and even just for shopping trips. It is a fun place, though traffic can be an absolute nightmare, but you learn the side and back roads to avoid all of that. I have often said that when I get old and grey, I want to retire there to one of the historic homes perched up on the banks of the Cape Fear River. I guess I will ultimately have to hit the jackpot or something to afford that, but I can keep dreaming! Go visit Wilmington or your favorite city and keep the small town charm alive!

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