Monday, March 4, 2013

Upcoming Series: The Coaches' Collection

While at a recent women’s basketball game, my friend, Linda and I were commenting on one of the visiting teams’ attire – from their shoes, to their uniforms and just their overall appearance, and then out walked their head coach, oh my goodness!!! We just looked at each other and shook our heads at the massive fashion faux-pas that was exhibited. Linda stated to me that I should start a blog on the fashion dos and don’ts of coaches these days. I started pondering the idea and thought it would be perfect, yet I also decided to put a twist on it – let’s not just focus solely on fashion dos and don’ts, but we must also include the overall dos and don’ts that both coaches, players, and yes, even referees need to be aware of while they are on the court.

As you all know, over the past few years, I have attended a variety of sporting events – from basketball to auto-racing, from hockey to baseball, from football to rodeo competitions -- I have covered a lot of ground. Yet during each of my adventures, I have realized that there are a lot of things that are overlooked that occur during these events. Some of these “moments”, I have managed to capture through my own camera lens – some are humorous, some are just questionable, some are terrific and some just leave you shaking your heads.

Before I begin this somewhat exciting endeavor (which will be broken down into numerous blogs for a variety of categories), let me just begin by stating that I do not mean to bash nor cause any harm to any of the players or coaches – I am solely expressing my own opinion as many news reporters of the day do, as well. My opinions will greatly differ from some of you, who may read my blog, but I am just pointing out some obvious things that many of us have picked up on over the years. These are players and coaches who are constantly being shown on TV or on the internet; coaches and players whom I greatly admire; and while we are to be focusing on their talents both on and off the court, sometimes, you just cannot help but see the “other” things that appear and it makes you take a step back to think “What were they thinking?” or “Are they doing this for a certain purpose?” And as you will note, I am not trying to pick on any one particular coach or team, you will see that some of my favorite players and coaches are going to be depicted in these upcoming entries.

Feel free to gather your own opinions and disagree with me if you like, but I guarantee you that the next time you watch a sporting event of any kind, you will see something that stands out (aside from the game itself) and think, hmmm….I see where she is coming from now! But for the most part, just try to have an open-mind and maybe some of them will leave you laughing, as well.

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