Friday, January 4, 2013

Let's Wrap it all up....Days 21-31

Day Twenty-One ~ Peace -- One Christmas song that I have always liked is Vince Gill's "Let There Be Peace on Earth"; wouldn't that be lovely if that could happen? Sadly, I don't think it ever will, but we can always dream of peaceful places and things that make us feel better. Christmas is a time when we do feel at peace -- maybe it's spending time with friends and family; but it is a peaceful season. A peaceful season that gives us the most comfort and peace thanks to the wonderful gift that we were given, Jesus!
Day Twenty-Two ~ Tradition -- Our big family tradition, ironically, usually always does take place on December 22nd, celebrating my Grandpa's birthday. This year he turned 94 years old, wow! He is still in relatively great health and still drives. He is even still mad that he cannot go back to work. (Now if only most people were like him!) This year we celebrated Grandpa's birthday at my cousins' home. It's the one time of the year that most of the entire family actually can get together. Hope that tradition will continue as long as we have Grandpa, I'm still holding out that he'll make it to 100!
Day Twenty-Three ~ Scarf -- Don't even ask about these wacky pictures. I decided than have the standard picture of a scarf draped around ones neck, I'd just do a variety of ways you can use the scarf. They are good inventions as they certainly do keep us warm this time of year; now we just need a Frosty the Snowman to put one around his neck!
Day Twenty-Four ~ Favorite Part of Christmas Eve -- Usually my favorite part of Christmas Eve has always been riding around local neighborhoods and viewing their display of luminaries throughout their communities. However, sadly, this year, not many people put out the luminaries -- whether it was due to the weather or just the lack of spirit, that somewhat disheartened me. So, I guess my second favorite part of Christmas Eve is usually baking the Christmas goodies. Though half of mine did not turn out as well as I had hoped this year, I still enjoyed sampling them!
Day Twenty-Five ~ Morning -- Ironically, Christmas morning at our house is usually quiet. Mom has gone off to her Dad's house to get prepared for the big family Christmas lunch; Dad is watching something on TV and I'm attempting to sleep and then get dressed. But I did snap a quick picture to prove that Santa did indeed arrive!
Day Twenty-Six ~ Grateful -- We have many things to be grateful for and I am grateful for the time I was able to spend with family over the holidays, as well as for the gifts I received. On the 26th, they were calling for extremely severe and rare weather for our part of North Carolina, including the threat of tornadoes. I am grateful that that weather did not make it to us and am grateful for the Lord's protection.
Day Twenty-Seven ~ Nighttime -- Everytime I see a moon, I am reminded of Rhonda Vincent's wonderful song "Missouri Moon" and while I have never been to Missouri, I am sure the moon in Missouri is as ever beautiful as the moon of North Carolina. The song for me is "My Heart Will Always Be in Carolina".
Day Twenty-Eight ~ Words -- Words surround us every way we turn -- we are constantly seeing them on TV, billboards and signs as we drive the highways of life, they're blared at us thru the radio -- words are everywhere. A few months ago as I was beginning to work on my 2012 Scrapbook, I made a 'wordle' of a variety of words that highlighted 2012; that's what I chose to use for my picture on this day!
Day Twenty-Nine ~ Sky View -- Nothing really needs to be said other than we have one beautiful world and nature surrounds us and we need to exhibit it more. I love this beautiful blue sky that we have. I snapped this through the window as we were driving down to Smithfield for dinner.
Day Thirty ~ Winter Wonderland -- Well in my part of North Carolina, we don't get a lot of snow, but when we do, it literally paralyzes us. I don't like it so much (since I hate cold weather), but it is pretty to see. So my Winter Wonderland of 2012 was basically just giving all my snowglobes a shake or two!
Day Thirty-One ~ Fun -- Happy New Year's Eve! While everyone was out and about partying and celebrating ways to bring in the New Year, I was at home not feeling that great. So Mom & I decided that we would turn on the TV and play Monopoly. We have quiet a collection of Monopoly boards, but this time we decided to just stick with good 'ole NC State Monopoly. And yes, in the end, Mom did end up winning! Happy New Year, Everyone!

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