Friday, December 21, 2012

The Photo-a-Day Challenge Continues on into Part Four!

Day Sixteen - Outside Christmas Lights -- One thing that I love about Christmastime is all the variety of decorations. Our family has a tradition of riding around to multiple neighborhoods, towns and cities and viewing everyone's decorations. Our first stop this year was over in the Historic Oakwood neighborhood in downtown Raleigh. These older, rustic homes are always lovely to view and a place that I always want to see every year. I never understood why I wanted to go there every year, but Mom made the comment while we were riding around that when I was just a month old, one of the first places they brought me to view Christmas lights was in Oakwood. I thought that was very neat and maybe why I like to go there so much! It is so amazing to see how the variety of outdoor decorations have evolved over the past few years. I cannot wait until we go out again this weekend and look at more areas and their light displays! (And yes, I realize I posted more than ONE photo for Day Sixteen!)
Day Seventeen -- Presents -- My motto has always been (as it should be for most) that is is better to give than to receive. Yet, of course, we all do love to receive presents, who doesn't? Under our tree already, even back in November, we already had a few presents piling up. As a kid, you used to get a ton of presents, but as we get older, we realize that either we can already buy what we want or just don't need as much as we used to think we did. But no matter what we receive this year, we should always be thankful. Even if you get something you may not 100% like, don't gripe and complain because someone put some time and thought into pondering your gift, be appreciative of them even thinking about you in the first place!
Day Eighteen -- Stockings -- Yes, so I cheated on the "stockings" picture. Sure I could've taken a picture of Mom's lovely nutcracker themed stockings that she has so wonderfully hanging on our mantle at home. But no, I decided I would just take a picture of some that were on sale in a store. I hope this Christmas that everyone finds some wonderful treasures hidding in their stockings!
Day Nineteen - Candy Cane -- A feature that we see on most any store shelf this time of year are Candy Canes. It is amazing to see how many different kinds and flavors of Candy Canes exist these days. But, personally, I still love the "original" candy canes or else the cherry-flavored ones. Here Mom had her Candy Canes displayed in a votive with the angel watching over them!
Day Twenty -- Tree Topper -- We may be one of the only families who does not have an actual topper on our Christmas tree. Most people have angels or stars or something; but we have some gold, glittery leaves sticking up at the top. But that does not compare to the awesome original tree topper that is already placed up in this tree that I pass each day on the way to work -- mistletoe! A holiday original just waiting for the right couple to pass underneath!

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